Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1354: The Rong family's magical technique! 1 more

"Miss sister, Mother Empress is awake." Taiyi Shenhua's voice came to Ye Qianli's ears at this moment, making her slightly startled when she was saying goodbye to Jinfeng.

Rong Mo Dun clasped her hand tightly and asked, "Are you awake?" He knew very well that except for the change of his mother-in-law's situation, his little leopard would not suddenly lose his mind.

"What's the matter?" Jin Feng and the others also felt strangely asked.

Ye Qianli was about to explain a few words, but Rong Mo said to the gatekeeper, "Senior, do you have a room to take care of things?"

As soon as the gatekeeper heard it, he knew that there was something important and had to be done out of sight, so he immediately nodded and said, "Yes, follow me."

"Thank you." Rong Mo was not polite.

This made Feng Junyi, who saw the subtlety, ask immediately, "Do you need help?"

"Thank you!" Ye Qianli pondered, if the mother's whereabouts were really confirmed, the High Priest of Taiyi who was far away in the Three Thousand Regions of the West would not be able to help, and might have to rely on the Phoenix and Dragon Clans, so she did not refuse.

So the group of people who were about to separate immediately followed the gatekeeper, making all the "garrisons" who were staring here look different.


After a while, the gatekeeper led everyone to his residence, which was a small courtyard near Wangqing Cliff, surrounded by terrifying forbidden formations.

But Ye Qianli held her back with some worry, and Rong Mona was holding her hand, saying: "Your Highness, your body..." She did not forget what the king said.

"Don't worry." After Rong Mo comforted him, the gatekeeper had already opened the courtyard door, "Everyone, please."

"Thank you." A group of people thanked and entered.

After entering the courtyard, Feng Junyi said calmly, "Qianli, we will wait in the courtyard. If you need anything, just call again."

Although the specific situation is not very clear, people like Feng Junyi can already see from the subtleties that there are some things about Rong Mo and Ye Qianli that are inconvenient for them to know.

So Feng Junyi didn't intend to enter the house, and offered to wait in the courtyard, which saved Ye Qianli's explanation, and she immediately said gratefully, "Thank you, I will talk about this matter in detail later."

"It's okay if you don't say anything, let's go!" Jin Feng urged, she vaguely knew that Ye Qianli and Rong Mo's rush must have something to do with Ye Qianli's mother.

The gatekeeper also opened a door at this moment, and said to Rongmo, "This room is reserved by King Cang, so don't worry about being peeped at."

"Thank you." Rong Mo walked towards the house without any nonsense, and Xiao Yi'er, who was leaning on him, naturally followed him in. Ye Qianli immediately punched Jin Feng and the others, and then hurried into the house.

As soon as the door was closed, Ye Qianli led the empress out of the ancient battlefield, but the latter still closed her eyes tightly and did not wake up! ? this……

"She really opened her eyes just now! I didn't lie to you, little sister." Taiyi Shenhua also came out this time, and quickly explained from the side.

Of course Ye Qianli would not doubt Taiyi Shenhua's words, not to mention that Rong Mo had already said, "Mother's soul is out of order and her energy is low, so she falls asleep frequently, but her soul and soul are stable, you protect me .”

After saying this, before Ye Qianli could respond, Rong Mo had already shot the light of Sumeru towards the Empress, and began to search for the location of the Empress without any nonsense.

Xiao Yi'er immediately floated off his father carefully to the ground, then quietly walked to his mother's side with the sacred beast of judgment in his arms, and guarded his father and his grandmother together with his mother.


Outside the house, Feng Junyi already knew roughly from Jin Feng that Ye Qianli's mother was kidnapped by the master of the void world, and only then did she know what nasty things Sheng Fan and Tian Qibei did in Wangqing Cliff, and even more How dirty the means of the world lord of the void are.

"The faceless world leader must be a thousand years old! He is still so obscene." Tai Yichen couldn't imagine it, only felt that the world leader of the void world had lowered the prestige of the domain king realm powerhouse.

As a domain king-level character, it is said that he has long been indifferent to these men and women's love, carnal desire, etc. For them, only martial arts are supreme! Only then can they make waves in their hearts.

who would have thought...

"It's disgusting!" Feng Junyi, who is also a woman, snorted secretly. She really didn't expect that in this world, there are old whores who are at the level of domain kings. It's really a declining world.

"I hope Qianli can rescue her mother soon." Jinfeng only hoped that everything goes well, even though she didn't understand why Ye Qianli's mother was seen when everyone came out. Mother was gone.

But this didn't stop her from praying, she knew very well that Ye Qianli was a sentimental person, if her mother had been in the hands of the Lord of the Void Realm, Ye Qianli would be bound.

Fortunately, the World Master of the Void Realm was only guessing that the woman should be Ye Qianli's mother, and he was not sure yet. I just hope everything goes well! smoothly……

And in fact—

Ye Batian and the Empress, who were fleeing to Fengcheng at the moment, were doing well, because they had at least escaped from the realm of nothingness, and were getting closer and closer to Fengcheng.

"Whoosh!" Ye Batian, who kept jumping in the sky, just wanted to hurry up! Faster, he knew very well that as long as he arrived in Fengcheng, everything would be easy.

Because Ye Batian knew very well that Fengcheng was a place where the lord of the void world would not dare to openly attack, and his daughter and others might also be in Fengcheng.

the most important is! If there is no problem with his arrangement, Ye'er's other ghost, daughter and son-in-law must have been saved safely.


As long as you get to Fengcheng! All problems will definitely be solved, and the old bastard master of the void world will no longer be able to control his Ye'er, let alone use Ye'er and him to control his daughter and son-in-law.

Even though the development of all this was not what he expected, he did not expect that old bastard in the void world! Still knew the identities of him and Ye'er.

Even if it's just a guess! But with that old bastard's scheming, it can definitely be verified, old bastard...


Ye Batian was thinking full of hatred, but the empress in his arms couldn't help coughing lightly, which made him hold her tighter, "Ye'er, it's almost here! We will see you soon My daughter and Yi'er are gone, you have to hold on."

"Cough cough..." The empress coughed weakly a few times, because her soul was not in order, she was a little confused, but she still remembered her daughter, and even more remembered the little fierce grandson that her daughter gave birth to, so she replied firmly ,"good."

But she didn't finish answering this good, in the void! "Om", but two huge figures appeared, surrounded by them, blocking Ye Batian's way.

"Xiongba! You can't escape." The two half-step domain kings of the void realm who finally locked their positions have precisely stopped Ye Batian and the two of them, and robbed them in a domain hundreds of thousands of miles away from Fengcheng. in the air.

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