Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1369 Great Era! 1 more


"Buzz! Buzz..."

In Fengcheng, in the legendary land of the Feng clan, there are sycamore leaves full of vitality and majestic aura, which have been born towards the sky and spread into the sky according to the intention of the ancestor of the phoenix tree.

But in a short while, the sycamore tree with lingering fire rhyme has already grown branches and vines, interlaced and coiled in the dark space, shining with the stars, dazzling.

"Since the high priest has this intention, this old man is also willing to help the young master, so as to usher in the era of prosperity in my world." The gentle voice of the patriarch Wutong, at the moment when the miracle was formed, emanated faintly, like a fairy voice.

But it called the hearts of everyone present! They were all so shaken that they "buzzed" and couldn't believe what they saw and heard at the moment. After all, the Tiandao hunting ground was no joke.

Everyone at the top of the scene knew that since the era of the king of the ten thousand domains, the hunting ground of the way of heaven has never been opened again. At first, everyone only thought that the ten thousand domains needed to recuperate. When they need it in the future, the king of the ten thousand domains will open the way of heaven hunting grounds.

But the fact is that the Tiandao hunting ground has never appeared since then, and the King of Ten Thousand Realms and Mishan have also disappeared into the world, as if they no longer exist.

Today, although there are still legends about the King of Myriad Domains in the world, the Hongmeng Cultivation Field also reminds Wanyu of how powerful the King of Myriad Territories is.

However, existences such as the king of the domain, such as the king of the domain, have subconsciously believed that the king of the myriad domains may have returned to the ruins, and Mount Sumeru may no longer exist.


"Young master, please." Patriarch Wutong has spoken again, as if he has confirmed it! Rong Mo is the young master of Wanyu, and he will definitely be able to summon the hunting ground of Tiandao.


All the domain kings stared at Rong Mo subconsciously, even the Zhi Wang and Yuan Wang couldn't help but look at him with dark eyes, in all fairness! They are the least convinced that Rong Mo is really the young master of Wanyu, otherwise they would not be so presumptuous.

It's no wonder they think so, after all, after the era of the King of Ten Thousand Realms, the King of Ten Thousand Realms and Mount Sumeru have become legends, and in the past endless years, they have never become reality again.

That's why when Rong Mo's identity was revealed to the world, the kings of the three regions except the old sage king would remain silent. After all, Rong Mo really didn't have the ability to prove himself.

who ever thought...


At the moment when Tian asked to fulfill the marriage contract, the high priest of Taiyi actually proposed Wanyu arbitration and called the Tiandao hunting ground.

You must know that if Rong Mo is not the young master of Wanyu, then both Rong Mo and him will be punished unbearably if they cannot summon the hunting ground of Heavenly Dao.

Furthermore, even if Rong Mo is really the young master of the myriad domains, but he is still so weak, how can he summon the hunting ground of heaven that only the king of the myriad domains could summon back then? !

But if Rong Mo can't, why should ancestor Wutong have such an existence? After all, once Patriarch Wutong participated in the summoning, he would have to bear the consequences of the failure of the summoning, okay?


"Are they crazy?" Yuan Wang just found it difficult to understand. After all, in his opinion, even if Rong Mo's bloodline is fine, this summoning has a failure rate of more than 90%.


At this moment, the high priest has stepped into the void. When he held up the Taiyi staff, there was endless Taiyi aura, which had diffused from his body into the vast space, like a river of stars.


The patriarch of Wutong also exuded, and the gurgling water-like vitality, which complemented the Taiyi breath, formed a cosmic elephant that made Ye Qianli amazed.

She seemed to see the development of the Xingyun Avenue, and also seemed to see the explosion of the Milky Way, and Rong Mo, who was beside her, stepped out of the sky at this moment, standing on the elephant in this space.

The power of priests! The deduction of vitality was injected into his body and turned into his foundation, so that when he palmed the Sumeru Hammer, he gave birth to a bright sky.

Huge ancient trees, majestic monsters, and majestic ancient scenes quickly appeared in the eyes of everyone from the sky.

Let everyone's qi and blood shake up! because……

"Heavenly Dao Hunting Ground!"

The kings of all regions can clearly understand from these scenes that the Tiandao hunting ground is really about to be summoned, so how can they not be excited?

This is the hunting ground of heaven! it, he...

Rong Mo this son! He can actually summon the Heavenly Dao Hunting Ground! ?

Even if he didn't succeed in summoning in the end, his identity as the Young Master of Myriad Domains had been revealed without a doubt, and many people who didn't believe in his identity were greatly shocked.

"The son of the king of ten thousand domains, he is really the son of the king of ten thousand domains." Many people murmured to themselves in astonishment, while many still had doubts in their eyes and stubbornness of not shedding tears without seeing the coffin.

The sacred light in the sky, under the attention of everyone with mixed emotions, finally condensed into a hunting ground wrapped in regular divine light.

There are endless monsters inside! The mountains are high and dangerous, and the ancient trees are vast. It seems that an ancient world is melting into the world, which makes people yearn for it.

"The hunting ground of the Dao of Heaven is open, and the era of the king of the myriad domains will begin again." The high priest of Taiyi announced solemnly at this moment with a Hong Zhong-like voice.

"The hunting ground of heaven is open, the era of the king of the myriad domains! Restart—" the voice of the ancestor of Wutong spread like a broadcaster, and then scattered into all major domains, as if it could spread throughout the myriad domains.

Wanyu! shock.

The era of the king of ten thousand domains, what a glorious era it was, and how many legends it created, everyone at the scene knew it well.


The era of the king of the ten thousand domains starts again, this ten thousand domains! But is there going to be another batch of characters like Cang Wang? Or, is there another cutting-edge figure like the King of Ten Thousand Territories to be reappeared?


"The hunting ground of the Dao of Heaven has opened, all the Daoes of the Ten Thousand Realms! All rules and powers have recovered, Tian Zhaoyuan! The high priest of the Heavenly Dao you want will be upgraded to the Arbitration of the Ten Thousand Realms for you. Are you satisfied?" Taiyi Dao asked. The voice of the priest asked Tian Zhaoyuan at this time.

The stunned King Yuan came back to his senses, looked at Rong Mo with complicated eyes, and said, "Since the Heavenly Dao hunting ground has been opened, Wanyu Arbitration naturally deserves its name, but whether to open Wanyu Arbitration or not?" , this king needs to go back to the Tian clan to hold a meeting of elders for further discussion."

After saying this, King Yuan helped up the king who had been crushed by the Dragon Emperor before, and took everyone from the Tian clan away, just like that! ?


Ye Qianli was a little stunned, but she saw that Rong Mo and the high priest didn't mean to pay attention, so she didn't say anything, but looked at them with some puzzlement.

Why does she feel that these two have a little secret that she doesn't know?

But at this moment, not only the Tian clan walked quickly, but also the Qin clan's Yanyue Dao and Qin Chuan disappeared, as if they were in a hurry to go back and do something, which made Ye Qianli even more at a loss.

"Let's go." After the ancestor of Phoenix said, he and the ancestor of Wutong disappeared in front of everyone. The Dragon King of the South China Sea also bid farewell to Lord Feng, "Lord Feng, the hunting ground of the way of heaven has opened. This king will take Yingyun back first. , Let the two young ones get married in the future."

The two of Jin and Feng were startled when they heard it! But Phoenix Lord agreed, this...

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