Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1370 Mo Tianshou! 2 more

The domain kings were so "at a loss", which puzzled all the powerhouses present, because many people actually only had a half-knowledge about the Tiandao hunting ground.

However, this did not prevent the Taiyi Clan from detaining several high-level officials from the Void Realm, but the high priest, the young old man, did not stay in Fengcheng, but used Fengcheng's teleportation array and skyship to drive back to the Taiyi Divine Kingdom.

Lord Feng didn't want to keep him, he only said that we would meet again in the next day, and began to instruct the people in the clan to immediately select young talents without any mistakes.

"What is the Tiandao Hunting Ground?" Ye Qianli had no time to ask. It wasn't that she didn't ask about the magic box, but because she discovered that the magic box had been stupefied since the Tiandao Hunting Ground appeared, and she hasn't recovered from it until now. .

"Ah?" Xiao Yi'er called out in confusion.

The little old man, the high priest, stroked the little guy's back, and Xu Sheng explained, "I don't know exactly what the Heavenly Dao Hunting Ground is, but according to the ancient records, it is the top training ground in the Ten Thousand Domains.

Cangwang, Dijiang, Shennong and other figures back then had all practiced in the Tiandao hunting ground. It was the breeding ground for the top powerhouses of the Ten Thousand Realms, and it was said that they could only be summoned by the King of the Ten Thousand Realms. "

Ye Qianli subconsciously looked at Rong Mo when he heard it, but Rong Mo who was watched nodded and said: "What the high priest said is good, I just want to take it one step further."

"But the hidden dangers that exist may also become bigger because of this. You have to be mentally prepared." The high priest, the little old man, warned quite solemnly.

But Rong Mo said indifferently, "I know it well."

"That's good." The high priest, the little old man, breathed a sigh of relief.

But Ye Qianli asked in confusion, "Your Highness, High Priest, why do I feel that you two are hiding a little secret from me, why can't I understand it?"

"You really don't understand?" Rong Mo raised his eyebrows and gave her a sideways glance. He was sure that this little leopard of his didn't use his brain at all, rather than he really didn't understand.

"Ah!" Xiao Yi'er shouted, "I don't understand! Yi doesn't understand."

"Hahaha! You are a good boy." The little old man, the high priest, was amused, but he explained neatly, "Once the hunting ground of the Heavenly Dao is opened, many entrants will be able to obtain extraordinary power from it, including the forces from the void world." .

And there is no suspense about Rong Mo's identity, those forces that want to deal with him will definitely do their best to deal with him, and he will have no 'identity' to hide. "

Ye Qianli was still puzzled and asked, "Then why is it at this time? It's because your strength is just enough, high priest, and the ancestor of Wutong is right here, can you help?"

"One of these." The high priest responded, "The second is that your highness has accumulated enough strength. The patriarch Wutong and I are just playing support, and the main force is your highness."

However, when facing the same problem, the Phoenix Lord in the Feng Clan's mansion added an additional explanation, "Third, Tian's desire to take away Young Master Mo's wife may be the most important reason for him to decide to call the Tiandao hunting ground." The reason is that he doesn’t want to hide his strength and bide his time.”

"That's right. As far as the current situation is concerned, the Taiyi Divine Kingdom will have to fight against the Void Realm and the Sheng clan. If the Tian clan is added, the Taiyi Divine Kingdom has no chance of winning. Even if it wins in the end, it will be a miserable victory.

But once the Heavenly Dao hunting ground is opened, the focus of all forces must be within the Heavenly Dao hunting ground, and issues such as the start of war and marriage certificates will naturally be postponed.

This is very beneficial to Young Master Mo and Goddess Ye. They, the Taiyi people, and the people around Goddess Ye only need time and experience. "Feng Junyi analyzed slowly, and thoroughly understood Rong Mo's layout.

Yes, there is no legendary Sumeru Army around Rong Mo, and the suspected existence of Dragon Emperor is not as strong as in the legend, and he can't order the powerful people of Wanyu to listen to him.

But it's okay...

The Heavenly Dao Hunting Ground opens!

Almost all problems are solved.


In a glacier world in the Northern Three Thousand Regions, Xue Yin, who just came out of retreat, immediately received a call from the Snow King, asking him to meet him quickly.

Xue Yin didn't neglect, and he had just finished paying homage to Snow King, who got straight to the point and said, "Heavenly Dao Hunting Ground has opened, you should prepare and go to Wanyu City in a few days."

"Yes, Master."

"Also, if you can resolve the conflict with Ye Qianli, then resolve it. If you really can't, you must kill her and her husband in the Tiandao hunting ground."

"Yes! Disciple understands."

"Remember." Snow King solemnly urged.

Xue Yin blinked slightly, but seriously thought about the conflict between him and Ye Qianli.

And when the Snow King informed Xue Yin, among the Zhu and Qin families in the Southern Three Thousand Regions, similar instructions were also given to the juniors by the seniors of the Zhu and Qin families.

Even in the Demon Realm, after receiving the news, the Demon King initiated the gathering of heroes in the Demon Realm. All the big monsters and monsters in the Demon Realm were ordered to enter the Demon Palace and wait for the command of the Demon Kings.


Wanyu City.

It is located in the central area of ​​Wanyu, and it is a city that existed in the era of the king of Wanyu, but it has been in ruins before the Tiandao hunting ground appeared.

Because no one or force could enter this ancient city before the Tiandao Hunting Ground appeared. Although it could be seen, it was shrouded in invisible power, making it impossible for people to get close.

Now, with the coming of the Tiandao Hunting Ground, it has once again glowed with vitality, becoming a brand new city in the center of Wanyu! Waiting for the arrival of various forces.

As a result, Wanyu became more and more lively! Many people who learned the news later were able to confirm that the Tiandao Hunting Ground was really coming because of the changes in Wanyu City.

So shortly after the change in Wanyu City, the power of the domain king came to Wanyu City one after another. After that, the super clans from the east, west, north, south, and north regions, as well as the rising trends, also rushed over.

Even those powers that had been hidden for a long time came out restlessly, just because this is the hunting ground of the Dao of Heaven! It represents the era of the king of the myriad domains, an era of gathering heroes.

Shortly after……

The identity of Rong Mo's young master, the king of myriad domains, has been widely spread! In Wanyu, many people are convinced, and they regard Rong Mo as the young master.

"It's no wonder that in the past, the Feng Clan protected Goddess Taiyi. Today, it seems that the Feng Clan is really far-sighted." Many people murmured with emotion when they saw the Feng Clan's camp.

But there were also people who couldn't help being agitated when they saw the group of celestial figures from the Phoenix clan, "The Phoenix clan is not only powerful, but all the women in the clan are also beautiful. It's a pity that they can't marry, they can only marry."

"Even as a married woman, if I can marry a girl from the Feng clan, I would be happy." It has to be said that the faction of the Feng clan, which is full of beauties, is really destructive to all forces.

As a result, only a small number of people noticed that the four major clans of the Southern Three Thousand Regions arrived almost at the same time, and the Qin, Zhu, and Nanhai Dragon Clans also arrived in Wanyu City successively.

When Zhu Xiaowen landed in Wanyu City, he saw the endless hunting ground on the sky, which made his pupils shrink slightly, but he saw a line of purple awns coming from the west, and for a while...

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