Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1532 Rong's Serial Pit! 1 more

Shi Gongzi's words were eloquent, with a majestic aura! The leaders of all the tribes in the audience were surprised.

They all knew that the tenth palace was the only son of the demon concubine Medusa, but as far as they knew, the tenth palace was just an ordinary devil, even a little limp.

But looking at it today, he is born soft, but his temperament is not soft at all! Qi Gongzi pressed on every step of the way, but he was able to defuse it with ease.

So much interest was added to the eyes of the Demon King, and he said, "Old Qi, what do you think?"

"My son..." Qi Gongzi was actually a little bit lost, but he put aside this lack of confidence in a blink of an eye. He felt that the old ten would be so confident, but he didn't know it.

Thinking about it this way, Qi Gongzi said with confidence, "After all, the old ten is young, and he will never die if he doesn't see the Witch King." His words were a bit evasive, and he directly ignored the so-called "soul flying away".

But he wanted to ignore it, but Shi Gongzi mentioned it again softly, "Qi Gongzi, what your majesty is asking! If the people around me are not thieves, I will send you out of your wits! How about it?"

"Old..." Although Qi Gongzi had the bottom line in his heart, he didn't want to gamble so big, but it was hard to spit out what he said, because the Demon King said again, "That's right, old Qi, this Can you afford the price?"

"My son..." Qi Gongzi gritted his teeth, and immediately knelt down and said, "My son can afford it!"

"Okay, then we'll investigate thoroughly." The Demon King said solemnly, "Come here! Please come, the Witch King."

As soon as the Demon King issued this order, the Demon Attendant personally went to invite the Witch King to come, and the banquet hall fell into a quiet waiting atmosphere for a while.

Ye Qianli was still worried! Although she doesn't really need to worry about it, after all, she still has the last retreat - the ancient battlefield.

Even if there is the Demon King, the top domain king powerhouse, she is not helpless now. She can hide in the ancient battlefield when the Demon King is in trouble.


What about the ten palaces?

This is the root cause of Ye Qianli's anxiety.

Even though she is not related to this tenth palace child, but as long as she thinks that if she has a problem, it will implicate him and make him bear unnecessary blame, she will feel a little anxious.

But everything has developed like this, and she can only comfort herself thinking, "Since Shi Gongzi dares to protest and is so confident, there must be arrangements."

hope so……

Regardless of what Ye Qianli thought, the legendary Witch King was finally invited, and the voice of the Demon Attendant finally broke the silence in the hall, "The Witch King is here—"

When everyone in the hall heard the words, they knelt down again towards the entrance of the hall, "Greetings to the Witch King—"

Even the Demon King got up to greet him, which shows that this witch king has a very high status in the Heavenly Demon Palace! Otherwise, as the king of the Heavenly Demon Palace, why should the Demon King treat him so politely.

In order not to cause trouble for the tenth palace, Ye Qianli did not look at the witch king indiscriminately, but followed the tenth palace and bowed obediently to the visitor.

After the Witch King was greeted by the Demon King to the seat he had just set up, which was almost side by side with the Demon King, the Demon King said in a friendly way, "It's really ashamed to disturb the Witch King's hidden cultivation again."

"The Demon King is polite." The Witch King's voice was neither too loud nor too soft, and seemed to be full of literary spirit. It sounded very gentle, but it also revealed a sense of alienation and coldness.

The demon king talked about the affairs in the palace, but the witch king didn't focus on the issue of the demon prince's heir. He asked slightly, "The son of the king of ten thousand realms?"

"It's been rumored outside, but since the Tiandao Hunting Ground has come out, the bloodline should be unmistakable." There was no awe in the Demon King's tone, just stating this.

Like most super clans, the king of the Heavenly Demon Palace obviously didn't pay attention to the sudden appearance of the king's son of the Ten Thousand Realms. As for the Witch King...

"Did I miss the opening of the Heavenly Dao hunting ground during my retreat?" The Witch King sighed with regret before turning his gaze to Ye Qianli.

According to Qi Gongzi's meaning, as long as Ye Qianli is identified, it is Ye Qianli! The stalk that the tenth palace child is related to the son of the king of ten thousand domains naturally cannot escape.

After all, they are similar in birth, even if it is really a coincidence, why is the tenth palace child involved with other people's family members? How can this be explained? Of course this can't be explained!

This is also where Qigongzi is insidious.

Ever since Ji Wushuang told him who the new woman in the tenth palace was, he had been planning! The banquet two days ago was just for Ji Wushuang to confirm again.


The Demon King was also looking at Ye Qianli, and asked, "Look, Witch King, does this woman have a disguise?"

The Witch King didn't answer immediately, but only ordered, "Raise your head first."

"Madam Li." Shi Gongzi's gentle voice rang in front of Ye Qianli, making her also naturally stand in front of the young boy, and at the same time standing up straight! He looked up at the first two kings.

She had been keeping a low profile before, so even if Qi Gongzi was targeting her, no one paid attention to her, but now she suddenly stood so straight! Looking at the two kings of the Heavenly Demon Palace so fearlessly, people who noticed it were also surprised.

You know, although Ye Qianli's cultivation is good, she is only a domain master, and the gap with the domain king! It's still cloud and mud, and it's on this occasion, this situation.

But no matter what other people think, when the Demon King saw the woman's clear and bright eyes, he thought that she was still the one who shocked the spirit.

It's no wonder that she is really a talented person who can make the magic spirit beads resound throughout Fengdu City, but when she thinks that she might be a craftsman, the devil frowned slightly.

"She never changed her face," the Witch King said.

As soon as this statement came out...

"What?!" Qigongzi retorted subconsciously in astonishment, "Impossible! Witch King, she just has a disguise, how could she not..."

"Presumptuous!" The demon king's strong coercion suddenly burst out, and the seven sons who uttered lies were shocked to the ground, "What kind of person is the witch king? How can you question it!?"

"Father—" Qi Gongzi kowtowed in panic and said: "I'm wrong, I'm just...just..." After only half a day, he was already sweating profusely.

Shi Gongzi's voice was as gentle as a bead, but he said desperately, "As a royal family of Tianmo Palace! But you humiliate yourself as a royal family and don't respect your father! If you don't respect your father, you should be out of your wits."

"No! I didn't—" Qi Gongzi was sweating profusely, and she was really panicked. "Father! I have absolutely no disrespect for you, or any intention of humiliating the royal family. Father is very aware."

He doesn't understand! How did something go wrong with the clearly foolproof plan? no, no...

"Father! The son of Wanyu really looks exactly like the old ten. I just don't want my bloodline of the royal family of Tianmo Palace to be polluted. I beg my father to enlighten me—" Qi Gongzi insisted in a panic. ! He did not wrong Shi Gongzi.

As everyone knows! The little boy was waiting for him to say this, so——

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