Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1533 The bitch bites the bitch! 2 more

The young man who had been waiting for these words, immediately said stubbornly, "Qigongzi! Isn't that enough? The reward order is just a game you arranged for your staff. If your son has a good likeness, you probably want to draw a very good likeness, right?

In vain I have always respected you as my elder brother! And you? You deliberately framed me with this kind of insidiousness. If you are a bit bloody, you will directly kill me in the tenth hall! I despise you for doing such a dirty trick. "

The degree of hatred of these words can be regarded as counterattacking all the hatred of Qi Gongzi before, and more importantly! The young man also planted a terrible foreshadowing.

yes! He may be similar to the son of the king of ten thousand domains, but there is only a little bit of resemblance, but Qi Gongzi has done so many things.

Furthermore, although the Heavenly Demon Palace does not forbid rivalry among demons, it values ​​the strength of the demons themselves even more! Now, because of Shi Gongzi's words, Qi Gongzi has tricks but no brains, as if he has no strength, and suddenly stands out from the crowd.


"You—" Qi Gongzi wanted to argue, but unfortunately the Demon King said coldly, "Enough! Old Qi, since you have failed, you have to bear the price."

But how could Qigongzi want to, "Father, I didn't lie! I..."

"Enough!" But the Demon King raised his hand to summon someone, and said to the person who wanted to execute the judgment, "I asked you before, whether you can afford the price of losing your soul, and if you say you can afford it, don't say anything."

"No—" Qigongzi was really scared! How could he be willing to bear such a price? He would say that he could afford it before, but he felt that he would not lose.

But the demon king's demon servants can't control so many, they are about to execute! Qigongzi was so frightened that he yelled, "No, Father Wang! I fell into the scheme of the Ji family, and it was Ji Wushuang, the daughter of the Ji family, who framed me and wanted us to fight each other in the Heavenly Demon Palace. There is a rift in my heart—"

"Ji's?" The devil's tone sank, but he remembered the news he had received before, and knew that there was such a thing as Wanyu arbitration.

And the suspicious voice of the demon king also made Qigongzi see the dawn of survival, and he immediately told how Ji Wushuang "framed" him in detail.

"Bastard! You are a majestic demon from the Demon Palace, and you are led by the nose by a clan child, don't you feel ashamed?!" The Demon King simply hated iron.

Yaoyu and the 20 super clans have never dealt with each other, but Qigongzi was played by Ji Wushuang as a pawn, which naturally made the devil feel very embarrassed.


"Your Majesty, if what Qigongzi said is true, we should beware of that Ji family. She will stir up the internal turmoil in our Heavenly Demon Palace as soon as she comes. What is she trying to do?" Shigongzi took the opportunity to cover Ji Wushuang with a serious crime.

Instead, Qi Gongzi immediately said angrily with the enemy, "The tenth brother is right! That bitch must have ulterior motives, and I will go and arrest her."

The devil naturally didn't let Qigongzi go, but he ordered someone to capture Ji Wushuang. As for Qigongzi...

"Old Seven, you have let me down too much." The Demon King said coldly, and he executed without doubt, "For your crime, you should have been sent to death, but you were provoked by the clan, so death is inevitable, but life is inevitable. "

"Thank you, Father." Qigongzi already breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he doesn't die! With his background, he is not afraid of any punishment, but——

But the demon king said: "From today onwards, the one hundred thousand demon troops originally belonging to the seventh hall will be handed over to the tenth hall. The old seventh has been facing the wall for a hundred years. He is not allowed to go out of the seventh hall by my king's edict, so as to rebel against the heads of senior officials."

"Father Wang—" Qi Gongzi was dumbfounded, he just felt that this punishment was more torturous than letting him die, and it was nothing more than being seized of power, but he was actually imprisoned.

This type of punishment is clearly intended to drive him out of the Devil's Contest and completely cut off his hope of ascending to the throne, even though he was originally only helping his elder brother.


Qi Gongzi still wanted to ask for something more, but the Demon King ordered, not wanting to see him at all, "Back off, go back to your seventh hall."

In fact, if Ji Shi hadn't been involved in this matter, the Demon King really didn't want Ji Shi to be too complacent, and he would have sent this bastard son out of his wits long ago.

As for family affection, huh...

In the Heavenly Demon Palace, such feelings do not exist at all.

The Demon King is also the one who stood out from the siege of demons in the past. He has the blood of countless close relatives on his hands, so why would he care about a son who is useless?

Only Qi Gongzi was dragged down, and the person who was ordered to capture Ji Wushuang found that Ji Wushuang had run away, as if he had been prepared! Has long since fled without a trace.

"Evil!" The Demon King became even more angry immediately, he only felt that Qi Gongzi was extremely ashamed, he was really being played around without knowing anything, and he was so angry.

"Don't be angry, Your Majesty. It's your birthday now. Why lose interest in a mere clan maidservant? Just want to arrest her. As long as she wants to get out of the Demon Realm, she will always be caught." worry.

The patriarch of the Iwan family even took the initiative to ask for orders, "Your Majesty, to be honest, that lowly maid was recommended to the Seventh Palace by my subordinates. This subordinate is guilty! This subordinate is willing to take the crime and do meritorious service and arrest this lowly maid, please." Your Majesty is gracious."

"A rebellious son is ignorant, what is the crime of Patriarch Ivan? But this matter is up to you to carry out, this king is at ease, that's all." The demon king said lightly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty—" Patriarch Ivan thanked him gratefully.

All of a sudden, Ji Wushuang, who originally wanted to arrest Ye Qianli and his party throughout the territory, became the wanted object of the Heavenly Demon Palace. Even the reward orders she painstakingly laid out were all withdrawn.

And all of this was thanks to Shi Gongzi, he didn't say much throughout the whole process, but he made a series of sentences, and every word was consistent, which made the high-level officials of the Tianmo Palace present feel deeply moved.

Those who are well-behaved have congratulated loudly, "The tenth palace is smart and courageous, congratulations, Your Majesty!"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty—" Many senior officials of the Heavenly Demon Palace echoed. As members of the Heavenly Demon Palace, they all hoped that the demons would be better, so that the king who would inherit the Heavenly Demon Palace would be even better.

This kind of scene made the concubine Medusa, who was watching the whole process, a little unexpected, but she was very happy! Especially when she heard that the Demon King ordered the transfer of one hundred thousand demon troops from the Seventh Hall to the Tenth Hall, she was really happy.

After all, this means that the Demon King has approved her son's right to compete for the master of the Heavenly Demon Palace, and this is one of the achievements she most wants to achieve after so many years of striving! Now that it has been realized, it makes her a little dazed.

It's just that she was frightened before she could get over the surprise! Because after the Demon King calmed down the congratulations in the hall, he suddenly questioned heavily, "Old Ten, you take one king at a time, and you don't call him father, what do you mean?"

As soon as this statement came out...

Everyone in the hall was breathless, only to think about it! The tenth palace was indeed a "king", "seventh palace", this...

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