Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1534 The vest is about to fall off! 3 more

Ye Qianli's heart, which had already calmed down, suddenly mentioned it again! His eyes subconsciously looked sideways, at the beautiful boy beside him.

For some reason, she suddenly thought of the fact that when she was in the Suzaku Dynasty, the beautiful prince of her family didn't want to call the Emperor Suzaku his father.

However, the Tenth Palace at this meeting showed stubbornness, and responded childishly, "Don't you believe it? I'm not very rare, huh!"

After the extremely handsome young man finished speaking, he lowered his long eyelashes, exuding a childish demeanor, making it difficult for people to see that he was only a ten-year-old boy.

"Nonsense!" The Demon King reprimanded him not too angry, "You fought back very well this time, but you must also know that as a child of the Heavenly Demon Palace, if you don't have the ability to protect yourself, you really don't deserve to call me your father. .”

"Understood." Shi Gongzi continued to answer with lowered eyebrows, a little bit of reluctance and hypocrisy, but he was born well, and he performed well before, and his age was also there, so it made people feel infinitely fond of him out of thin air. Come.

The Demon King was no exception and cursed falsely, "Little brat, all right, let's take your people to the table."

"Yes—" Shi Gongzi then slowly took Ye Qianli, Pu Song and others to the table, but this time he was different from the almost transparent him when he attended the banquet before, and many people's eyes were on Inadvertently, she looked at him seriously.

But no matter what other people think, Shi Gongzi still has his own set of rhythms. Not long after he took his seat, he really fell asleep again, as if he was extremely tired.

"Old Ten!" The Demon King yelled angrily, and fell asleep peacefully as if he hadn't heard his son when he saw his son who had just finished showing off his power.

"What kind of dignity!" Second Palace Zi and other demon sons scolded, but Medusa Demon Concubine said with a smile on Yanyan, "Your Majesty, Sui'er has always been meek, don't worry."

"Forget it, I'll deal with him later." The demon king said with obvious connivance, and the senior officials of the demon palaces all realized it and began to come forward to pay birthday wishes, and they did not forget to praise Shi Gongzi.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that because of Seventh Palace's attack, Tenth Palace's successful countermeasure has won the king's heart and has become a hot candidate for the crown prince.

Although the tenth palace is still young, the devil king is also in his prime, at least there are hundreds of years of life, enough for the tenth palace to grow into the king of the new generation.

Of course, this is all for later. As far as the moment is concerned, when the patriarchs and the high-level officials of the Tianmo Palace pay respects to the Demon King, Ye Qianli is quietly thanking the Tenth Palace, "Your Highness, thank you."

"..." What responded to Ye Qianli was a series of long and even breathing sounds.

Ye Qianli took a closer look at the young boy beside him, not quite believing that he was really sleeping, so she said again, "Your Highness, thank you."

"..." The young man still didn't respond, as if he was in a deep sleep.

Ye Qianli was helpless, but she didn't say anything anymore, but she just pretended to sit up, and then slowly felt that there was a vague vision, always entangled in her body?

Ye Qianli sensed it carefully, but didn't notice anything, but the magic box "resurrected" and reminded, "It's that Witch King, he has been staring at you."

"Why?" Ye Qianli was surprised in her heart, but naturally didn't show it on her face.

"How do I know, but this old man is much more powerful than the devil, so be careful." After the magic box said this, it continued to study its precious beads.

Ye Qianli frowned slightly, but the voice of the Chief Steward of the Heavenly Demon Palace sounded in the hall, "The banquet—"

In just a few moments, magic music was already playing in the hall! But what came out with the magic music was not the dancers and singers, but a ring slowly rising from the center of the hall! ?

Instead, Ye Qianli asked Pu Song in confusion, "Master Pu, this is..."

"I don't know Mrs. Li?" Pu Song was surprised.

Ye Qianli immediately came to her senses and rounded up her words, "No, it's just different from what I imagined."

"So that's how it is." Pu Song laughed now, "Actually, I don't know how to compete for the top demon in the previous years' Demon Festival. The Demon Festival is held only once in a hundred years, and I have only been loyal to the Tenth Hall for two years."

"Your Excellency Pu is amazing! You have achieved what you are today in two years." Ye Qianli boasted, but she didn't understand the so-called "Magic Chief" at all.

"Madam Li was joking, but it's just at the right time." Pu Song didn't think he was so powerful, but he really didn't expect that the tenth palace would be able to step down from the seventh palace today and successfully seize power.

He didn't do anything the whole time, everything was a foregone conclusion, and he was still a little dizzy after thinking about it! Partial tenth palace child can continue to sleep soundly.

At this moment, Pu Song looked at Shi Gongzi who was loyal to him again, and felt very confused...

As for the enigmatic Shigongzi, he lazily opened his eyes, startled Pu Song who was staring at him, "Your Highness, Your Highness."

"Have the banquet started?" Shi Gongzi sat up and heard the chief executive announcing the competition system, so Ye Qianli understood what kind of competition method the so-called magic competition is.

To sum it up in Ye Qianli's words, it is actually a hand-to-hand combat, because this competition can only use the strength of the physical body, and cannot use any cultivation.

This competitive standard is very in line with the way of the magic cultivator. After all, for the magic cultivator, physique is far more important than talent, because the higher the level of magic skills, the higher the requirements for the physical body.

And when Ye Qianli was thinking about the competition of the devils, the head of the Heavenly Demon Palace had already sung, "Please, the devil king, open the platform of ten thousand demons, and bring down the demons of the world—"

This is the highlight of the Mokui competition over the years, because the arena that appears now is actually just an introduction stage, and only those with pure demon blood can stand on the arena and open the arena of ten thousand demons.

It is said that because the Arena of Demons has always been the arena for the competition of demons, it has been sprinkled with the blood of countless previous demons, so it has a certain degree of magic. When it is first opened, it will bring different insights to the demons.

Therefore, over the years, the opening of the Wanmotai is also the most enthusiastic ceremony to start the Mokui competition. As soon as the chief steward's chanting is over, the atmosphere in the hall reaches its peak.


"I won't do anything this year, I'll let the old tenth generation be the king." The demon king declared, and directly pushed the tenth palace who had just awakened to the cusp of the storm.

Shi Gongzi: "..." |

"His Royal Highness!" Pu Song was very excited, because he knew very well that this was a hint from the Demon King. You must know that over the years, those who can perform this ceremony on behalf of the Demon King are almost all the next masters of the Heavenly Demon Palace.

Even the most favored Da Gongzi in history has never won such an honor! Shi Gongzi was named, this... This is really unexpected.

But while Pu Song was excited, he also noticed carefully that Shi Gongzi frowned slightly, which made his heart skip a beat, and he had a bad feeling.

Ye Qianli also noticed Shi Gongzi's displeasure, which made her subconsciously have a weird thought, "Could it be that Shi Gongzi is really the son of the devil?"

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