Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1541 Big Brother, Help Me! 1 more

It is indeed the seal that his father sealed, it is very likely that it will collapse because of this, and the consequences will be disastrous! And the task he was thrown out by his father was to strengthen the seal! result……

Does he seem to be screwed? !

Shi Gongzi's whole person is really not good, you must know that his father said that if this matter is not done well, he will not be able to sleep in the future.

How can this work? !

Of course not!

The more Shi Gongzi thought about it, the more desolate he became, so naturally he called the Demon King more urgently, "Father Wang, Father Wang! Help me quickly." Although he didn't want to call this person Father Wang, but when he thought of his father's "meanness" , he felt that it was okay to "recognize" a father.

However, the demon king who was "tangled" by him suddenly asked in amazement, "Don't you think you are small and weak, so you don't want to go in?"

"No, no, no! I think I am very powerful now, and I want to go in." Shi Gongzi almost wanted to cry, no lie! He really wanted to cry.

"You bastard..." The Demon King was speechless, but he subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief when he looked at this contradictory boy, and felt relieved.

Originally, the nine-year-old boy was so smart, he was relieved, but at the same time he was a little apprehensive, let's see now! This kid is not only lazy, but also very childish, so he feels more at ease.

"Father! Father, help me quickly—" Shi Gongzi didn't care about his face, let alone his arrogance and dignity, so he was about to roll around, even though he always disdain Pi Pi Er often Do this kind of thing!

However, even though Shi Gongzi was about to go all out, the demon king sighed and patted his head, and said helplessly, "Sui'er, it's really not that the father won't help you this time, it's that the father can't help you." .”

"How could it be?" Shi Gongzi didn't believe it!

It is rare for the Demon King to explain kindly, "How can you close this door?"

"Isn't it time to close it?" Shi Gongzi really didn't understand this, but he heard a clue, but it was even worse.

"Of course not." The Demon King patted his son's small shoulder and said with emotion, "Whether it's your father, me, or the previous Demon Kings, or even that one, they are all just servants of the Demon Nest."

"..." Shi Gongzi stopped talking, feeling bitter in his heart.

Seeing that he didn't speak, the Demon King knew that the child could understand a little bit, and he had already understood that since the door of the Demon Cave closed automatically, it represented its meaning, that is, enough people had entered, and it didn't want anyone to enter.

This time is not bad, according to the records of the magic book that is not circulated in the Tianmo Palace, when the magic cave was automatically closed in the past, punishments were imposed, which seemed to reprimand the Tianmo Palace for being too greedy and letting too many people in.

This is also the reason why the Heavenly Demon Palace has always only let Mo Kui into the main cave, for fear of offending the magic cave! I never thought that so many people entered this time, although the magic cave was closed by itself, no punishment was imposed.

"Weird." The Demon King complained in his heart, originally hoping that the Demon Cave could take over the Blood Demon Palace and the Oara Mercenary Group in one go.

Looking at it now, the Devil's Nest hadn't been offended for a long time, and instead it became calmer, allowing the Blood Demon Palace and the Oara Mercenary Group to escape.

However, although the Demon King thought a lot, he didn't show it on the surface, and only after he left, he ordered people to dispatch all the demon troops to Wanmo Mountain one after another.

Shi Gongzi didn't get involved in this, he was staying in his tent miserable, only hoping that his elder brother wouldn't touch the seal.


Shi Gongzi didn't forget his father's explanation, knowing that the seal is quite attractive to people of their lineage! After all, it has the breath and blood of my own father on it.

Thinking of this, Shi Gongzi felt the worst thing he had ever encountered in his life! He was about to die of grief, he could only try his best to resist the drowsiness and cheer up to think of a way! Woo...


But in the tenth house, you are worried! At this moment when they couldn't sleep peacefully, Ye Qianli and Yiwanda had already walked into the main road of the inner cave.

The inside of the cave is very dark, but this kind of darkness is not completely dark. It seems that the stones in the cave have a faint fluorescent light, giving off a bleak and gloomy feeling.

However, those who can come here are not timid, and of course they will not be intimidated by this dark and eerie atmosphere. Everyone looks calm, but walks forward very vigilantly.

It was also because everyone was very careful that the entire magic cave was still extremely silent, as if Ye Qianli and the others had never entered, which made it even more strange.

Ye Qianli was even more careful, because her intuition had allowed her to catch a hint of hidden danger in this eerie silence, and she subconsciously squeezed the little note that had been hidden in the palm of her hand.

Even though she didn't know what Shigongzi passed to her, his small gesture made Ye Qianli understand that this little note cannot be found by anyone, and she will have to find a place without any eyeliner. have a look.

Moreover, if she guessed correctly, Shi Gongzi might be defending against the Witch King! Even if this Witch King seems very upright and indifferent.

"Second idiot, this devil's cave feels a little weird, be careful." Ye Qianli's intuition also flashed the bullet screen of the magic box into her sea of ​​consciousness, making her realize more clearly that this devil's cave is really real. It's not easy, and her movements are naturally a little more careful.

Because she had seen the map of the Devil's Cave, Ye Qianli knew very well that after walking the main road, they would pass through the two side caves, and then enter the key cave.

According to Ye Qianli's knowledge, demon orders usually appear in the main cave, and occasionally appear in the side caves, so starting from the side caves, there must be competition.

It was only Ye Qianli who thought this way, and the second palace, Tianmokai who was walking in front, suddenly said, "Beitangzheng, Li Ye, and Yiwanda, the three of you will help me guard the people, this palace Go in and search."

Ye Qianli: "..."|

Beitangzheng and Yiwanda, who were named, were also speechless to the extreme! How should I put it, as Er Gongzi is a devil, they will save his face when necessary, but...

Before the fool even got there, he began to speak loudly about the arrangement. Didn't he directly remind the people of the Blood Demon Palace and the Oara Mercenary Group, and then let the three of them go directly to be the target? !

In the hearts of the three of them, there was an urge to "fuck your mother" to swear, and they really wanted to kill this fool! But these fools don't know it yet...

"Why, the three of you don't want to?!" Tian Mogao's tone was quite gloomy, and he seemed to be holding a chicken feather as an arrow, which made the three people who were "ordered" have black lines all over their heads.


Is this Ergongzi stupid? !

Ye Qianli endured and endured, before resisting the urge to hit the sap, but her keen perception! But she vaguely caught a "rustle" sound! ?


Ye Qianli suddenly ignored so many people and shouted, "Go in quickly! There are already people in the hall, if you slow down, everyone will lose their share."

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