Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1542 Hug my wife! 2 more

"What?!" The other nine people were surprised, but not surprised! They hurriedly followed Ye Qianli into the side cave. At this time, they all knew that the people inside were their common enemy.

No matter how simple-minded Tian Moba was, he also understood this truth, so he quickly followed up, but he didn't babble any more.

It's just that although they are fast, they don't dare to use their cultivation easily. They are all afraid of touching the mechanism or the restraining formation in the cave, which will lead to disaster.

The members of the Blood Demon Palace and the Oirat Mercenary Group obviously knew the inside story, so they didn't use their cultivation, so the fastest person was Ye Qianli.

"Swoosh!" Ye Qianli flashed to the place where the movement happened like the wind, but when she arrived, she didn't notice any life, let alone a human figure.

"Where's the person?" Tian Mokai and Bei Tangzheng followed closely, but also didn't see anyone, which made them subconsciously ask questions, but they didn't get any response.

Ye Qianli ignored them, moved her right eye, and looked around more carefully, hoping to find some clues, but——

The demon stared blankly, "Li Ye! Didn't you hear what I asked you?"

The Blood Demon Palace and the Oara mercenaries who followed quickly dispersed, forming groups of their own to search the side hall, which made the Demon King scold even more annoyedly, "Li Ye, you are going to engage in Split?!"

This made Ivanda, who arrived at the end, immediately said unhappily, "Second Palace, Mrs. Li and I are members of the Tenth Palace, you can't order us at all."

"You..." The demon was so angry that he wanted to beat someone up!

But Ye Qianli said, "Ivanda, follow me."

"Yes, ma'am." Ivanda ignored Tian Mogao, and had already followed Ye Qianli away, causing Tian Mogao to "sigh" in anger, and his whole body seemed to be on fire.

If he hadn't considered that using his cultivation base would lead to unnecessary disasters, the demon would really want to kill someone! But he didn't dare, so he could only hold back his anger in a suffocated way.

Bei Tangzheng didn't say anything, but he kept up with Ye Qianli and Yiwanda, and directly put down the idiot Tianmokai.

"You guys!" Tianmo Lai was really going to die of anger.

The people from the Blood Demon Palace sneered, which made the Heavenly Demon even more angry! His eyes were red with anger, but fortunately he still had reason, and in the end he just snorted hard and walked away.

But this time Ye Qianli noticed something strange, she saw a footprint! The footprints were faint but definitely there, which made her squat down subconsciously.

"Madam?" Ivanda also squatted down, and after studying for a long time, he was surprised to find that there seemed to be a very light, very light one on the ground! Fades to almost non-existent footprints! ?

If there wasn't just a little bit of dust here, the footprints would definitely not be revealed, the key is! It's so light, how did Madam Li notice it! ?

Not to mention Ivan Da was shocked, Bei Tangzheng who followed was also shocked! He asked himself, if it was him, no matter how seriously he looked at the ground, he would never notice.

"A woman's footprint." Ye Qianli said softly.

Both Ivanda and Beibei Tangzheng nodded subconsciously, because the footprint was not big and looked a bit delicate, and it really didn't look like a man's footprint.

But what they didn't know was that Ye Qianli still had a suspect in her heart, she had an intuition! The person in the hall is the missing Ji Wushuang.

Even though she originally thought that the person who came in should be her Highness and Er Zai, but now it seems that her previous guess was wrong?

"Then what should we do now?" Ivanda couldn't help asking, if he was just following orders, then he really believed in the little woman in front of him now.

Even Bei Tangzheng, he subconsciously looked at Ye Qianli, pretending to be led by her, which made the demon behind him even more furious!

"The visitor is in the dark, we are in the light, so be careful." Ye Qianli had no better way, after all, the person who came first had already taken the lead.

But Ye Qianli said with certainty, "Since she is still there, it means she hasn't found the Demon Token yet, so let's look for it separately."

"It makes sense." Ivanda thought deeply.

Ye Qianli glanced at Bei Tangzheng, then allocated a piece of land to him and said, "After we find the demon order, we will get rid of everyone else, and the three of us will decide the outcome, how about it?"

"Okay." Ivanda had no objection at all.

But Bei Tangzheng looked at Tian Mo and asked, "Will the second palace join?" He is not stupid, he knows that the two in front of him are a team, if he doesn't win over the second palace, then he has no advantage.

"Of course!" Heavenly Demon Lai replied without being too stupid.

Bei Tangzheng looked at Ye Qianli with a sigh of relief, and the latter didn't say much about dividing up the place, but after the decision was made, Tian Moye said, "Your area, I'm here to search, you Search my area."

"It's up to you." Ye Qianli didn't argue, and she didn't bother to argue, she was randomly assigned, after all, she didn't know where the demon order was.

You must know that although the demon order will appear, before it is touched, it exists as a whole with the magic cave, and it is difficult for people to detect it.

Even if Ye Qianli felt that she was very talented and had a very sharp right eye! She didn't see any clues for the time being, so she came up with this strategy.

It's just that as soon as she came out with this strategy, the people from the Blood Demon Palace called the Oara mercenaries, and they followed up one by one! Staring at Ye Qianli and the others, it was obvious that they were determined to be orioles.

"Get out!" Tian Mola was not a good-tempered person, he was not willing to let the opponent follow him, so he started fighting in two or three strokes, but the opponent was not a vegetarian either, the two tried it out, but they stopped fighting.

However, compared to the one-person stalking situation of Tianmo Lai, Ye Qianli was greeted emphatically here, she was being stalked by two people! After all, there are six people in the Blood Demon Palace and the Oirat mercenaries, which is enough.

They even assigned a "you stare", as long as something is wrong! This person will focus on helping out, but the arrangement is excellent.

But even so, Ye Qianli didn't pay attention to them, she just took it seriously, scanning every corner as far as she could see.

I don't know how long it's been like this, the demon has become a little impatient! Ye Qianli stopped, and when she stopped, everyone stopped.

"..." Invisibly, Ye Qianli caught twenty sights! This made her immediately follow two of them and look towards the top of the cave.

Because her speed is too fast, so this time she! Zhenhe's eyes met, and the other party who was hiding in the darkness was visibly startled.

Ye Qianli took the opportunity to step on the side wall of the cave, and jumped directly towards the top of the cave, not forgetting to remind the others, "See where you go!"

The other nine people really woke up! They all imitated Ye Qianli and rushed towards the top of the cave, but at the moment when everyone was moving, Ye Qianli felt a sudden chill on her waist, and then -

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