Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1575 Temple Attitude! 2 more

"Om!" On the demon bead, there were formation patterns looming, which made the demon servant who was kneeling on the ground shudder! He didn't expect that the son of King Xumi had such good eyesight, that he could even see such a hidden devouring formation.

This made the demon servant a little impatient! He wanted to be violent directly, and forcefully pressed the hand of the son of King Xumi on the Yaozhu.

But the demon servants also know that this method may not work, especially the king has been telling them not to worry! Be patient, he makes his own arrangements.

Out of being trusted by the king of their pure-blooded demon clan, the demon attendant did not act violent after all, but after being slightly startled, he looked at Yaozhu in surprise, "Young master..."

"The pure blood king monster is cunning, so naturally we should be more careful." After Rong Mo said coldly, he released the taboo swallow pattern and began to destroy the devouring formation hidden on the demon bead.

The demon attendant watched anxiously, but he didn't say anything. He just told himself over and over in his heart, "Trust the king's arrangement, you have to believe..."

At the same time, he could sense that Rong Mo was breaking through the devouring array! The pure-blood king demon who had "returned" in front of the main formation showed a strange smile.

Because what he set up, the so-called Devouring Formation is just a cover-up! That demon bead was originally his demon core, as long as Rong Mo activates his demon core, he can activate the backlash demon method! Swallow all the power of the motivator in the air.

"Heh..." The pure blood king demon laughed softly, but he was not in a hurry at all, he just adjusted his state to the best and waited for Rong Mo to "come to his door".


And at that time.

Ye Qianli and his party who had already touched the top part of the high hall and were about to approach the top of the hall could vaguely smell blood, but Xiao Yi'er and Rong Xi could tell that it wasn't Rong Mo's blood.

Rong Xi held Xiao Yi'er down and told him not to move! Ye Qianli looked at him in surprise, and asked with her mouth, "What's wrong?"

"It's weird." Rong Xi responded with his mouth, and then slowly mouthed each word, "Sister-in-law, did you find out that there seems to be a problem with the roundup of the temple?"

Ye Qianli was stunned for a moment, and after slowly thinking about what happened along the way, she could find out! They touched it all the way, although they encountered several groups of patrolling temple envoys.

But these temple envoys were only guarding the entrances and exits of each floor of this high tower, and they did not rush to catch up anxiously because of any movement above.

This is not to say that what they did was wrong, but that after the high-level alert was issued, the temple showed a pretentious round-up formation, which seemed serious, but in fact, they didn't seem to be in a real hurry.

"Practice?" Ye Qianli frowned and asked Xiang Rongxi.

But Rong Xi also replied with his mouth, "It's not like, they all look really nervous! Anxious, it should be an order from above, just let them wait in full force."

Ye Qianli also felt this point, but she only wanted to see her highness, so even though she noticed something strange, she didn't think about it.

Judging by her intuition, it is still necessary to get to the top as soon as possible! Otherwise, there might be accidents, so she mouthed, "The temple is going to do something, but don't think about it. The most urgent thing is to find your elder brother first."

Rong Xi thought about it, so he didn't hold Xiao Yi'er's legs anymore, the latter knew that he could go, so he continued to dive up with the people.

When they reached the entrance and exit of each floor, they used Rong Xi's invisibility cloak to sneak past. It's a pity that the invisibility cloak can only be worn by one person. If it wasn't for Xiao Yi'er who can become very small, dislikes the use of "human heads", and can help pass the invisibility cloak back and forth, it would be really hard for them.

But this convinced Ye Qianli that once she and Xiao Yi'er escaped into the ancient battlefield, Rong Xi would be able to protect herself, but this invisibility cloak does not have a defensive effect, and it is still dangerous.

just this time...

When Ye Qianli was standing far away from the entrance and exit, waiting for Yi'er's uncle and nephew, the magic box suddenly popped up and said, "Second idiot, it seems to have the aura of that Ji Wushuang."

"What?" Ye Qianli recalled in surprise.

"It shouldn't be wrong. Although it's very light, there is indeed a nuwa's aura here." The magic box affirmed the barrage, and explained, "Because this aura is similar to the aura of the temple, it seems that it can slowly blend into one. So it's hard to see."

"What kind of method is this?" Ye Qianli suddenly felt that Ji Wushuang was everywhere.

But the magic box barked, "Don't forget, Nuwa already has the ability to create creations. As long as she has completely mastered the rules of creation, Ji's people should be best at simulating objects and hiding."

Ye Qianli frowned, "According to what you said, Ji Wushuang may have advanced to become a king."

"Even if not yet, it will be soon." The magic box said.

"The next time I see her, I must kill her, otherwise there will be endless troubles." Ye Qianli didn't pay much attention to Ji Wushuang at first, but now she has an intuition that this person should not be underestimated.

The magic box did not deny it this time and said, "You are right to worry. I think this Ji Wushuang is much more dangerous than when you fought her before! Her Taoist heart is more determined, and she seems to have got Nuwa Truth."

"What do you mean?" Ye Qianli asked immediately.

"I'm afraid that she, like you, can 'resurrect' both the Human Sovereign and the Dark Lord of the Abyss. It may not be impossible. Although you are very evil, you can't underestimate others."

Ye Qianli fell silent, not because she boasted that she was strong and didn't take Ji Wushuang seriously, but what the magic box said, that Ji Wushuang might have "resurrected" Nuwa, which made her feel a little worried. shock.

But Ye Qianli also knew that what the magic box said was not created out of thin air, which meant that Ji Wushuang's accomplishments in Nuwa's talent should not be inferior to her supernatural powers.

Coupled with the fact that Ji Wushuang's cultivation base is higher than hers, it seems that she has to be more careful during this trip! So as not to capsize in the gutter.

While Ye Qianli was pondering, there was a soft little paw that had silently touched Ye Qianli's arm, and a certain little Yi'er also got out of the invisibility cloak mischievously.

"Mother~" The little guy silently called "Mother", causing Ye Qianli to kiss him again, and saw that the magic box had popped up again and said, "No! There is still a monster, let your little uncle hide it again!" Go back, hurry up!"

Ye Qianli was so shocked that she pinched quickly, and Rong Xi, who had just put away the invisibility cloak, gestured for him to hide back, and she herself was also mobilizing the ancient battlefield.

Almost at this time! An approaching monster's breath has turned into a shadow, and it first probes towards Xiao Yi'er in Ye Qianli's arms, but the target is Xiao Yi'er.

Ye Qianli was shocked! He hurriedly took his son back into the ancient battlefield, but disappeared very quickly, leaving the shadow in the air, and Rong Xi, who was invisible, also hurriedly retreated.

"Om!" There is a terrible evil spirit! This layer of space has inevitably been shaken, and the strong men who will guard the entrance and exit are all alarmed.

And what surprised Ye Qianli the most was! The man who attacked them, she knew.

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