Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1576 Brothers Meet! 【Clear monthly ticket】

"It's the big monster!" Ye Qianli pinched the little Yi'er in the neck in disbelief, "Isn't that guy the eldest son of the Heavenly Demon Palace? Isn't he still in the Tiandao hunting ground?"

"I don't know..." The magic box was also a little confused this time. After all, the strength of the big monster at the moment doesn't seem to be just a clone, but the Da Gongzi who can enter the hunting ground is even less likely to be a clone.

"Mother! It's a villain." Xiao Yi'er also recognized the other party now, knowing that it was the big villain who wanted to take the power from his body, so she said very angrily, "Go out and beat him!"

"Don't turn around and get eaten." Ye Qianli poked Xiao'er's face angrily, of course he wouldn't put him in danger, it's not the same thing as asking him to contribute.

For the present plan, she can only wait for the turmoil outside to pass before she takes her son out. Fortunately, she and her brother-in-law have already agreed that if they get separated, they will each go to the top of the temple, and if there is no accident, they will meet up there .

As for Xiao Yi'er, who was refuted the suggestion of beating the villains, he was a little unhappy! After all, that big villain is a big deal, he didn't even have time to take a bite, so angry!

But the big demon fan who was missed by Xiao Yier, he was surrounded by the temple envoys without any accident, which made Ye Qianli a little interested, she hoped that the temple could catch this evil.

But just as the temple envoys surrounded him, the big monster exploded like fireworks! Disappeared directly from the spot? Disappeared so that even the magic box could not perceive the existence of the other party.

However, the magic box has identified the source of the demon's sorcery, "This is an ancient demon technique, which originated from the pure-blooded demon clan. I remember it is called Yaoxudun, and it belongs to the top secret of the Heavenly Demon Palace. technique."

"The Heavenly Demon Palace?!" Ye Qianli asked subconsciously, "Although Da Gongzi is a devil from the Heavenly Demon Palace, she is also very talented in witchcraft, so she should be able to learn it?"

"No, unless he is actually a spy of the Heavenly Demon Palace, lurking in the Heavenly Demon Palace. He must work for the Heavenly Demon Palace in the future and obey the orders of the Demon King." The magic box said.

Hearing this, Ye Qianli frowned slightly, and felt that there was something strange about it, after all, for now, the Heavenly Demon Palace and the Heavenly Demon Palace are still equally powerful.

With Da Gongzi's status as a devil, why did he want to leave a good devil and become a spy of the Heavenly Demon Palace? Even if the Demon King doesn't like Dagongzi, with the power accumulated by Dagongzi, it may not be impossible to win a throne.

It doesn't make sense...

Ye Qianli thought about it, and didn't understand Da Gongzi's intention in doing so, so she could only put this question aside for now, after all, the most important question right now is——

Ye Qianli has heard someone outside suggest, "Brother Eleven, since people can't be traced, how about dividing the hands into two groups, one group is blocked at the bottom entrance of the hall, the other group is blocked at the top entrance of the hall, and Mobilize the second set of banning formations."

"Junior Brother Fifteen made a good suggestion, so let's do it! Twelve and I will block the top of the hall, Thirteen, Fourteen and Fifteen, the three of you will lead people to block the bottom of the hall."

"Yes! Brother Eleven."


After a while, Ye Qianli could feel that the envoys of the temple were scattered, but she was not happy at all. After all, this meant that they could no longer touch them quietly.

"Bastard monster!" Ye Qianli cursed secretly, but came out from the ancient battlefield, and Rong Xiaosi, who hadn't left yet, appeared from the invisibility cloak without a trace.

The uncle and sister-in-law looked at each other tacitly, and they both saw resentment in each other's eyes, but they still had to accept the reality and continued to head towards the top of the temple.

Thanks to the "blessing" of the big monster, Ye Qianli and the three sneaked into the entrance of the top of the temple in less than a cup of tea, and at this moment, the entrance was full of more than a dozen people. Domain kings and strongmen, as well as dozens of peak domain masters.

This battle is really not that big, but whether it's Rong Xi or Xiao Yi'er, they can clearly feel that Rong Mo is on top! It's very close to them.

"Father!" Xiao Yi'er still couldn't help being excited, and screamed silently above his head, then looked at his mother suspiciously, wondering why his father didn't move, could he really be caught?

But Ye Qianli looked at the little uncle beside him, and said with her mouth: "Leave these people to me. You are fast and can hide. You have to break out first and join your elder brother."

Even though Ye Qianli didn't know why they were all here, Rong Mo must have sensed them, but why he still didn't move, but she deduced! His situation should not be good.

"I..." Of course Rong Xi was not happy, but Ye Qianli had a very firm look in her eyes! She looked at him earnestly, making him unable to refuse.

"I'll smash their blocking formation first, so don't delay! You know?" Ye Qianli "explained" again, her eyes became more eager, and Rong Xi could only nod her head with difficulty.

And just as Rong Xi finished nodding, he saw it in astonishment! His sister-in-law has already walked out, fair and square! Very magnanimous.

Rong Xi: "..."!

He is still a little confused!

The moment Ye Qianli walked out, she said loudly, "Ji Wushuang, Dagongzi, if you want to break the ban, please help me! I have a way."

"Looking for death!" A group of temple envoys never expected that someone would appear so arrogantly! It is still so arrogant to say that it can break the ban.

Damn it! Did she think this ban was tofu? If you want to break it, you can break it.


The exasperated Temple Envoys attack in groups! Except for the eight half-step domain kings sitting at the end, the rest of them broke out with all their strength, ready to blast Ye Qianli, an arrogant and lowly maid, into scum.


"Mending the sky! Town." Ji Wushuang's voice was indeed accompanied! The iconic seven-colored divine aura, which dominates the entire space, uses the unique divine power of Nüwa to suppress the entire temple! There is a momentary stagnation.

And this moment! It was enough for Ye Qianli to break through to the rear, but the envoy eleven and envoy twelve sitting at the end were not affected by Ji Wushuang's shock, and the two directly blasted Ye Qianli with an extermination move.

"Magic box!" Ye Qianli jumped up into the air, rushed straight to the weakest point of attack, and smashed the magic box directly towards the rear entrance.

"Whoosh!" The seven-colored light emitted from the magic box broke through the wave of attacks with an aura different from Ji's divine power! He slammed hard at the blocking formation.

"Crack!" Unsurprisingly, the banning array was smashed and cracked! At this moment, Rong Xi rushed towards the cracked gap, not caring whether he would be rebounded by the power of the formation.

He just knows! He had to rescue his elder brother before he could help his sister-in-law! But as soon as he rushed to the top of the temple, he saw that his elder brother's hand was clasped on a huge demon bead, only an inch away! It will be completely pasted.

And that demon bead...

"Brother! Don't touch it!" Rong Xi, who rushed over, knocked off his elder brother's hand the moment he accepted the invisibility cloak! But because the distance was too close, his hand touched the Yaozhu.


ps: the last day of this month! Those who have a ticket will be cleared quickly, and it will be invalid after one month!


written request for leave

I have been away from home for the past few days, and I have been using the archiver. The archiver is officially used up. There is no update in the early morning of the 1st. I may not have time to write an update after I go back. I may also make up 4,000. Please take a leave first, don’t wait. hold head high!

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