Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1601 Take your children and beat up Yaoni! 1 more

But no matter whether it's Sheng Wuming or a pure blood monster, they have no time to take care of Rong Mo, even Rong Xi! Because he had to take care of Ye Wuji, he didn't notice that his elder brother really woke up under his longing.

Rong Mo, who just woke up, was actually a little weak, but his perception was gradually recovering before he opened his eyes, he just didn't startle the snake.

If this is not a good time to get out of trouble, he still wants to pretend for a while. After all, although he has regained consciousness, his cultivation base has not fully recovered, and he was sucked a lot of soul and energy by the pure blood king demon before. Blood, he is really weak.

What an opportunity! so...

"Four elephants."

Rong Mo urged all his divine thoughts to wake up the "sleeping" four elephant beasts, and once the four beasts woke up, they sensitively sensed that something was wrong with Rong Mo.

"Master!" Suzaku was quick-witted, and immediately reacted, wrapped around Rong Mo's family, and flew towards Rong Xi's position, extremely fast.

But Suzaku made a move...


But in an instant, the demon tail of the pure-blood king demon hooked Suzaku like a vine with eyes! Not to mention that, the cunning and tolerant pure-blooded demon king shouted, "Holy Nameless! You deal with that wolf, and I deal with Rong Mo."

Piansheng Wuming also knew with determination that his plan would not allow Rong Mo to do bad things, so he chose to cooperate with the pure blood king demon without hesitation.


"Brother!" Rong Xi, who hadn't had time to be happy, was about to be blown out of anger, and instinctively pulled out the strength to help Ye Wuji, to help his elder brother.

Because Rong Xi could clearly perceive that although his elder brother was awake, his sister-in-law and nephew were still awake, and his elder brother was still very weak, and even the four elephants and beasts had not fully recovered.

Presumably, that pure-blood king demon had also drawn the power of the four elephant beasts while drawing his elder brother's power! This bastard monster is very capable.

But Rong Xi wanted to "give up" Ye Wuji, but Rong Mo said in a warning voice, "Little Si, protect the old man and don't worry about me." He couldn't let the old man have an accident, otherwise the little leopard would be heartbroken, and he couldn't bear it.

"Okay!" Rong Xi was obedient, although he wanted to help his elder brother more, but he couldn't let go of the old man, so he didn't struggle anymore and tried his best to help the old man resist Sheng Wuming's devouring.

Let's talk about Rong Mo here...

"Get lost!" Qinglong, Baihu and Xuanwu, who had already known the situation of the battle, were quick to react! They tore at the demon tail of the pure blood king demon one after another.


"Bang! Bang." The three great beasts that directly transformed into giants! He desperately used his physical body to squeeze space for Suzaku so that Suzaku could take away the master's family.

However, the pure-blooded demon king became ruthless! To keep Rong Mo's family, it directly activated the secret method, saying: "Demon sacrifice!"


"Om! Om..." The peach blossoms bursting with blood were full of blood, revealing an unparalleled murderous intent! The rough-skinned and thick-skinned Qinglong Baihu and Xuanwuling were killed on the spot.

But even so!

"Roar!" The three great beasts still roared with supreme power, and they did their best to open the way for Suzaku without any retreat, even smashing their bodies to pieces.

Such a decisive fight! It really resisted the killing of the pure-blooded king monster, but in the midst of many difficulties, he opened a truly bloody road.

The pure blood king demon was so angry that he vomited blood on the spot, but in his peach eyes! But a more bloodthirsty glow burst out, and the blood-colored peach blossoms in full bloom changed again at this moment.

"Wang Yao! Blood sacrifice." The pure-blooded Wang Yao launched the secret method of the royal family, and the gorgeous peach blossoms that burst out from him, like ghost mouths from the Asura hell, devoured densely towards the three great beasts.

"Aww—" Even the three great beasts were extremely tyrannical, and they were also bitten off pieces of flesh, and the pain was so severe that they couldn't help but let out a miserable cry.

Even Xuanwu, the strongest defensive beast! Its tortoise shell was also gnawed out of the hole, so it can be seen that the pure blood king demon is really fighting. After all, he hates Rong Mo too much. If he has a chance to keep Rong Mo at this time, how could he not try his best?


"Rong Mo! Today, even if your father is here, you don't want to go out. Even if the master dies, he will drag you!" The pure blood king demon was thinking wildly, and all the new and old hatreds came up. It was really true. His eyes were red with anger.

Thinking about it, he has deployed it for so many years! The purpose was to get out of trouble, but as soon as Rong Mo appeared, he ruined his deployment in the Devil's Nest without saying a word, and sealed most of his power back.

That's not even counting...

His Yaozhu! The demon beads that carried his countless powers were actually swallowed by Rong Mo! This enmity, this enmity, really made the pure blood king demon insist on pulling Rong Mo even if he was going to die.

As a result, the impatient Xuanwu shouted decisively, "You protect Xiao Momo, I will kill this vile monster." We will die together with it.

"Xuanwu!" Suzaku cried out feelingly, but he knew that the only way to get his master out of trouble right now was for one of them to blow himself up.

But Suzaku couldn't bear it! The relationship between the four beasts has always been very good, and they are really like brothers and sisters. Although Xuanwu can understand and support Xuanwu's choice now, it is really reluctant.


"Don't make up your own mind!" Rong Mo said coldly, but suddenly let out taboo swallow patterns! Protected the bloody Xuanwu three beasts.

That's not even counting...


While Rong Mo was spreading out the swallow patterns, he also took in the four elephant beasts! And holding the big and small leopards in his arms, he escaped directly into the murderous bloody peach blossom.

"Little Momo!" The shocked four beasts called out at the same time, and they even forgot to call Rong Mo by their nickname "Master".

Rong Mo couldn't care less about responding to them now, and devoured his bloody peach blossoms! They have instantly smashed their swallowing pattern defenses, and swarmed towards him.

"Should die!" The pure-blood king demon showed all his murderous intentions, and Rong Xi's face changed completely in shock, thinking that his elder brother might not be able to bear it anymore, but——

But Rong Mo refreshed again! Rong Xi's view of him, he has already activated all his spiritual thoughts at the very moment of the nick of time, and the eye of the formation he is in, "Zheng Qi."


Most of the sealing array has been destroyed! Immediately, he came alive and smashed towards the pure blood king demon, destroying the murderous bloody peach blossom.

"Bastard!" The pure blood king Yao was furious, and the demon tail swept across the formation, regardless of the damage the formation would do to his body, and stabbed madly between Rong Mo's eyebrows.

However, at this moment, Rong Mo's eyes were dark because he had exhausted his consciousness again, and he couldn't catch the path of this blow at all, so how could he avoid it.

It's too late! then soon-


The magic box is here at this moment! Jumping to the center of Rong Mo's eyebrows, he precisely helped him block the pure-blood king demon's desperate counterattack, which is not counted...

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