Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1602 Please call me Ye Huangque! 【illustrate】


Xiao Yi'er, who had already woken up, opened his mouth directly, and bit the pure blood king monster's tail with a precise bite, causing the pure blood king monster to scream out in pain.

But at this moment!


The crazy Ye Wuji! Crazy on the spot, the craziest explosion tore in all directions, and the terrifying wolf claw attack directly tore the entire formation trembling.

And this trembling!

Something happened.


First, the foundation of a formation eye exploded.

"Bang! Bang,..."

The foundations of the array eyes exploded in chains immediately affected the entire array eyes, and Rong Mo activated the array again! The power of the formation itself cannot be used to stabilize the eyes of the formation, and the pure blood king demon is also exploding recklessly, now...



lost balance! The eyes of the formation, which were constantly being destroyed again, exploded on the spot, and the terrifying power of the formation instantly formed a terrifying energy vortex, stirring up heaven and earth.

"not good!"

"Be cool!"

Rong Mo, Rong Xi, and Ye Qianli, who had just woken up, were all frightened. The latter wanted to drag her relatives into the ancient battlefield, but unfortunately she was too late.


The terrifying formation exploded in disorder, blinding Ye Qianli! It was so loud that she lost her sanity, she only felt that the moment her eyes went dark, it became dark...


Can't see anything, can't hear anything.



The counterattack array deployed by Sheng Wuming is at this moment! It played a "gratifying" effect, helping Rongxi and others resist the first wave of formation explosions.

However, Sheng Wuming's formation also exploded under the seal! It was completely destroyed, but Ji Wushuang and others who were originally trapped in the formation were able to escape and were thrown out.


But the power to seal the burst eye explosion is terrifying! So when they were freed, they were also seriously injured, and all of them vomited blood.

But none of this matters! the most important is--


It was closed silently! The gate of the inner hall of the demon hall was opened at this moment, and the ghost was so happy that he was the first to run towards the outside of the hall.


"Ah!" Gui Jianchou just jumped out, and was ambushed by the organ leading to the outer hall, directly killing most of his life, if he hadn't reacted quickly and directly sacrificed the life-saving magic weapon, he might have died like a scum.

But even so, Ji Wushuang and the others rushed into the passage desperately, all of them broke out with all means! Strive to rush out of the hall.

After all, compared to the blasting energy of the formation eye, and the power of Sheng Wuming and Pure Blood King Yao, the mechanism on the passage is really nothing! The most important thing is to escape.

So no matter it was Ji Wushuang's siblings, or Leng Shisan, Blood Demon and others, they all rushed out of the hall desperately.

"Let's go!" Tian Yaozi grabbed Rong Xi, who was pale and vomiting blood, and prepared to take the dying young boy along with him.



Another wave of formation riots has spread out! It made Tian Yaozi feel a fatal crisis, but he couldn't run away at all, and he was afraid that he would be buried here.

never thought...

"Om!" Rong Xi, who was protected by Tian Yaozi, immediately sacrificed, sealed the magic weapon of the Witch King, and released the latter on the spot.

"No—" The Witch King, who had no idea what had happened, immediately became a living shield, helping Rongxi and Tian Yaozi block the first attack.


The tyrannical Witch King, but in an instant! It was shattered into a blood mist, and died immediately, with no room for maneuver.

The Witch King, the Witch King who is stronger than the Demon King, is so cool.

It also made Tian Yaozi have no time to feel emotional! He hurriedly hugged the young boy in his arms, and desperately dodged towards the outside of the hall. If he was a step slower, he would definitely lose his wits.


Those eyes exploded! I'm afraid it will destroy the world.

Now he can only run as far as he can!


Rong Xi, who coughed up a mouthful of blood, slowed down a little, but he saw it too! Ye Wuji, who was overwhelmed by the formation explosion, reminded him of the Rongmo family that was wiped out earlier.

"Brother, sister-in-law, Yi'er..." Rong Xi couldn't accept such a result at all, but he was powerless to turn it around, he just felt disheartened.

Tian Yaozi heard his murmur, but the fleeing Tian Yaozi didn't have time to talk, so he could only desperately lead the young boy out!

"Boom!" The aftermath of another wave of formation explosion had swept towards the two of them again, and Tian Yaozi was so shocked that he could only feel it! His speed is still too slow.

never thought...


The Demon Palace, which has been constantly shaking due to the bombardment, is at this moment! Suddenly stabilized with a shock, the entire demon hall was still enveloped by a powerful force of Shengsu.

"It's him!" Rong Xi's eyes changed slightly, and a pair of dark eyes stared straight at the center of the explosion! Sure enough, he saw the figure of Sheng Wuming, and also saw the ripples of the formation around him.


"Buzz! Buzz..."

At this moment, the entire Demon Palace lit up with patterns all over the corners, which gave Rong Xi a very bad intuition.

If he guessed correctly! Sheng Wuming might have set up formations in the entire Demon Palace, and now he is urging these formations to fulfill his long-cherished wish.

This old thief is a good trick! It actually allowed him to stabilize the formation explosion, and it seemed that he could still use this to absorb the energy of the formation explosion.

That's not even counting...


"Aw..." The frequent screams of howling wolves made Rong Xi realize it even more! The holy old thief also trapped Grandpa Ye, and he wanted to devour Grandpa Ye.


Without waiting for Rong Xi to react.

Tian Yaozi said in a hoarse voice, "There is nothing we can do..." He also wanted to save the old man, but he knew that there was nothing he could do, and if he tried, he would only die.

The only thing he can do now! It was the young boy in his arms, fleeing towards the exit hall door that was about to be controlled and was about to be closed.

"Aw! Aw——" Ye Wuji's shrill howl became more distinct, because he was still resisting and struggling instinctively! That's why Sheng Wuming's attack was so fierce that he screamed instinctively in pain.

Rong Xi's eyes were reddish, it was still at the last moment! Leaping out of Tian Yaozi's arms, he pushed the latter out of the demon hall, and he flashed back towards Ye Wuji and Sheng Wuming.

"Shi Gongzi!" Tian Yaozi was terrified, and wanted to rush in and grab the little boy, but the darkened door of the demon hall had already slammed shut again.

Tian Yaozi only had time to pounce on the door, and there was still a young man in front of him without hesitation! Flashing to the scene of Sheng Wuming, I just feel that the child is going to die...

As everyone knows! Flashing back to Sheng Wuming Rongxi, he has already noticed an incredible situation while approaching the past! He found--

Ye Wuji, who was desperately resisting, was also desperately fighting against Sheng Wuming! ?


"There is a way!"

ps—to my dear readers:

There are some things I don’t want to say too much, but whenever I ask for leave, some babies will always feel that I just lie and be lazy in order not to update.

But no matter what others do, I have always been in love! I have always treated my readers responsibly with a sincere heart.

During the six years of writing the book, during the serialization period, the number of times I asked for leave and interrupted the update is very small. Except for emergencies, even if I have something to do, I will write some updates as much as possible, so as not to let the waiting readers have nothing to do. wait.

Since the beginning of the year, many things have happened in my family. My father passed away, my grandfather broke his waist, and my third aunt had stomach cancer. Many times, I didn’t want to talk about it because I didn’t want to be miserable. I didn’t expect to be misunderstood.

The world is impetuous and people are indifferent. I can't change anything else, but I have always been alert to myself. I should stick to my original intention and be responsible to myself, my works, and the readers who support me.

Finally, I would like to thank all the babies who supported me all the way, thank you~

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