Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1609 The most greedy leaf wolf king! 3 more

Then he can recover immediately! He hasn't lost the state before the demon beads, but he can easily open up a domain channel to let his demon army come over again.

Although his little brothers were basically killed back then, after so many thousands of years of reproduction, they are naturally thriving again.

So now he desperately wants to gain power! And he knew very clearly in his heart that although Ye Wuji took a lot of his strength, he couldn't bear it, and he should be seriously injured right now.

This is his best chance to fight back, otherwise, after Ye Wuji has digested his power, it will be even more difficult for him to swallow it back.

The Guinan Mountain is not too far from the Yaomo Mountain, at least for the pure blood Wang Yao, this is not a long distance, so he only took about half an hour to kill the Guinan Mountain area.

"My lord, according to the news I received, the aura of the wolf king is dormant in the depths of Guinan Mountain, but the people who went in to explore the way ahead are all dead." I didn't say any more.

The pure-blood king demon raised a pair of romantic peach eyes, and the peach pupils secretly looked at the hinterland of Guinan Mountain, as if observing the terrain and perceiving the details.

Originally, he wasn't quite sure if there was really Ye Wuji in this Guinan Mountain, because the formation formed by Rong Xi was not vulgar, and the breath was released before, it was all because the medicinal power of the healing pill was too overbearing.

Now, Ye Wuji, who has basically survived, has returned to Baike, and there is no further movement, so the pure blood king demon can't detect the exact location of Ye Wuji at all.

But the pure blood king demon is more and more sure! Ye Wuji is in Guinan Mountain, so he has selected a few pure-blooded monsters with decent cultivation bases, and followed him into the mountain to investigate carefully.


At this time, Ye Wuji, under the domineering repair of the second elixir, has survived the state of physical explosion, and the state of venting more and less recently has naturally disappeared.

Although Ye Wuji's breath is still very weak, he is basically stable, but his whole body seems to be soaked in blood, not to mention how miserable it is.

Rong Xi didn't dare to touch him, so he could only let him soak in the pool of blood in such a miserable state. Fortunately, his breath became more and more stable, and it was not in vain for him to gamble.

"It's dangerous." Rong Xi wiped his forehead, and then felt the cold sweat.

Although he actually knew well that the old man was not an ordinary person, judging from the fact that the old man could break out from the domain master to the super domain king's combat power, he should be able to withstand the power of the medicine.

But after all the calculations, Rong Xi was still worried that the calculation was inaccurate, and he deceived the old man. Fortunately, the old man's physical strength exceeded his mother's prediction.

But this also made Rong Xi sigh in surprise, "The master of Zhitian Temple is really extraordinary." He knew that the strength of the old man's body was mainly due to acquired transformation and mutation, not innate.

Although the master of Zhitianguan made a trick of using Sirius Slaying Wolf to allow the old man to have such an extraordinary body, but it takes a lot of skill to make Sirius Slaughtering Wolf's fate merge with the old man's fate to form a whole!

And the so-called way of knowing the sky and watching the wild is the way to let the old man have the foundation of his current ability, such a method! In Ten Thousand Territories, apart from Zhitianguan Guanzhu, there is probably only one person who can do it.

Thinking of this, Rong Xi couldn't help but think of his father, the only person who could do it, and drooped his thin shoulders in frustration, "This time the eyes are really broken, and I really won't be able to sleep in the future."

Thinking about it makes me sad, so sad that Rong Xi's eyelids drooped, his whole body became numb, and his whole body was filled with an air of lovelessness, so naturally he didn't carefully perceive that the pure-blood king demon outside had already brought people came in.

But even if he sensed it, he couldn't take Ye Wuji away, after all, he didn't even dare to touch it, for fear of breaking the old man who managed to save his life.

What's more, Ye Wuji at this moment, he is not only healing his wounds, the arrogant and domineering aura emanating from his body is still nourishing his physical body.

There are invisible rules of the strongest and the strongest, which are constantly swallowing and swallowing around Ye Wuji's body, making his injury recover faster, and making the aura around him even more violent!

"This is..." Rong Xi's slumped eyes lit up involuntarily, and a smile appeared on his face, "Grandpa Ye is really going to advance to become a domain king."

Ye Wuji's situation is very special. When he broke out before, his cultivation base and combat power almost surpassed the realm of the domain king, otherwise he would not be able to resist that old thief Sheng Wuming.

But the situation at that time was different. Rong Xi thought that after Ye Wuji exited that state, he could maintain his original cultivation and his physical body would not be damaged at the foundation, which would be considered good.

The best result, of course, is that Ye Wuji can use this to advance to become a half-step domain king, never thought! Ye Wuji is so competitive that he wants to advance directly to Chengyu King! ?

"It seems that the power of the pure-blood king demon that was devoured before, and the power that devoured the holy nameless, have not been lost in vain. The old man has stabilized it in his body and is gradually digesting it." Rong Xi murmured knowing the truth, with eyes in his eyes The light became more and more intense.

It was only then that he understood clearly that the reason why the old man's injury was so serious and almost ineffective was all because of the old man's "greed".

The fact is true, Ye Wuji's realm is limited, it's another matter when he explodes, but afterwards he has to forcibly accept the power that doesn't belong to him, which is naturally difficult.

But even though Ye Wuji was in a coma, he still refused to give up this power!


Rong Xi, who wanted to understand, sighed and didn't know what to say, if the pills on his body were not ordinary, the old man's physical body was indeed strong! People may really die.

It can only be said that Ye Wuji is a really ruthless person who dares to be ruthless to himself! And his ruthlessness has indeed brought him great benefits. After he survived, he has advanced from a high-level domain master to a peak domain master in the blink of an eye.



"Buzz! Buzz..."

Accompanied by the power of rules and regulations! It is Ye Wuji's cultivation base that has been triumphantly advancing all the way, first becoming the half-step domain king that came naturally.

Then from the initial half-step domain king to the middle-level half-step domain king, the momentum is like a broken bamboo! There was no hindrance, it was extremely smooth, and it only took a few hours during the period.

When the pure blood king demon approached, Ye Wuji was already about to step into the ranks of high-level half-step domain kings! The rapid increase made even a knowledgeable young man like Rong Xi stunned.

The key is! Ye Wuji let out a "chick", once again stepped into the high-level half-step domain queen without any difficulty, and he directly launched an assault on the domain king realm.

"!" Rong Xi stared excitedly at the old man who was sitting cross-legged in front of him, but at this moment, the voice of the pure-blood king demon suddenly sounded——

ps: Also, under revision...

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