Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1610 Inheriting the Crown! 4 more

"People must be in this area, search carefully." The pure blood king demon was very sure of his deduction, even though he didn't sense any special aura at this meeting.

But he has an intuition that people must be in this area, and he also believes in this intuition, so he has carefully searched for the hundreds of little demons brought by him.

"Oops!" Upon noticing the movement, Rong Xi's face changed drastically, and he felt like "the leak in the house happened to rain all night", he knew it well! After a while, when Ye Wuji advances to become a king, there will be a shocking movement, which is a movement that his formation can never cover up.

But the pure blood king demon came so "timely"...

And Rong Xi was worried about more than that, what made him even more troubled was the appearance of the pure blood king demon, so be on guard! In the end it was still broken by him.

"I don't know what's going on with the elder brother's family?" Rong Xi was worried about this matter again. At that time, he didn't have time to investigate the situation carefully. He didn't know that his elder brother activated the formation mechanism, so he was naturally very worried.

But Rong Xi didn't think that his elder brother's family was really cold, after all, he had not sensed the aura of his elder brother's family in the subsequent battle.

Although this does not rule out that his elder brother's family will be directly swallowed by the formation! There is a possibility of disappearing without a trace, but Rong Xi firmly believes that there is almost no such possibility, otherwise he must have a feeling.

"Alas..." Rong Xi sighed again, but suppressed all the worries in his heart, and only wholeheartedly perceived the movement outside.

I hope that the pure blood king demon will move more slowly! Slow down, it is best to find them when the old man has advanced to become a queen and has to be exposed.

In this way, he also thought that he still had a chance, and the old man should be able to advance smoothly! However, contrary to expectations, the demon nose of the pure-blood king demon still sniffed out the clue first.

Stand now! Rong Xi and Ye Wuji were the pure-blood king demon outside the cave. He had already swung away several little monsters around him, and he himself lightly buckled the boulder blocking the exit of the cave.

This boulder was exactly moved by Rong Xi from the nearby area in order to deceive others, but he worked meticulously and thought he did not leave any flaws, so he would not be noticed, but the buckle of the pure blood king demon made him instinctively vigilant.


However, Ye Wuji at this meeting has reached a critical moment! He has already stepped into the half-step domain king peak realm, and he will definitely be able to advance to a real domain king level powerhouse in a short time.

But if it is interrupted, Rong Xi will believe it! The old man will never have such a smooth advanced state in the future, and the two of them will also become captives of the pure blood king demon.

Even if he still has the magic weapon, its power has been weakened because it has dealt with the Witch King. Now even if he is willing to risk his life again, he may not be able to deal with the pure-blooded demon king.

But even so! He can only fight.


But the pure-blooded king demon retreated and ordered, "There is no problem here, it should be nearby, and search again!"

"!" Rong Xi felt slightly surprised, but also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

But at the moment when Rong Xi was relieved! But the pure-blood king demon turned around and didn't say anything, and even slapped his palm on the boulder. Rong Xi, who was caught off guard, changed his face drastically, and quickly sacrificed the magic weapon in his palm.

The pure-blooded demon king who had been prepared for a long time did not retreat but advanced, the demon tail slashed at Rong Xi without saying anything, and even swept the young man head-on with fierce peach blossoms, "How dare you resist! Die."

Such a quick counterattack! Naturally, it was not something the young Rong Xi could resist. Before he could even use the magic weapon in his hand, his thin and small body had already been hit in an all-round way.

"Pfft——" Rong Xi, who was severely injured immediately, spat out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body was smashed on the stone wall of the cave, his back was "scratched" and several ribs were broken in a row.

It's nothing, what made Rong Xi suffocate the most, and what made Rong Xi's black eyes wide open was that he saw a withered hand protruding from the ground where Ye Wuji was.



Before Rong Xi could react, he was already in darkness! I couldn't feel anything, only vaguely heard the extremely corrupt roar of the pure blood king demon.

"Grandpa Ye..." Rong Xi wanted to call out something to wake Ye Wuji up, but he couldn't make any sound at all, and completely lost consciousness.


same moment!

"Ah!" Xiao Yi'er woke up suddenly, her big purple eyes were wide open, and Ye Qianli, who was holding him in her palm, also stopped and asked, "Why is Yi'er so scared?" gone?"

"Uncle was arrested! Grandpa was arrested!" Xiao Yi'er raised his head and said, and quickly got up on his stomach, and said emphatically, "The villain has been arrested!"

"Did Yi'er dream?" Ye Qianli's expression became serious, and she raised her eyes to look at Rong Mo beside her.

Rong Mo reached out to take his son, and after asking a few more words, he was sure that the silly brother and the old man had indeed been arrested, and his eyes darkened.

"Advanced into the city, and then find the way." After Rong Mo said, he took the hand of the person beside him and walked quickly towards the inner city. They had just checked around the Xingyun River and found no relevant information. Contact formation.

"Yes." Ye Qianli nodded, and stepped into the inner city in one step! But there was a "buzz" sound from under her feet, which made her and Rong Mo stop again.


"Om! Om..." The entire ancient royal city was still at this moment, and Xu San released a rather subtle rule fluctuation, making it difficult for them to move forward.

Ye Qianli's heart sank, but Rong Mo took a step back as if observing something, and raised his eyes to look at the pillars and beams with the "Ancient King City" plaque hanging on it, and he saw a faint and illusory silhouette.

Ye Qianli also retreated at this moment, just in time to see that this figure has transformed from an illusion to a real one! The old man in white she had seen before.

"Senior?" Ye Qianli asked in surprise. After all, she had seen this old man in front of the castle in the city before, and now he came out before she even entered?

The white-clothed old man didn't say anything, he just stared at Ye Qianli as if looking down, his eyes were full of scrutiny, as if he was weighing something, and he didn't even look at Rong Mo.

It reminded Ye Qianli of what this old senior once said, but before she could speak again, the white-clothed old man said with disgust, "With your current strength, although you are still a little bit behind, but I can barely inherit the crown."

"Senior..." Ye Qianli wanted to say, she is not in a hurry to inherit the crown, she is in a hurry to return to the demon realm, but the old man in white raised his hand and said, "I will let you in."

While speaking, the old man in white didn't care what Ye Qianli thought, and sent her in with a flick of his hand! In the inner city castle that she was not qualified to enter before.

Not only that!



Even Rong Mo and Xiao Yi'er were sent in together! That's not even counting...


ps: There is another chapter to be updated later!

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