Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1626: Child Protector Sumeru King! 1 more

The young man never expected that Sheng Wuming's attack was so fierce that he didn't leave Ye Wuji a little bit of life. His eyes were red with hatred, and the power in his body was surging to the extreme, as if he could no longer maintain his rationality! I'm going to fight desperately.



Powerful array power! But it seemed that he had been on guard for a long time, and immediately suppressed the angry-eyed and blood-stained young man, and the ray of formation light, like a spider's silk, wrapped him tightly, preventing him from having any possibility of dying .

That's not even counting...

"Tsk tsk!" Sheng Wuming, who had already withdrawn into the formation, laughed sarcastically, "If the old man hadn't been prepared for you, Rong, who is full of heart, I'm afraid you would have escaped this time. .”

Rong Xi's face turned blue! Suddenly, he looked at Sheng Wuming and said, "You knew it a long time ago! The exit was blocked, so a trap was set up here early in the morning."

"You are really smart." Sheng Wuming smiled extremely coldly, like a shriveled old fox who has succeeded in a trick, ugly! It's disgusting, the veins on Rong Xi's forehead are so angry that they float out ferociously.

The hatred in Rong Xi's heart! I can't wait to gnaw at this damned old thief with my own mouth. Where has he suffered such a loss since he was a child?

But what made Rong Xi feel a little better was that although Ye Wuji was severely injured, the power of the formation also restrained his injury, and did not let all the vitality in his body dissipate.

That Sheng Wuming still wanted to use the power in Ye Wuji's body, so he didn't let Ye Wuji die just like that, but Rong Xi could also see that Ye Wuji's Tianling Gai's injury must have affected the sea of ​​consciousness.

If you don't get timely medical treatment...

Rong Xi believed that even if Ye Wuji could save his life, he would definitely become an old fool, so he endured it! Still suppressing the anger in his heart, he said in a stiff voice, "You save Grandpa Ye, I won't lie to you again, I can swear by blood! How about it?"

"Heh!" Sheng Wuming sneered coldly, and said, "Do you think this old man will still believe you? Wanyu belongs to your Rong family, so what's the use of a blood oath? When the old man recovers from his injuries, I'll sacrifice you to the formation. Let's see if King Xumi's own formation will kill his own son."

"You..." Rong Xi wanted to say something more.

However, Sheng Wuming didn't want to hear it at all, he directly sealed the young man, and then he sat down cross-legged and began to heal his wounds, and his face was not very good.

The strength of the seal at the exit of Yaoyu far exceeded Sheng Wuming's estimation, so even though he had been prepared for a long time, he was still severely injured.

If he hadn't deployed in this area early in the morning, and this formation helped him resist a lot of sealing power, he would definitely be killed here.

"It's so strong." Sheng Wuming secretly stabilized his injuries in fear, and his whole body was soaked in sweat, just now! He felt the crisis of death again.

But he was just "practicing" on the outside, the attack of this seal is so terrifying! Sheng Wuming couldn't imagine what would happen to him if he broke into the formation.

This made Sheng Wuming feel that even if he absorbed the power in Sirius Wolf's body, he might not be able to break the seal, even! The pure-blood king monster at its peak might not be able to get out.

Thinking of this, Sheng Wuming suddenly understood! This seal is probably the last move to seal the pure-blooded demon king. Even if the pure-blooded demon king can break through the formation, it cannot break the seal.

"Damn it!" Sheng Wuming suddenly couldn't calm down to heal his injuries, because he had already realized that he might never be able to get out, even if he could leave the temple, he couldn't get out of the demon realm.

In this way...

He went to great lengths! It was just a move from a small prison to a big prison, and he was still not free, still trapped in a small world.

"Bastard!" Sheng Wuming was furious, and couldn't help looking at Rong Xi with murderous intent, instinctively wanting to kill the young man to vent his anger.

Sheng Wuming did indeed do this, he slapped Rongxi's Tianling Cap with one palm, and it was even more terrifyingly destructive, and it was about to be destroyed into the young man's head immediately.

But at this moment! now--

"call out!"

An aurora from the exit seal! Unexpectedly, he directly shot towards Sheng Wuming, and immediately destroyed all the formations that Sheng Wuming had arranged here before, and he still continued to destroy Xiang Sheng Wuming.

But even though Sheng Wuming was seriously injured, his speed was still very fast! Especially at this life-threatening moment, he broke out with extreme speed and fled the sky.

"call out!"

Terrible extinguishing beam! Then there was nothing to stop him from going towards Rong Xi, he was about to crush him, even he subconsciously closed his eyes, waiting to die.

never thought...


But when the terrifying annihilating power touched Rong Xi, it rubbed against his body and dissipated with a "bang". Even the aftermath that swept over Rong Xi's body was very weak, like a breeze blowing by, there was no harm Him in the slightest?


Not to mention that Rong Xi himself was stunned, Sheng Wuming, who had fled to a distance, was also stunned, but he only stayed for a while, he just wanted to understand something! He quickly captured Rongxi.



Rong Xi reacted extremely fast! He hid himself in the magic weapon, so Sheng Wuming naturally caught nothing.

Before that, Rong Xi was worried about Ye Wuji, fearing that he would disappear by himself, and no one would be around Ye Wuji, but now he is not afraid anymore! Because he knew very well that Sheng Wuming needed it very much.

After all, the annihilation light swept out by the sealing array just now did not hurt him! Sheng Wuming must therefore think that he is the key to breaking the formation.

So as long as he is not caught, he has a chance to renegotiate!

With this in mind...

Rong Xi doesn't care how threatened Sheng Wuming is outside! He didn't even go out and held back.

"Yongxi! I'll count to three, if you don't come out, I'll kill this old man." Sheng Wuming roared wildly, threateningly clasped the dying man with a palm! Ye Wuji's neck.

But Rong Xi didn't listen! Do not listen……

"Bastard!" Sheng Wuming really didn't dare to kill Ye Wuji, instead he quickly fed Ye Wuji a elixir, fearing that Ye Wuji would die and all his plans would be in vain.

Rong Xi breathed a sigh of relief when he felt something, and then he emerged from the magic weapon. After all, Sheng Wuming had already imprisoned Ye Wuji and ran away because he was afraid of the power of the seal after catching nothing. that's it.

So Rong Xi didn't have to worry about being caught as soon as he came out, but after he appeared, he quickly dodged towards the exit seal.

"Yongxi!" Sheng Wuming's eyes turned fierce! He wanted to chase after him desperately, but whether he cherished his life or didn't dare to chase, he could only pinch Ye Wuji's neck and shouted, "If you don't stop! I will really kill this old man."

Rong Xi ignored him, he flashed directly in front of the seal, and then stopped to look at Sheng Wuming, but just after he stopped, the seal behind him shot another extinguishing light at him.


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