Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1627 Mo Li Arrives! 2 more

Without waiting for Rong Xi to react, let alone for Sheng Wuming to say something! The light was like thick and big spider silk, wrapping around the young man's thin waist.


There's no after that.


The beam of light that seemed to be conscious had already dragged the little boy into the formation! "swallowed" him.



Sheng Wuming was stunned, completely unaware of what kind of situation this is. !


And at the same time.


In the Demon Palace, there was already a wave of light shooting out from the formation, Rong Mo and other four people and a baby also appeared in the inner hall of the Demon Palace with the light.

It's just that the inner hall of the demon hall at this meeting has long been empty, and even those little demons were taken away by the pure-blood king demon, leaving only an empty demon hall.

Ye Qianli, who felt it, was slightly startled, and was at a loss for a moment.

"There is no one within a radius of one hundred thousand miles." Bai Fengchun also felt a little strange and said, "There is only a piece of dry bone, and there may be millions of bones."

Ye Qianli was startled, "Millions?" This amount...

Before Ye Qianli could think about it, Rong Mo said affirmatively, "It's an army mobilized by various forces, and it's probably the work of Sheng Wuming."

He had sensed before that Sheng Wuming's power was too strong! Now it seems that Sheng Wuming at that meeting relied on drawing millions of troops to be so strong.

millions of...

This number made Ye Qianli feel depressed, but at this moment, she had no time to mourn the millions of lives. She asked eagerly, "Does Your Highness know where he is? And my grandfather and Xiaosi, they..."

I thought everyone was still in the Demon Palace, but now it seems! They had obviously walked for a long time, after all, there was not even a trace of breath left in the hall.

Naturally, Rong Mo also discovered this situation, but for a while, he really didn't know where everyone had gone, and there was not even a living being in this area, so he couldn't do it even if he wanted to catch a living being to question.

As for Ye Qianli, who couldn't wait for Rong Mo's answer, she knew that her question was too embarrassing, so she suggested instead, "Why don't we go out and look for it separately?"

"Yaoyu says it's not big, it's not small, it's purposeless, it's hard to find." Rong Mo frowned, and then put his son in his arms on the ground, and he sat cross-legged! I want to use the scene to track down some clues.

Xiao Yi'er also stood obediently on the ground, looking around thoughtfully, not knowing what he was thinking, appearing calm and obedient.

Ye Qianli asked Bai Fengchun to look around again, maybe she could find something else, and she anxiously stayed by the quiet Yi'er.

After Rong Mo activated the secret method! They caught some auras, but they were all pure-blood king monsters and some little monsters, not Ye Wuji and Rongxi's.

Unwillingly, Rong Mo expanded the scope! But within a radius of ten thousand miles, there is no remnant aura of Rong Xi and Ye Wuji, but there is some aura of Sheng Wuming.

"..." Rong Mo frowned subconsciously, suspecting that there would be no smell of the silly brother and the old man at the scene, maybe it was the silly brother's tricks.

If so, the two should be out of danger for the time being.

Ke Rongmo also knew that the pure blood Wang Yao and Sheng Wuming would never let them go! Thinking of this, his heart moved, and he changed to capture the whereabouts of the pure blood king demon and Sheng Wuming.



There was no movement there! In the big hole where the original array eye was located, there was a suspicious movement, which made Ye Qianli, who was waiting anxiously, startled slightly.

"Oops!" The magic box was surprised and barked, "Second idiot, go over and have a look, this movement is a bit wrong, maybe the channel of the domain is cracked."

"What do you mean?" When Ye Qianli asked, she came to the dark pit, and her right eye, which she deliberately moved, let her see it clearly! In the depths of this black lacquered hole, a peach-red crack unexpectedly cracked.

"Sure enough!" The magic box was so shocked that it said, "This is really bad!"

Ye Qianli stared at the crack below her head with heavy eyebrows, vaguely guessing the meaning of the magic box, knowing that once the crack expands! I'm afraid there will be a big pure-blood monster flying over from the crack.

And the next explanation of the magic box also confirmed Ye Qianli's guess——

"I told you that the pure-blooded monster is not a native race of Wanyu, and it seems that King Sumi's demon-sealing array not only seals the pure-blooded monster, but also seals this passage."

Ye Qianli: "..."

"No, it's not right either." The magic box just wanted to say something more.

Rong Mo was already leaning against Ye Qianli, holding her half close to his side and saying, "Be careful."

"Your Highness..." Ye Qianli worriedly grabbed the arm of the person in front of her.

But Rong Mo held the hand she pulled up, and comforted him, "Don't worry, it's just a small crack, not enough for the pure-blood monster over there to send over."

"The pure-blood monster over there will definitely find a way to come here." Ye Qianli said not optimistically.

"Don't worry, I won't let them come over, this crack can be plugged back." Rong Mo stated, obviously very sure! He was sure too.


"Grandpa and Xiao Si can only be found by you." Rong Mo hugged the person in his arms a little while speaking. He didn't want to separate, but the current situation cannot be decided by him.

Although this crack is small, if the crack is allowed to open, the consequences will naturally be hard to say. Whether he likes it or not, he can't let the big pure-blooded monsters swarm here, because Wanyu is his home, and his wife and children are here.

"What's the matter?" Ye Qianli didn't care, but was more worried about this person. She looked up at him and said, "I'll keep Bai Fengchun for you. If the pure blood king demon comes back, you..."



Before Ye Qianli could finish her sentence, Rong Mo pinched her face severely! And the pain was so painful that she took a breath, and she was so annoyed that she kept punching and pushing the man in front of her.

But they hugged her tightly! She couldn't push it away at all, she just felt that one side of her face was pinched and numb, and the pain made her eyes red with grievance.

Rong Mo just put his hands on the back of her neck, and said reprimandingly, "Leave the person to me, what should you do if you encounter danger after going out?"

"Go away!" Ye Qianli pushed the man away angrily, feeling aggrieved in her heart! Who is she doing this for? This guy is good, pinch her! It was pinched so hard that she still felt her face was a little numb in pain.

Rong Mo looked at the tender face that had been pinched by him, and knew that he was a bit harsh, but he saw her obediently and softly saying that she would leave Bai Fengchun to him, so he couldn't help it...

In her eyes and in her heart, she was all about him, and he was very happy.


"I promised you that there will be no more problems, and there will be no more problems, but if you have problems, what should I do?" Rong Mo discovered a problem early on...

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