Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1637: Suck the old thief and become king! 【Prize】

The one who came was the king of Zhitianguan, who was holding Wudao and Erdao, and walked the domain—— Dao Chi, and all the domain kings recognized him, but they were still shocked by the breath of Dao that he radiated.

According to their previous observations, this idiot is not so strong. Could it be that this Yu Wang, who represented Zhitianguan to contact all parties, has been hiding his clumsiness?

If this is the case, the strength of Zhitianguan! I'm afraid it is many times higher than what they estimated before. I just don't know why this concept of knowing heaven has suddenly become high-profile today?

"Mr. Dao Chi." Feng Junyi didn't think too much, and greeted Dao Chi first. She knew that Wu Dao had helped Ye Qianli many times in the Tiandao hunting ground, and she had also helped Jin Feng. Enthusiastic.

"King Yi." Dao Chi put Wu Dao and Er Dao Shi brothers down, and then cupped his hands at Feng Junyi, and the rest of them also greeted him.

After exchanging pleasantries, Zhu Yuanming asked, "I don't know that Mr. Chi has come, but the temple master has orders?"

"Yes." Dao Chi nodded, "Come here for my nephew."

"Ye Wuji?" Patriarch Qin asked immediately.

"Exactly." Dao Chi didn't hide anything.

"In the past, the temple master made a move because of this disciple?" Zhu Yuanming asked again.

"That's right." Dao Chi replied very briefly, although he didn't hide anything, he didn't say a single word.

Er Dao, a burly and rough man, stared at the exit of Yaoyu with furrowed brows, and asked, "Master, this opening seems to be sealed, how do we get in?"

Kings listen! Immediately cheered up and looked at Dao Chi, thinking that Zhitian Guan had a way, but——

Dao Chi shook his head and said, "Master, I don't know, but I just brought you here to join in the fun."

"Ah?" Er Dao made a bitter face, making his ferocious rough face rather funny,

"..." The kings of the various domains were very speechless, but they were all used to Zhitianguan's mindless operation, and they didn't think it was Daoist who was unwilling to say it.

So everyone continued to wait quietly, but Patriarch Ji was quite attentive, looking at the sealed exit of the Demon Realm from time to time, even though he looked very vaguely.

But there were many people present with sharp eyesight, such as Zhu Yuanming, he could see that Patriarch Ji was restless, but he didn't know why.

However, the movement in the demon domain has calmed down a lot, and the seal has gradually returned to tranquility, no longer exuding the aura that made the kings of all domains feel palpitations.


Different from the tranquility outside the Demon Realm, the Monster Realm with constant aftershocks is actually quite turbulent, but this is nothing compared to Ye Qianli's ups and downs.

Ye Wuji was in danger a few times, and his soul and body were almost collapsed, so Ye Qianli was stimulated so that his breathing was still smooth, and he squeezed the baby in his arms tightly with both hands.

Xiao Yi'er was very painful from being pinched, he hesitated to speak and looked at his mother several times, but he looked at his mother so anxiously that his face was pale, not even a little pink, so he let her pinch it Yes, as long as mother is happy...

Rong Mo looked at his obedient son, and stroked his chubby face appreciatively, but he didn't pinch it, it was a compliment to his obedient endurance.

Xiao Yi'er puffed up his face, but it was quite useful. He looked back at his great-grandfather, but saw that there was something wrong with his great-grandfather? but……

Before the little guy could find anything else, Rong Mo had already clasped Sheng Wuming's head, which was dying, and the palms still overflowed with strange blue evil lights.

"!" Ye Qianli's eyelids twitched slightly, but he didn't say anything. Bai Fengchun was watching closely, not knowing what Rong Mo was going to do?

"Shua!" With a shua, Rong Mo pulled out the energy from Sheng Wuming's body like a gasp, and wisps of strange blue evil light, like a pair of silk threads, drew a piece of energy that resembled Sheng Wuming's body. Body, stripped out of the latter's body.

"Hiss!..." Sheng Wuming gasped in pain, his face was distorted, but because his body was tightly suppressed by Bai Fengchun, he couldn't move at all, so he could only be forced to extract energy. The cut "ingredients".

"Grandpa." Rong Mo called Ye Wuji at this time, and the latter seemed to trust him very much, so he released a wisp of swallowing force very cooperatively.

Rong Mo took advantage of the situation and led the energy body under his palm directly to Ye Wuji, who immediately sucked in this wave of energy eagerly, for a while...


"Oh! No——" Sheng Wuming, who woke up from the pain, screamed and did not say anything, and tried to make a final resistance, struggling to get rid of the swallowed lifeblood.


"Crack!" As soon as Ye Qianli slammed the crown down, Sheng Wuming's sky cap was half-cracked, leaving Sheng Wuming no time to struggle, only hissing in pain.

Bai Fengchun got a headache watching it, and secretly sighed again. Fortunately, he didn't resist to the end, otherwise what happened to this old man would be his fate.

Although his cultivation is far higher than this old man! But he couldn't resist the power of the crown, and he might end up worse than the old man.

Thinking of this, Bai Fengchun wiped off his sweat secretly, and praised him for knowing his way back!



Under Rong Mo's guidance, Sheng Wuming's power was completely out of his own control, it was all exploited, and then absorbed into his body by Ye Wuji.

Ye Wuji's lack of stamina in the original fusion became smoother. The difference between his soul power and Sirius's soul power was too great. Even if Sirius didn't resist, and even cooperated with all his strength, this imbalance still caused Fusion is out of control.

In this way, thanks to Sheng Wuming's smacking of Sirius Slaughter before, now it is possible for the two to be "evenly matched".

After half an hour!

"Ho, ho..." Sheng Wuming, who was gasping for breath, seemed to be on the verge of death. His whole body was shriveled into a corpse-like existence because of all his cultivation, which was worse than being cramp. It's still tragic, but this is a cultivation base that has been pumped alive!

This power is gradually lost! The feeling of exhaustion was the most unbearable for Sheng Wuming, who had been struggling to gain more power.

"No! No..." The desperate Sheng Wuming was full of resentment, but no matter how unwilling he was! Nor could he contain the drained situation.

A lifetime of cultivation!

Hundreds of millions of years of hard work!

The power gained through deliberate deliberation!

Made someone else's wedding dress!

Sheng Wuming hates it!


But Ye Wuji burst out with a roar full of anger! But stepping on the hatred of Sheng Wuming, he achieved a new high of a generation of wolf kings, and the wolf's breath was rolling in the sky.

"No..." Sheng Wuming stared at the wolf shadow on the sky with unconcerned eyes, his eyes were scattered! There is also the hatred that has never dissipated.

"Chi." A faint ray of soul breath, but at this moment! From within the body of Sheng Wuming, he secretly sneaked into the ground, but——

"Huh?" Rong Mo sharply struck a swallow pattern towards the ground! He intuited that this was Sheng Wuming's escaping soul, so he naturally wanted to catch it.

ps: The first question for Easter—can the old thief escape successfully?

Reminder: Participation is the most important thing, welcome to have a wonderful message written according to the previous article, hahaha~

One of the three updates was updated together with yesterday's make-up update, okay?

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