Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1638 Bad luck! 1 more

"Aw!" The soul breath of Sheng Wuming's screams indeed exuded weakly, and was indeed swallowed by Rong Mo's taboo, and he was directly caught.

However! At the same time that Rong Mo caught the escaped soul, there seemed to be eight weaker soul breaths, but at the same moment, they fled in all directions like fireworks.


"Crack!" Bai Fengchun slapped it with his palm, and several destructive auras chased after the eight wisps of soul aura, making a neat and tidy scream.

Xiao Yi'er, who had already rushed out, was so angry! Because he opened his mouth and didn't swallow anything, he could only stare at Bai Fengchun angrily and shout, "Pay me!"

Bai Fengchun: "???" What does this mean?

How did he know that Sheng Wuming's escaped soul power was just an appetizer for Xiao Yi'er, although it was only a small appetizer, but Xiao Yi'er was never picky about food, and side dishes were also dishes.

But Bai Fengchun took away his side dishes, how could he not be angry? If he hadn't grown up now and knew "restraint", he would definitely have beaten Bai Fengchun.

But not beating someone doesn't mean coaxing, so Xiao Yi'er emphasized again, "Compensation!" It is absolutely unjustifiable not to pay, he was angry!

"Uh..." After all, Bai Fengchun is an old man, so even though he didn't understand why Sheng Wuming's remnant soul became the young master's meal, he vaguely guessed some clues.

In desperation, Bai Fengchun actually presented some treasures of heaven and earth that he had privately hidden to Xiao Yi'er, and the little one took them away angrily and ate them.

Bai Fengchun: "..." This little monster...

However, Ye Qianli didn't pay much attention to the lawsuit between the old and the young. She looked at the withered Sheng Wuming, who was completely lifeless, so she put the corpse in the ancient battlefield and fed it to the Nian Beast and the Fat Golden Dragon. It's waste.

However, neither Ye Qianli nor Bai Fengchun and Rong Mo knew about it! The soul breath that Sheng Wuming radiated at the end actually had nine wisps in total.

One of them was particularly weak, and he covered it up with a secret method! That's why no one really noticed the weak remnant soul that he took advantage of to escape.

But Sheng Wuming knew that he could not escape into the Demon Realm for the time being, because the area from the exit of the Demon Realm to the place where he was blocked before escaping had already been enveloped by the aura of the Ghost King.

As for his weak "little remnant soul", he can't escape at all. Even if he is not found, he will be wiped out quietly by the terrible ghost aura.

Therefore, Sheng Wuming thoughtfully fled to the exit of the Demon Realm temporarily, planning to lie dormant near the exit, and wait until Rong Mo and the others had left and the calm had returned before he escaped.

But what Sheng Wuming never expected was——


But at the moment when Sheng Wuming Remnant Soul approached, the exit seal directly caught him in! Without giving him any room to react, he was swallowed.

Sheng Wuming: "..."

He knows, he's done! It's all over.

No matter how many means he has, no matter how strong his ability is, if he enters this seal, where is the possibility of escaping? Naturally, it will be wiped out.

But to Sheng Wuming's surprise, after a while, he was still awake? Didn't lose consciousness, let alone be wiped out? !


Sheng Wuming was a little unresponsive! But not long after, he couldn't help being ecstatic to find that he was actually sucked out of the demon realm, he went out! ?


"How come?" Sheng Wuming was stunned, because he was "teleported" out without any attack at all, which really made him unbelievable.

After a long time, he thought in a daze, could it be that his remnant soul was too weak, so the seal felt that he had no threat at all, so he let him go?


Sheng Wuming was a little sad and angry, but he gradually felt that this might be the truth. As far as this seal is concerned, he might be just like the unconscious aura of heaven and earth, the breeze in the mountains, without any threat!

Therefore, people sealed him as air, "didn't even look at him", maybe he would be sucked before, and it wasn't because he was found out that something was wrong, but was just "sufflated" normally.

Thinking about it this way, Sheng Wuming became even more sad and angry! Although this is his strategy, the weaker he is, the less he will be noticed, but when he is really not noticed, this feeling is really not good at all.

What's more, he is not pretending to be weak, he is really weak now! He only has such a sliver of soul left, and now any cultivator can crush him to death like an ant.

No wonder...

It's no wonder that when he was swallowed by the seal before, he didn't feel the slightest crisis. It turned out that they didn't target him at all! This is really...

"That's all! No matter what, the old man has escaped successfully. In the future, I will find a baby to seize the house. One day, my holy nameless! It will still be the holy nameless who has been famous for hundreds of millions of years." Sheng Wuming can only comfort him like this Own.

Thinking about it this way, Sheng Wuming felt a lot better, no matter what! He finally escaped, but just thinking about it, he felt something was wrong.

Immediately afterwards, without waiting for Sheng Wuming to react! A ray of seven-colored divine light caught him, his eyelids twitched in shock, and he was slowed down to see that he was caught by an old man.

"The remnant soul that came out of the demon realm?" Patriarch Ji looked at it in surprise. It was so dark that there was almost no remnant soul the size of a finger. Fluctuation, he really didn't notice it.

It was the sizing up of Patriarch Ji that made Sheng Wuming realize it! He was negligent, and he was in a daze for so long without noticing anyone nearby.


"Presumptuous! I am the legendary saint of the temple, who are you? Let go of me quickly." Sheng Wuming scolded as calmly as possible.

However, he is too weak now, so even if he puts on the airs of the past, in the eyes of Patriarch Ji, he has no deterrent power at all.

However, Ancestor Ji asked with narrowed eyes, "Sage Elder of the Temple?" He knew that all the forces in the Demon Realm followed the legendary Temple.

Legend has it that in the temple, there is also a figure who is believed to have been born in that era—Sage Elder. This old man has almost the same power as the ancestors of Phoenix and Wutong, but he cannot leave the legendary place.

"That's right! Since you know this old man, why don't you give up quickly!" Sheng Wuming yelled again with menacing eyes, trying to use his prestige to let the old man in front of him let go.


"That would be disrespectful." Patriarch Ji swallowed the remnant soul of Sheng Wuming in one gulp, and the latter didn't even have time to scream! He was devoured by Patriarch Ji.

Poor Sheng Wuming tried so hard! After finally escaping from the demon domain, he did not escape the end of a dead end, and was still wiped out.

That's not even counting...

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