Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1639 Enemy and rival in love! 2 more

But in a moment, it will be weak to the extreme! Ancestor Ji, who was basically digested by the remnant soul of Sheng Wuming, already had many "memories" in his mind.

Among them, everything that Sheng Wuming experienced recently was most "freshly remembered" in Patriarch Ji's mind, and his eyes immediately brightened! Stare at the exit of the demon realm.

I see……

No wonder the demon domain was blocked!

No wonder there is so much commotion in the demon realm!

No wonder...

Patriarch Ji never expected that he would have such a chance.

Although this holy old man's soul power is very weak, as far as he is concerned, digesting it will not bring spiritual gains, but the information brought by the remnant soul has benefited him a lot.


Old Ancestor Ji glanced at the exit of Yaoyu with a half smile, then continued to close his eyes and adjust his breath, preparing to digest more "memories".


at the same time.

Within the demon domain!


The towering howling of wolves has spread all over the Demon Realm! All demon cultivators and wolves of demon cultivators were all shocked by the king's voice.



Endless wolf howling! They also surrendered one after another, accompanied by the howling of wolves between the heaven and the earth, one after another, just like the school of genius in those days.

The difference is that the scope of influence of this wolf roar has expanded by more than tens of millions of times compared to the past. If the demon domain was not sealed, the movement could be heard outside the demon domain.


The king of wolf kings! Ye Wuji, he finally merged with Sirius Slaughter completely at this moment, becoming a community where I am in you and you are in me.

Not only that, Yiye Dao! This kind of fusion achieved by obeying the destiny, mastering the rules, and absorbing divine energy is not just as simple as one plus one equals two.

That frenzied breath continuously rushing out of Ye Wuji's body! It is enough for him to prove to the world that he has just advanced to become a king, and he already has it, at least not weaker than Patriarch Ji's combat power.



The roaring and howling of wolves resounded all over the area, making the first person to perceive that someone here is advancing to become a king in the Ghost Demon Valley's contemporary ghost king, and he felt extremely shocked.

Such a breath of domain king! Unexpectedly, he is not weaker than him, and there is even a faint sign of being higher than him. This is just becoming a king, so strong! ?

The ghost king looked at the exit area in shock, and instinctively wanted to swipe towards that direction, so as to see who it was, who was advancing to become king! I haven't heard of it before. Is there any strong wolf cultivator?

It was only the ghost king who thought this way, and before he had time to flash over, he sensed that under his feet, in the constantly collapsing ghost land, there was also a terrifying advanced aura, which exploded out in an all-round way.


"Jie Jie Jie!..." The more ferocious howling of ghosts and souls, not weaker than the howling of wolves all over the world, shook the ghost cultivators in the demon realm three times.

Immediately afterwards——


Accompanied by a particularly weird! What makes the particularly ugly ghost laughter come out of the world is that the super strong ghost aura rolls and rolls again and again, that tyrannical and terrifying soul-snatching aura, which makes even the ghost king feel his scalp go numb, and he still has a heartache. Wisp heart Yue surrender meaning.

"Is this the case again?" The ghost king was startled and terrified, he had a sense of déjà vu when he entered the ghost land, facing the first generation ghost king, which made him instinctively fear and surrender.

This made the ghost king have to think about it, "Could it be that a generation of ghost kings have been reborn!?"

Every generation of ghost kings knows that although a generation of ghost kings is still alive after death, his physical body has been kept in the ghost land and coexisted with the ghost land, but he has long lost consciousness.

But there have been too many strange events recently, and the ghost land has collapsed again, which is enough to remind the ghost king that the changes in the ghost land are most likely caused by the resurrection of a generation of ghost kings.

If so...

"There's nothing to be afraid of!" The Ghost King settled down, thinking that if a generation of ghost kings really came back to life, it wouldn't be a bad thing.

At least someone might be able to suppress the holy old man in the hall of demons! That old monster that devoured the army of millions of monsters may be suppressed.

Thinking about it this way, the ghost king relaxed a lot.


"No." The King of Ghosts frowned and found that the aura constantly overflowing from the ground, although it was mainly ghost aura, contained a subtle power that made him unclear?


Ye Batian burst out of the air! It rushed out of the sky at this moment, carrying hundreds of millions of ghosts, endless ghosts, and caged a piece of hell world around the demon domain.

Yan Luodian! The gates of hell, the eighteen floors of hell...

At this moment, they are vividly performed in front of the ghost king.

Oh no! Not lifelike, but real! The interpretation hovers.

The ghost king was dumbfounded, and felt incredible! You must know that the Ten Palaces of Hell will never appear in front of people. Even domain kings like them cannot easily break into the world of Hell due to Wanyu's specific rules.


Such a hell! It actually appeared so real.

ghost king...

He's afraid he's gone to hell!

Well, he did see a ghost, or all the ghosts in the hell.

In this way, the ghost king vaguely sensed that something was wrong, but the momentum at the scene was too great, and he didn't dare to approach easily, fearing that if he was a little careless, he would be affected by disaster.

So he could only vaguely feel that something was wrong with the figure that rushed out of the sky, it didn't look like a generation of ghost kings, but it couldn't be identified exactly.

He just thought, could it be that a generation of ghost kings replaced a certain temple of Yama? Otherwise, how could there be such a big world image of Hell! Judging from the scope of this hell world, it probably covers the entire demon realm.

In fact...

Ye Batian's hell world not only covers the demon realm above the ground level, but even the underground of the demon realm is covered! Countless ghosts roamed the world of demons.

Gradually, Ye Batian saw the unusual pink cracks under the demon mountain, which made him suddenly open his eyes.

"Buzz!" Ye Batian, who followed the kid's eyes at a glance and saw those cracks up close, could feel the crisis coming from the other side of the cracks.

With a thought in his mind, Ye Batian drove some little ghosts into the other side of the crack, wanting to see what was going on there.

"Quack!..." Countless little ghosts immediately sneaked into the crack, but there was no surprise! It was destroyed halfway, but Ye Batian still saw through the last few glances that at the other end of the crack, there seemed to be large pieces of big monsters.

And the shape of those big monsters is exactly the same as the pure blood big monsters recorded in ancient books! This made Ye Batian's heart suddenly lifted, and his eyes showed caution.

After a while, Ye Batian, who could no longer see any more scenes, returned his mind to the demon realm, trying to let the little ghosts find the whereabouts of the empress. He has always missed her.

As everyone knows...

"Xi Mo?" At this moment, the empress met the big monster who resembled Moses. She used to call him Xi Mo, and she was a little surprised to meet him now.

Yaoming also recognized the empress at a glance, but his eyes revealed a strong killing intent!

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