Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1640 The poisonous woman is so beautiful! 【Prize】

From Yaoming's point of view, the love of the Empress as his avatar is his shortcoming, which can easily make him worry more than necessary and cause a lot of trouble.

The best way to deal with it is naturally to kill the Empress! No future troubles.

Yao Ming is not a kind-hearted and soft-hearted person, so as soon as this thought came to his mind, he directly slapped the empress with a killing palm.

"Bang!" The terrifying palm wind shook the entire space, and it swept straight to the empress's face! Fortunately, the empress noticed something was wrong with Xi Mo when she observed her words, so she quickly dodged back on guard.

Yao Ming frowned! He was very dissatisfied with the power of his palm, obviously he wanted to use 100% of his strength to destroy this woman in one fell swoop.

But between his shots, 100% of his strength! Can't hit 30%! ? This made Yaoming even more upset! He is determined to kill the empress, this kind of woman who can affect his mind must die!

With this in mind...

"Should die!" Yaoming chased out angrily, and grabbed the empress' neck with one palm, planning to pinch this person to death directly, so that the clone's will would not be able to affect the result.

But Yaoming caught it with this palm! But a little ghost was caught, and the little ghost who was dancing all over the sky consciously protected the empress.

"Quack quack!"

"Jie Jie Jie!..." The ear-piercing ghost screamed from the sky! They rushed towards Yaoming densely, making the latter more murderous and releasing a raging demonic aura around him.


"Bang bang!..." Countless little ghosts were shattered and killed! However, it couldn't stop Yao Ming from approaching the empress again. After all, the latter was only a high-level domain master, and her speed was not as fast as Yao Ming who had stolen part of Sheng Wuming's power.

The empress didn't panic, she just caught Yao Ming off guard when Yao Ming was approaching! A golden seal of the Emperor was shot towards him.

"Get out!" The empress scolded angrily, and she had already slapped a red gold bloody handprint on the seal of the emperor, and the seal of the emperor let out a rolling breath of strength.

"Heavenly Punishment!" The Empress urged the Human Sovereign's strength, and when a Human Sovereign Ruler was held in her palm, she slapped Yao Ming fiercely. The fighting style was as noble and domineering as ever.

"What a big tone!" Yaoming was not afraid at all, but he somehow felt that the woman's beating posture was surprisingly good-looking, which made him a little bit reluctant to do it.

"Crack!" The Human Emperor's Ruler immediately slapped the monster who was obviously a little distracted, but only created a circle of aftermath, and did not hurt Yao Ming at all.

But the empress was not surprised, she herself had already stepped on the emperor's seal and escaped thousands of miles! When she saw the other party, she realized that the power of this demon was far above her.

So it seems like a counterattack operation! In fact, it was all the Empress playing tricks, her purpose was just to run, so the strength she hit on Yao Ming was not half of her strength.

"Huh?" Yao Ming was stunned for a moment, touched the place where he hit, and felt a little happy for no reason, which made his face darken a bit! I don't know what the hell I am happy about? ill.

But dazed back to dazed, Yao Ming immediately chased after the empress after she realized it! But Ye Batian at this meeting has already noticed this.

"Quack quack!..." The overwhelming ghosts immediately rolled over to this side, protecting the empress and fleeing! But after all, this place is too far away from the exit of Yaoyu.

The strength of Yao Ming is very close to the existence of the domain king! These ghosts couldn't stop him at all, and he was about to capture the empress again.

It's too late, but it's fast!

"Book of Changes! Open——" Zhu Yunwen's warm and moist voice came in time, "Pen come! Say to kill, say to attack, say to die, say to destroy, say..."

Zhu Yunwen spoke eloquently, and with the Langhao pen waving in his hand, he continued to unleash incomparably mysterious attacks from the Book of Changes that he had summoned.

A series of killings that contain rules! Attacks, death thoughts, and extinguishing aura all rushed towards Yaoming, causing the latter to be caught off guard and stagnated for a while.

"Shen Nong Ding!" Hua Qianfang, who followed Zhu Yunwen, also summoned the Shen Nong Ding, quite like Ye Qianli! He threw it at Yaoming.

"Auntie! Are you okay?" Liao Zongming rushed to the empress's side and asked nervously.

The empress shook her head, and looked at Yaoming solemnly, although she could also see that Zhu Yunwen and Hua Qianfang were not weak, especially Zhu Yunwen, who seemed to have broken through to become a half-step domain king.

But even so, they are not the opponents of Ximo! This demon...

Without waiting for the empress to evaluate carefully, Zhu Yunwen grabbed Hua Qianfang and fled towards the empress! Instead, the Empress reassured and said, "Retreat separately."


"Dang!!" A bell sounded suddenly from the void, and at the same time as the bell sounded, it covered the chasing Yao Ming, covering him accurately.

The empress was startled for a moment, and then saw Gong Liuyun stepping out of nothingness, so it covered Yao Ming! It is undoubtedly the Eastern Emperor Bell.

"Dang!" After being caught off guard, Yaoming attacked the big bell, but the Donghuang Bell was extremely strong, no matter how strong he was! It really couldn't be broken right away.

not to mention……

"Sun seal!" Zhu Yunwen had already swiped a huge wolf hair brush, and added sixty-four elephant seals to the Donghuang Bell, arousing half of the seal power of the Donghuang Bell in a targeted manner.

"Bastard!" Yaoming cursed loudly, noticing that he would capsize in the gutter, and be bullied by some brats.

But even if Yaoming was sealed, Zhu Yunwen didn't dare to take it lightly and said, "This method won't seal him for long, let's hurry to the exit of Yaoyu and join Qianli and the others."

"Let's go." The empress nodded, but she didn't know that her daughter was in the exit area, but she didn't doubt Zhu Yunwen's judgment, after all, he was the most able to pinch and count.

"Hey! Poisonous woman, I show mercy to you, but you tell people to plot against me, won't my conscience hurt?" Yao Ming couldn't control his mouth and shouted at this moment.

The Empress didn't care about him, she just dragged Liao Zongming away, and Gong Liuyun and Hua Qianfang also hurriedly followed. They were destined to meet each other not long after they entered the Demon Realm.

"Poisonous woman!..." Yaoming cried a few times unwillingly, but frowned and thought to himself, it wasn't that he didn't want to kill that woman, it was because he was bullied, there was no way.

But he could actually avoid the Donghuang Bell, but he would be completely unaware of it, or he would realize it, but he didn't want to admit it.


"I didn't expect the holy old thief to die." Yao Ming lay in the East Emperor Bell, feeling very inconceivable about this subtle perception.

But because he had been hiding in the old thief's body for a while, he could really feel that the old thief was dead, or that his soul didn't exist at all.

It was only when this feeling arose that Yaoming frowned! Feel something wrong.

It was at this moment——

"Om!" Ancestor Ji, who had digested all of Sheng Wuming's memories, opened his eyes again! It was a pair of dark, fierce eyes.

ps: Today's question is - when did Yao Ming leave Sheng Wuming?

Hint: The previous article has the answer.

Another: The answer to yesterday's question is no, did you guess right? I see quite a few guesses were right, but those who could guess the final ending of Sheng Wuming didn’t, hahahaha!

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