Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1647 Here I Come! I can! 1 more


The "Four Divine Beasts" who were obviously startled roared suddenly, and naturally they also startled people from various forces stationed in Wanyu City.

"What happened again?" Tai Yichen frowned and looked, he really couldn't figure out, what kind of people who don't have eyes, dare to disturb these four existences.

Isn't the fate of Patriarch Ji not alert enough?

Tai Yichen couldn't figure it out, and the other people naturally didn't understand it very well, so everyone looked at the four behemoths with curiosity and a heart of watching the show.

never thought...


Patriarch Ji, who stepped out of the air, is here at this moment! Stepping towards the four divine beasts without fear, the body still naturally released the little bit of the divine energy of the four elephants that he had swallowed.


"Buzz! Buzz..."

The formation that had already been set up by Ji Laozu seemed to be stimulated! All of them were running crazily, swallowing the four existences coiled above the hunting ground of the Heavenly Dao until their whole body trembled.


The pure four-element divine power was absorbed into Patriarch Ji's body immediately, making him feel like a dry field watered by sweet rain, and he felt extremely comfortable all over.

"Hahaha..." Patriarch Ji laughed wildly, secretly thinking that Sheng Wuming deserved to be a legendary figure, and the Devouring Formation was indeed extremely domineering.

No wonder that old guy was able to devour millions of lions with this formation! As expected of a generation of heroes, he is both ruthless and capable enough to win his memory! What a great opportunity.

Now that the formation has been activated, he has nothing to fear, the him at this moment! It has been integrated with the four elephants below, and no one can do anything against him.

Once this devouring is started! There is no possibility of being interrupted anymore, after all, he already has part of the four elephants in his body, which has been properly digested by him.

So at this moment, he even has an advantage over Sheng Wuming who devoured millions of lions and that pure-blooded monster! He doesn't have energy disorders at all.

The only shortcoming is that he was in a hurry, and the array he arranged was far less detailed than what Sheng Wuming had arranged before, and it wouldn't last long.


"Come on!..."

Ancestor Ji knew his own disadvantages, so he took advantage of his "inherent background", and didn't worry that his body would not be able to bear it, so he directly accelerated the absorption! I want to try to devour all the four elephants before the devouring array collapses.



Sixiang's divine energy seemed to be completely suppressed, and he could only roar unwillingly! However, the energy body was constantly being deprived, and Tai Yichen and the others were terrified to see it.

"It's Patriarch Ji again!"

"Why is it him again!..." The faces of the Taiyi people were all ugly, after all, the four energy celestial bodies in front of them belonged to their uncles.

"Report to the high priest!" Tai Yichen ordered, and he approached the center of the incident, wanting to see the details, but was invisible! But there is a real obstacle in the way, and he can't get close.

"Damn it!" Tai Yichen's face was gloomy.

Some people came to report, "King Chen, it's bad! Ji Chun, Ji Xi and the two Ji clan domain kings have led the Ji clan's 50,000 elite troops who stayed here to surround this place with a wonderful formation. It doesn’t get out at all.”

"What!" Tai Yichen's face was ashen, but he didn't believe in evil! He was going to personally lead someone to break through, but he soon discovered that all of this was true.

Ancestor Ji who obtained the memory of Sheng Wuming is almost half of Sheng Wuming! Although he is not as high as Sheng Wuming, he has the Ji family.

This is also the reason why Patriarch Ji dared to devour the divine power of the Four Elephants after learning that the Master of Tianguan was so strong, he knew it! With his preparations, no one can stop him.


At the same time, although he didn't know what Ji Patriarch had done, but Rong Mo felt something, he opened his eyes, and pinched the center of his brow with some anxiety.

"Your Highness, what's the matter?" Ye Qianli kept looking at him, and when she saw him like this, she asked subconsciously, fearing that there was something wrong with his body.

"It's okay." Rong Mo suppressed the uneasiness in his heart, looked at the sealed boundary wall passage, and felt a little relieved when he saw that the formation had not been shaken.

Ye Qianli observed his words, and knew that he was worried about the mistakes in the formation, so she quickly comforted him softly, "The formation is fine, Your Highness, let's rest for a while."

"No, it's almost done, go back first." Rong Mo sat up straight, but felt a little dizzy, and his face was even more pale and pale, making him look extraordinarily fragile.

Ye Qianli couldn't bear it, so she immediately hugged him back into her arms and said, "Your Highness, take a rest."


"Be obedient." Ye Qianli said without rebuttal.

Rong Mo raised his eyebrows and looked at the person who was holding him, and saw that her eyes were bright and stubborn, just like she was holding his arm, with strength that would never give in.

"Let's rest for a while. If you are like this, even if there is something, you can't solve it. Let's talk about it after a rest." The empress said from the side without looking sideways.

"That's right!" Xiao Yi'er murmured in support.

Rong Mo pinched the center of his brows, and Ye Qianli took his hand, kissed his frowning brows, and said softly, "Your Highness, rest for another quarter of an hour."

"Yeah." Rong Mo agreed, after all he was really tired, and he thought about it, the pure-blooded big demon clan didn't come over, even if the pure-blooded king demon wanted to be a demon, there would be no big waves right now, so it shouldn't be a big deal.

Thinking of this, Rong Mo also relaxed, and being kissed softly on his eyebrows and rubbing his temples, he took a short nap.

But just as Rong Mo fell asleep, the taboos of the Demon Palace lit up with a "swish" as if being touched. Fortunately, Ye Qianli had been on guard for a long time, but did not let these movements disturb Rong Mo who had just closed his eyes.

"Old slave, go and have a look." Bai Fengchun stood up consciously. He has recovered 30% to 40% now. It is most appropriate for him to find out one or two things.

a moment later...

Bai Fengchun, who had gone and returned, reported, "A few young people came, and because of their low cultivation, they successfully climbed up the Demon Mountain, but they were all blocked by the gate of the temple, so they couldn't get in."

"Do you know who it is?" Ye Qianli asked.

"According to what they said, the two leaders are Ji Wushuang and Leng Shisan." Bai Fengchun learned.

Ye Qianli was slightly surprised, wondering why these two people got together, it sounded like a gang?

"Sister-in-law, both of these two have been to the Demon Palace before." Rong Xi said from the side.

Ye Qianli pondered for a moment, then asked, "Xiaoxi, do you know how to let them in?"

"I don't know." Rong Xi rubbed his nose apologetically, feeling a little ashamed, "Brother should know, but I can't help you much."

"You have helped so much, and you still say you haven't helped?" Ye Qianli smiled, and said with an idea, "Let them wait."

However, a certain little one couldn't hold back and shouted immediately, "I'll do it! I can!"

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