Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1648 Kneel down! call the master. 2 more

Xiao Yi'er, who volunteered, didn't forget that the door only needs to be pushed open to let people in. Unfortunately, he didn't succeed before, but this time he will definitely be able to!

Ye Qianli's eyes lit up and said, "I almost forgot my mother's best Yi'er! Lao Bai, you can take Yi'er with you."

Bai Fengchun was surprised, after all, he couldn't even open that door for a while, and he had to be at his peak to challenge those restrictions on the door, but the master...but, let the little master go?

Xiao Yi'er didn't care so much and ran away first.

Bai Fengchun could only follow quickly.

not long...

Xiao Yi'er brought Bai Fengchun, who was still a little dumbfounded, and Ji Wushuang and his party back to the inner hall and said, "Mother! I'm back."

Ye Qianli just raised her eyes, and the people in the hall were laughed at by the little guy's begging face, and Ye Qianli also laughed and praised, "Yi'er is really the best!"

Xiao Yi'er's eyebrows and eyes were slightly curved, but he ran back to Ye Qianli and sat down reservedly, with a look of "I'm great, but I'm not proud", Liao Zongming rushed over to tease him immediately.

Leng Shisan even boasted with a smile, "I haven't seen you for a few months, this kid is much cuter again, but how does he look like he has grown up by two or three years all of a sudden?"

Leng Shisan remembered that at the Tiandao hunting ground, he was only two or three years old, so why did he feel like five years old in a blink of an eye?

"Nutrition is good." Ye Qianli responded with a smile.

Leng Shisan: "..." I can't answer these words, no matter how good the nutrition is, it can't make the seedlings grow, right?

"Why did you return to the Demon Palace?" Ye Qianli asked again.

Leng Shisan glanced at it, and then said in detail, "We originally wanted to leave the Demon Realm directly, but the exit of the Demon Realm was blocked, so we couldn't leave. Ji Wushuang originally suggested going to Fengdu, and we will wait until we find out the situation.

But on the way to Fengdu, we ran into two disciples of the Ji family. We learned that in Fengdu city, Qigongzi joined forces with the old army to plot chaos, and the city was in turmoil.

When we arrived at Yao Yao City, Ji Wushuang got another news that the pure-blood king Yao and Shenglao seemed to have left the Yao Demon Mountain. We made some calculations and felt that the exit of the Demon Realm would be blocked, which should have something to do with the Demon Palace. Courage to return. "

After Ye Qianli heard this, she knew that Ji Wushuang was basically making up her mind on this journey, so she knew in her heart that the Leng family was still weaker than the Ji family in terms of connections and sources of news.


"Why are these big monsters from the void world and people from the Tian clan following?" Ye Qianli swept towards the group of people behind Ji Wushuang lightly.

Only then did Ji Wushuang speak, "There was an accident in Yaoyu, I reached a settlement with Leng Shisan, and I feel that Wanyu's arbitration should be cancelled, and we can go out safely first."

"That makes sense." Ye Qianli agrees with this point, but...

Ye Qianli glanced at the big eyes of the Void Realm, then ordered sternly, "Old Bai, kill them."

Ji Wushuang's pupils shrank!


There are several great monsters in the void world, but they are all in an instant! It was directly "pinched" and exploded, and it was still the kind of extinction, and it was too late to scream, and then hand in hand with the soul to annihilate.

"You..." Ji Wushuang's face was ashen, but it was not because of the lives of these people, but because they belonged to the same side as her in the Wanyu arbitration.

But Ye Qianli killed as soon as she said, didn't this slap her in the face? ! However--

"Except for Leng Shisan, if you want to go out, kneel down, swear with blood, and worship me as master." Ye Qianli's words were a real slap in the face! Ji Wushuang beat Ji Wushuang unexpectedly.

Even Leng Shisan was quite surprised, and looked straight at Ye Qianli. In his memory, although Ye Qianli was not easy to provoke, he was not a mean person who would take advantage of others.

"Ye Qianli, you are too deceitful! You know, I could have easily killed Leng Shisan." Ji Wushuang's complexion was very bad. She didn't even kneel before heaven and earth, let her kneel down? No way!


"You should also be thankful that you didn't kill Leng Shisan. If it wasn't for his face, you people should join hands and visit the Palace of the King of Hell." Ye Qianli said indifferently.

"You..." Ji Fengtian wanted to scold and condemn!

Ye Qianli interrupted coldly, "I'm not afraid to tell you that the demon realm will soon be occupied by the pure-blooded monster clan. Without my husband taking you away, you will only be slaughtered."

"What!?" Leng Shisan was stunned.

Ji Wushuang and the others didn't quite believe it either!

But Ye Qianli didn't explain much, she just said coldly, "You have only two ways to go, one is to make me master, and the other is to die."

"I will die unyielding!" Ji Fengtian roared with his back straight.

Ye Qianli was not discussing with them, so she ordered, "Old Bai, kill them all."

"Yes!" Bai Fengchun would not be soft-hearted.

"Wait a minute!" Ji Wushuang gritted his teeth.

"Eldest sister! We must not surrender, we..." Ji Fengtian urgently tried to persuade him, fearing that his proud elder sister would have to surrender and kneel down. He didn't want to see this scene! The eldest sister is the god in his heart, and she shouldn't be humiliated like this.

Leng Shisan felt a little pity, but he knew that Ye Qianli and Ji Wushuang had a deep grievance, so he had no position to say anything, so he could only remain silent.

Ji Wushuang took a deep breath before asking through gritted teeth, "Give me a reason." Why, she must kneel and surrender.

"There is no reason." Ye Qianli's expression was indifferent, like a cold-blooded god who regards human life and microscopic ants.

"Then I'd rather die!" Ji Fengtian roared immediately.

Ji Wushuang's eyes were bloodshot, full of humiliation! I also want to swear to the death.

But Ye Qianli said again, "If you really want a reason, it is that I am stronger than you, and the power I have now is far above Ji's. In my eyes, you, Ji Wushuang, are nothing but an ant. I will let you Live, so you can live."

"You..." Ji Fengtian blushed! His eyes were bloodshot with anger, and he only hated that when Ye Qianli was still weak, he didn't kill her, and let her grow up to where she is today.

"Be loyal to me! Or die." Ye Qianli raised her head slightly, looking down at Ji Wushuang and the others.

"I, Tianqi Mountain, wish to be loyal to my master, Ye Qianli, with blood!" The leader of the Tian clan's trip - Tianqi Mountain, he knelt down and worshiped.

The rest of the Tian clan's disciples naturally surrendered one after another! They didn't want to die after all.

"Get up." Ye Qianli told them to step aside, but he didn't look at Ji Wushuang and the others. He only gave Bai Fengchun a look, and the latter's breath moved slightly.

"Boom!" Ji Wushuang knelt down!

"Eldest sister!" Ji Fengtian was shocked to the extreme. From the time he remembered to now, he never thought that the tall elder sister would succumb to the power one day.

But Ji Wushuang really sacrificed his heart and soul, and swore: "Subordinate Ji Wushuang! May, Xiao, Zhong, Ye, Qian, Li! This oath! It is evidenced by blood."

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