Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1656 Completely complete the calf! 1 more


The magic box has been turned into the most convenient pen according to her will! It was within her grasp, and she used the void as a paper to write down the divine pattern that once terrified the pure-blooded big monsters——Zhushi.

To this day, Ye Qianli, who has mastered the true biography of King Cang, has already grasped the mystery of the divine pattern, and she has seen "with her own eyes" the scene where King Cang wrote "Jie Shi".


Face what stands in your way! Ye Qianli, the elite of the 50,000 Ji family who obviously formed the most solid defensive formation, wrote "Jie Shi" in an unambiguous way.


The energy on the crown has been consumed too much when she wrote Zhu Shi before! And the protector's body merged into her body, allowing her to advance to become a domain king naturally.




When Ye Qianli gathers brand new power! When concentrating on writing "Zhushi", she no longer feels weak and exhausted. There is a steady stream of energy rules in her body, pouring into the tip of her pen seemingly inexhaustibly, and finally...


There are endless divine lights! In an instant, they gathered at the tip of Ye Qianli's pen.


Has the power to kill the heavens and the world! In an instant, it turned into the oldest one! And the most complicated text.

Such text...

It made Ji Xihe, who is knowledgeable, tremble instantly, and made Ji Chun, who was a little weaker than him, terrified, "No, no..."

Even though Ji Chun didn't recognize the "Zhushi" divine pattern, because this divine pattern was too strong! Since Cangwang, no one has been able to write it.

So strictly speaking, the "Zhu Shi" divine pattern has been lost for hundreds of millions of years, but even if it is lost! The terrifying destructive aura that it gathers at this moment is enough to make even the domain king's heart tremble.


Only Ye Qianli knows that what she writes now is not as strong as Cang Wang's way back then! It's less than one-tenth of his, so this day, there has been no scream.

But the entire sky is already trembling! The most ruthless Dao of Heaven already gave off an aura of fear, not to mention Ji Chun, Ji Xihe, and the 50,000 elite of the Ji Clan.


"No! No." At this moment, the Ji Clan's elite powerhouses, who were sealed in the formation and could not escape, were so frightened that they burst into tears, desperate to rush out of the formation, and did not want to maintain this ghost formation. Law.

But they can't get out at all...

The self-confessed ancestor Ji not only harmed himself, but also the 50,000 elites of the Ji family! And Ji Chun and Ji Xihe, the two domain kings.

There is no way they can escape!

They can only helplessly! Looking at this ancient and terrifying word, descending towards them.


Ji's 50,000 elite! All at this moment, they were so frightened that they roared out loudly, they were scared! It's really scary, because they, as domain masters and above, can intuit it! The breath of death is descending along with the ancient characters of Tao.



They don't want to die!

Not at all!

"Goddess Ye! You can't slaughter innocents like this." Ji Xihe couldn't help but roared in panic, "Goddess Ye, this formation will soon disintegrate on its own, please be merciful!"

Having said that, Ji Xihe even knelt down on the ground with a "boom"!

Such a scene stunned the people in the formation, but although they could hear Ji Xihe's words, they couldn't see everything outside the formation, so they didn't know at all, how could Ji Xihe kneel?

Who is it that can make Ji Xihe, who is the king of the high-level domain, reconciled! Are you scared to kneel?

Could it be...

Rong Mo!

Young Master Rong!

"Young master Rong is here?" Although Leng Qingshan asked with a question, his tone was very sure! He believed that Rong Mo, who had taken back the Four Elephant God Neng Tian Gui, must have come to seek revenge on Ji Gou.


"Goddess Ye!"

The person Ji Xi and begged for was Ye Qianli! And Ye Qianli, who was begged by him, had no intention of stopping at all.


"Crack! Crack,..."

The whole building is indestructible! Even Patriarch Ji, who had devoured a lot of the divine power of the four elephants before, couldn't break through the unbreakable formation, it was cracking.



"No, no!..." Ji Chun and the others panicked, they couldn't care less about anything else! They were almost in unison, kneeling automatically and consciously.

"Goddess Ye! I beg you to be merciful!"

"Goddess Ye!..." The Ji family's 50,000 elite troops all cried grandma begging Ye Qianli like their ancestors, but this time! Because the formation has cracked, the people in the formation can hear clearly who they are begging for.

But it was because they heard it clearly that they were stunned!

Ye Qianli?

How can it be! ?

Everyone felt that the Ji family's 50,000 elite troops, including Ji Chun and Ji Xihe, were stupid.



When the entire formation suddenly disintegrated, the "Punishing the World" divine pattern, which was still in the air, let everyone see it! Only those who sense it understand——

Ji Chun, Ji Xihe, and Ji's 50,000 elite army are not stupid! They are actually very smart, they know that they will definitely lose, and they know that they can only beg for mercy!

after all……

Even Patriarch Ji! He was in this divine pattern and felt a fatal crisis.

What's even more frightening is...


Immediately after the formation collapsed! It was the space in Wanyu City that was originally filled with formations, but Ji Chun, Ji Xihe, and Ji's 50,000 troops who hadn't had time to escape yet! At this moment, they were all slaughtered into pieces of flesh and blood without distinction.


"..." Around Wanyu City! All were stained red with blood, and everyone in the city was stunned by the pieces of flesh and blood that fell down one after another.


Everyone who saw this scene! All of them stared wide-eyed, watching this scene in disbelief, feeling their hearts beating like drums, and their own eardrums were about to explode.

How can it be……

How can it be!

How can it be……

Even if it is the Taiyi clan! They were all stunned by their goddess's tough, fierce and awesome record, okay?


Why is their goddess so powerful! Is this going to heaven? Oh no, this is more awesome than the sky, what is the sky, now even the sky is afraid of their goddess.

Oh My God!

Why is the goddess so powerful!


The Taiyi people all use star eyes! Looking at their goddess with admiration, I feel that their goddess is already comparable to the first-generation goddess.


Can't help it.

I really want to swear!

Goddess is so damn powerful!

Regardless of the seriousness of the crimes of the Taiyi clan, they killed so many people at once! They only know that the pain in their hearts due to the loss of Taiyi Chen has finally been relieved for a while.


The Taiyi tribe visited their goddess with tears in their eyes, each and every one of them was full of tears, like a child returning home, and finally found a mother to talk about after being bullied.

Some of the younger Taiyi people cried "Wow" on the spot, full of grievances.

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