Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1657 Twenty Clans Submit! 2 more



People from other ethnic groups who had just come to their senses were stunned by the "shameless" Taiyi clan who had suffered so much, even though they had lost a domain king!

But compared to others, the Ji family has lost two domain kings! What is an elite army of at least fifty thousand domain masters? Besides, Patriarch Ji, who bullied them, didn't please them either.

Also, the gang of Taiyi powerhouses just now were very fierce! Killed a lot of "trapped" powerhouses of the Ji family, and it can be regarded as revenge, revenge, how dare they cry like this?


Didn't see it!

"What's wrong?" Ye Qianli's heart skipped a beat! Falling beside Taiyihong and the others, he noticed with a sharp gaze that Taiyichen seemed not to be there.

"Wow!..." The Taiyi clan powerhouse who cried the most was immediately asked! Crying even more sadly, Tai Yihong couldn't help wiping away his tears, feeling so wronged.

This made Ye Qianli ask more definitely, "Elder Chen, have you fallen?" Her question was very soft, with a trembling voice, which made the Taiyi clan cry even worse.

"It's Old Dog Ji!" Tai Yihong pointed in the direction where Old Ancestor Ji was, as if suing the child! The resentment, sadness and grievance on the face made people feel miserable after seeing it.


Tai Yihong pointed to the past, and he discovered it! Old dog Ji is gone! ?


"Goddess! Ji Laogou has run away!" Taiyihong's face changed drastically, and he couldn't care less about crying, he just felt that his heart was going to explode! The culprit is not dead, even if two Ji clan domain kings and 50,000 Ji clan troops are dead! That's not enough, not enough!

As for Tai Yihong's words, it was only then that they woke up. Leng Qingshan and Feng Junshen, who were still a little stunned, realized that their opponent had really disappeared.

"Ji Laogou actually ran away?" Leng Qingshan was a little annoyed, but he also knew that if someone like Ji Patriarch wanted to run away, even if he was watching him, he would still run away and couldn't stop him.



A pathetic to the deformation! People can't tell what the screaming sound is, but it comes from the sky not far away, and it's from far to near! Following a figure, it crashed onto the hard floor tiles of Wanyu City.


The terrible sound of falling made Wanyu City shake, which shows how much you hate the smashing! Some people also heard suspicious bone cracking sounds, and suspected that the person who was thrown down might have broken a bone.

They didn't realize until they saw the person who was smashed clearly! Isn't that Ji Patriarch?

It turned out that Ji Patriarch had long been terrified by Ye Qianli's unrivaled combat power, so he took advantage of the shattered formation and rushed out without fear of the space collapse, trying to escape.


Rong Mo is not a vase for display, how could he let Patriarch Ji slip away? Of course not.



Patriarch Ji, who spit out a mouthful of old blood, was indeed smashed and fractured, and all internal organs in his body were smashed and displaced! It hurts so much that he only feels that it hurts to breathe.

But besides the pain, what scares him the most! It was still Rong Mo's fighting power, but he could clearly see that Rong Mo just swept away calmly, and he started to hurt! When he was hit on the ground, the pain was so painful that even the ends of his hair hurt.

Even though he was still a high-level domain king, his cultivation level did not fall below his original cultivation level because of the Four Elephant God's ability to be withdrawn, but he was still as weak as an ant in the opponent's hands.


Patriarch Ji who kept vomiting blood didn't want to admit that he was "weak as an ant", but he had to find out that he was an ant in front of Rong Mo today.

This kind of fact caused Ji Patriarch's Dao Heart, which already had cracks, to become sluggish to the extreme! The whole person is also wilted, those high-spirited and complacent are completely gone.

"I, I was wrong, Young Master Rong, I, I was wrong, please, don't kill me..." At this moment, Patriarch Ji has no heart for a strong man at all, he just wants to live.

Once proud! After the sense of honor of being a descendant of the Ji family was shattered, all that remained was to survive. He thought that as long as he was still alive, he could at least maintain his current strength.


"Holy Judgment." Rong Mo would not show mercy at all, he didn't have the slightest intention of forgiving this old dog who had polluted his strength, he directly surrendered! Since he became king, the first ruling power.


There are four colors of rainbow light! Suddenly, the world rules that came through the void turned into the four sharpest nails, and ruthlessly nailed Patriarch Ji's limbs.


"No! Help—"

Patriarch Ji's shrill and ferocious screams made everyone's eyelids twitch in shock! I don't understand how terrible pain Patriarch Ji endured to make him scream so deeply.

After a while...

Only then did Leng Qingshan realize with a heartbeat that Patriarch Ji, who was nailed to the ground of Wanyu City, was not only nailed through the bones, but even his soul was actually nailed.



Patriarch Ji, who was screaming again and again, only felt that his soul and body were suffering the death penalty! The terrifying four-image divine power was like a sharp knife lingering on his body and soul, cutting his flesh and soul inch by inch.

Even the bones! It seems that it is also being continuously drilled and gnawed by the claws of the tarsus...

The kind that goes from body to bones, to viscera, to soul! Suffering from pain everywhere, Patriarch Ji just wanted to die, he didn't want to live.

But since Rong Mo only nailed his limbs, he naturally didn't want him to die so soon. These four nails would let him die after Patriarch Ji's blood and soul were gone.

This process takes at least seventy-seven forty-nine days! In the next forty-nine days and nights, Patriarch Ji will regret what he has done.

Rong Mo!

He used capital punishment!

Let the king of the ten thousand domains understand that he has no trouble! Judging the ability of the domain king and powerhouse.

Even though Ancestor Ji is not a strong man above the domain king, he is still recognized by all domains! The strongest one among the domain kings, but this is him, in Rong Mo's hands, he only has the fate of being judged.

what does that mean?

Everyone knows it.

"Greetings to Young Master Rong!" As the first domain king to kneel in front of Rong Mo, Feng Jun Shen didn't have any unwillingness, only surrender and awe.

"Greetings to Young Master Rong." Leng Qingshan surrendered with the members of the Leng family.

"Meet Young Master Rong!"

"Greetings to Young Master Rong,..." People from all sides bowed down one after another, and they were all shocked by Rong Mo's thunderous means of "killing chickens and police monkeys".

not to mention! Beside Rong Mo, there is also Ye Qianli, but she wrote it down, a peerless divine pattern that frightened them.

The strength of the couple! Completely crushing the entire big clan of the Ji clan, so how dare these "small" clans dare to jump around again?

They can only surrender! Only dare to surrender.

Even the Yuan King of the Tian Clan...

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