Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1658 The Dragon Emperor is back! 3 more

He is also at this moment! He knelt down towards Ye Qianli and Rong Mo.

He who once yelled at Ye Qianli and Rong Mo to kill him, now, apart from submitting, all he has left is fear! Of course he was scared, Tian Zhaoyuan never forgot how they dealt with Ye Qianli before.

After chasing, persecuting, capturing and other methods ended without a problem, they even produced a shameful marriage certificate! With the way of heaven, he initiated the ruling of the way of heaven and forced Ye Qianli to remarry into the Tian family.

Although the marriage letter is not fake, there is also the oath of heaven! But……

The divine pattern that Ye Qianli wrote just now! Tiandao is scared, how can Tiandao judge her?

What's more, the high priest of the Taiyi clan has upgraded the original Heavenly Law Arbitration Jue to Wanyu Arbitration! Such a ruling, although more powerful.


The foundation of Wanyu Arbitration is strength!

At this moment, Ye Qianli already has it! The entire Tian clan, including the Tian clan's allies, cannot resist the power, so the result of the Wanyu arbitration is already clear.


When Rong Mo said coldly, "Hand over the marriage certificate".

But King Yuan had to answer tremblingly in cold sweat, "The marriage certificate is not with me, it is, it is..." King Yuan "was" for a long time, but he didn't say why.

Because the aura around Rong Mo's body has become a bit colder! King Yuan who was targeted was so cold that he was shivering, his whole body was not well, so how could he speak?

But even if the marriage certificate was not with King Yuan, but with Zhiwang, the marriage certificate was also burned at this moment, and the king who "self-immolated" found out the clue was stunned.

"What's going on?" The king who was still at the exit of the demon realm was completely unable to stop the self-immolation of the marriage letter, even if he used the power of the rules.

On the contrary, Zhu Yuanming said with a surprised expression, "Wanyu's arbitration is over, and the marriage certificate has been ruled invalid."

"Impossible!" The King retorted in disbelief, "The exit of the Demon Realm has been blocked, and the people participating in the arbitration haven't come out yet, so why is it over!?"

It's over! He also directly burned the marriage certificate in his hand, isn't this a fool! ? The king felt that this was a child's play, nonsense.



The marriage letter in the process of self-immolation was suddenly torn apart! Terrible sparks burst out, and the Burning King hurriedly let go, feeling that his soul was being burned.

The power of self-immolation in the marriage letter! It also made the king at the moment feel palpitations.

So strong!

Although it was only burned for a while, the King of Ke knew very well that if the sparks were bigger! To be able to burn him to death.

"This is Wanyu Arbitration Divine Fire, which originated from Mount Sumeru, and is the rootless adjudication oath! Fire without source." Zhu Yuanming explained in surprise and shock.

Although the appearance of the Tiandao hunting ground means that Wanyu's own rules have fully recovered! Wanyu Arbitration, which represents Wanyu's highest award, can also be initiated.


Be the power of Wanyu Arbitration! Zhu Yuanming was still shocked when he actually appeared in front of his eyes.

However, Zhu Yuanming also has doubts. After all, the exit of the demon domain has been sealed as the king said, and the children who went in have not yet come out.

So why did Wanyu Arbitration end?

Judging from the result, Goddess Ye still won.

"Hahaha..." The little old man, the high priest, couldn't hold back anymore, he really couldn't hold back! So he couldn't hide it anymore, he laughed so much that he exposed himself.

Everyone immediately looked at him! But the little old man, the high priest, still couldn't help laughing, "Toad, you can give up now, the goddess of my clan is not something you can covet! Hahaha..."

It's so satisfying!

The high priest, the little old man, didn't care how the verdict was over, he only knew that the toad was shameless! Finally, there is no more ghosts that disgust their goddesses, so don't be too happy.

"Hahaha..." The little old man, the high priest, laughed so hard that he wanted to beat the ground.

The king: "..." His face was so ugly! But he couldn't beat the high priest of the Taiyi tribe, so he could only be angry, so angry! He was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, but he could only bear it.

"Could it be because Rong Mo has advanced?" Zhu Yuanming felt that the movement of the four elephant beasts just now should be a sign of Rong Mo's advancement and becoming a king.

So the Wanyu Arbitration Conference ended because of Rong Mo's advancement? But this is not right, Tian Shi and Ye Qianli are the main bearers of the ruling.

As an auxiliary force, Rong Mo's strength may affect the verdict, but the conditions of the verdict have been agreed upon! Only people in the domain master realm can participate.

Therefore, Rong Mo's advancement to become king will only be detrimental to the ruling! Impossible to let the verdict end immediately, unless...

"Goddess Ye has advanced! And her advanced combat power is far above the Tian Clan and the Tian Clan Alliance. As the main body, she has completely won." Zhu Yuanming yelled these words in disbelief.

"Impossible!" There was an instinctive voice of doubt at the scene, but everyone who doubted it knew it! This is probably the truth, otherwise the marriage certificate in the hands of the king would not have set himself on fire.


"Hahaha..." The little old man, the high priest, laughed even more happily! He was about to roll on the ground. In fact, he could feel that their little goddess had indeed advanced. After all, he felt a lot stronger about himself.


The high priest, the little old man, felt that his stomach hurt from laughing so hard! It was so cool, so pleasing, and he was so beautiful.

"Stop talking, I'm going to find our goddess, hahaha..." The little old man, the high priest, laughed, leaving the stunned crowd behind, and happily ran towards the center of Wanyu.


so happy!


Those who are still in Wanyu City don't know that the marriage certificate has been self-immolated, but they all know that the winner of this Wanyu arbitration is Ye Qianli.

But it's not over yet, Rong Mo, who couldn't get the marriage certificate, said coldly, "Tian Zhaoyuan, since you are the head of the Tian clan, hereby swear your family oath to be loyal to this young master."

"What?" Tian Zhaoyuan was stunned!

"I want you, Tianshi, to serve my young master from generation to generation as you did to my father, otherwise! The whole clan will judge." After Rong Mo said this, heaven and earth! There are four-color sky thunder billowing up.

This is a symbol that Rong Mo can mobilize the power of Wanyu Arbitration.

This kind of power means that if the Tian clan breaks the oath, it will be directly judged by Wan Yu.

Tian Zhaoyuan, as the Patriarch elected by the Tian Clan, has the qualifications to swear allegiance on behalf of the family.

The point is, Tian Zhaoyuan cannot refuse! Because he knew that once he refused, all the strong Tian clan members here would die, and the Tian clan would be wiped out in the near future.


Even if you are terrified! Tian Zhaoyuan swore loyalty for the entire family in the name of the head of the Tian clan, from now on! The Tian clan must swear allegiance to Rongmo to the death, just like the Tian clan once swore allegiance to King Sumeru.



Wanyu is at this moment! From the nothingness, a crack pierced through thousands of domains, and the world-shaking aura of supreme power and dominance descended on Wanyu City at this moment.


ps: The rewards for the Easter event have been distributed, please join in~

If you have any questions, please consult the little butler in qun—Xiuxiu [Xiaoxiang Academy] Xingyu [Penguin Bookstore]

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