Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1659 This is the Peak Dragon Emperor! 1 more


It's like the sound of the dragon's chant from the flood, and it's like blowing the horn of Wanyu! Once again, it resounded in every corner of Wanyu, even the most remote corner of the small domain, was shaken by this dragon's chant.

Dragon Emperor!

The Dragon Emperor at the pinnacle!

It descended on Wanyu City at this moment.

The huge dragon body, which belongs to the Dragon Emperor alone, winds and covers thousands of domains, like a giant celestial body in the vast universe, appearing with a physique and strength that no one can resist.

Such a Dragon Emperor...

It caused people from various clans who were already kneeling on the ground to bow down one after another. Their hearts were shocked by this supreme power, and goosebumps from trembling continued to appear all over their bodies.

Dragon Emperor.

The symbol of King Sumeru!

It's at it again.

But this time, it is thousands of times stronger than before!

This is Dragon Emperor.

Guardian of Mount Sumeru! King Xumi's mount.

Dragon Emperor.

Until now!

People just understand.

legend! Truly a legend they could never match.

"Meet the Dragon Emperor."

"Meet the Dragon Emperor!..."

There were endless sounds of surrender and worship, without the slightest bit of hypocrisy.

Facing such a Dragon Emperor, no one dares to be perfunctory! No one dared to give birth to the slightest disobedience.

This is strength.

Supreme strength.

Ye Qianli didn't know the true power of the Dragon Emperor until this moment, it was so terrifying, when it led them out of the heavenly region, it didn't show its ultimate powerful body.


The stimulated Dragon Emperor!

Make it clear that the Dragon Emperor who came to support Rong Mo!

It goes straight to the ultimate! The deity who can penetrate almost half of the myriad domains, descended in front of the world, and became a nightmare for all those who had disrespected Rong Mo.

Tian Zhaoyuan, he really wanted to kill himself in place, he didn't want to be seen by the Dragon Emperor, he only knew now! In front of the real Dragon Emperor, he and the Tian clan behind him are nothing at all.

Everyone thought that although the former Dragon Emperor was injured, he should still have a few percent of his original combat power! Now people know, shit!

The sick Dragon Emperor they had seen before was just a drop in the bucket at its peak.


At this moment, the Dragon Emperor didn't look at other people at all, it only looked at Rong Mo alone, with a pair of giant amber eyes, there was a hint of guilt, but also a deep sense of relief and joy.

"Young master, congratulations." The Dragon Emperor could see that the little Momo in front of him had already advanced to become a domain king and possessed the power of ten thousand domain judgments. He was already a figure who could stand on Mount Sumeru.

It came back from Mount Sumeru, and wanted to blind those who did not respect its little master, but was blinded by his own little master, he...

It is not needed much.

Without it, he could still make the unruly people in this Ten Thousand Realms submit to him obediently.

little Master.

Little ink ink.

He has really grown up.

And it didn't help.

Everything is on his own.

Dragon Emperor was ashamed, but also very happy.

In this troubled time, the little master has grown to the point where he can be alone.

"Congratulations to Uncle Dragon Emperor too." Rong Mo looked up at Dragon Emperor, and could tell that the Dragon Emperor at this moment had returned to its heyday.

The Dragon Emperor shrunk his huge and boundless body, and his head was barely squeezed into everyone's field of vision, otherwise, only its huge dragon eyes would be seen by everyone.

"Congratulations, Uncle Dragon Emperor." Ye Qianli also congratulated.

Only then did the Dragon Emperor, who only had the young master in his eyes, separate his eyes and focus on Xiang Ye Qianli, a pair of dragon eyes were also stained with a gentle smile, "Congratulations, young lady too."

The Dragon Emperor could see Ye Qianli's cultivation base and combat power at a glance, and he was a little surprised, but he was not surprised.

"Thank you, Uncle Dragon Emperor." Ye Qianli thanked him, and wanted to ask Dragon Emperor something, but knowing that it was not the right time, she didn't say much.

Naturally, Rong Mo also has a lot of questions he wants to ask, but now he has not finished taking care of the scene, so he neither left nor asked anything at the scene, but directly looked at Tian Zhaoyuan and ordered, "Take your People, slaughter all the people in the Nihility Realm at the scene."

As soon as this order came out, everyone on the scene was stunned!

After all, those individuals in the void realm have already knelt down and surrendered.

But this is just the beginning...

"From now on, in the name of this young master, all members of the void realm in Wanyu will be wanted, and no one will be left alive." Rong Mo announced in a clear voice.

"Why, why?" The big demon and people in the void world panicked! They never expected that Rong Mo would deal with them like this.

Even Leng Qingshan couldn't help asking one more question, "Master Rong, what happened to the void world? I don't mean to say anything, I just don't understand."

"The Void Realm colluded with the pure-blooded monster clan, intending to invade our Myriad Territories. This is an unforgivable crime, and everyone is involved." Rong Mo also explained this sentence.

The big demon and the people in the void world hurriedly argued, "We don't know! Young master, we don't know anything, we..."

Rong Mo didn't listen to the explanation, he just called out again, "Tian Zhaoyuan."

Tian Zhaoyuan was shocked! He hurriedly led Tianshi up and down, and chopped at the people in the void world.

The Dong clan, Yuan clan, Wang clan, Guo clan, Kun clan, Yaolong clan, Qin clan, and other forces that had been at odds with Ye Qianli and Rong Mo in the past also joined in the massacre one after another.

Even though the patriarchs of these clans were not here in Wanyu City, no one declared their allegiance to Rong Mo instead of their clans.

But this does not prevent the leaders who stay here to be vigilant and show their loyalty first! Now that things have happened, no one doubts that Rong Mo will be able to rule the world.

Their master! Sooner or later, like Tian Zhaoyuan, they must swear allegiance to Rong Mo, otherwise, there is only one family extermination waiting for them.


No matter how the people in the nihilistic realm cry out for injustice! They were all dead, not one remained.

At the end, Rong Mo, who looked at the crowd, emphasized again, "After leaving this place, anyone who meets people from the void realm and doesn't slaughter them will be punished for the crime of treason against all realms."

"Yes! Young Master." No one at the scene dared to disobey.

"Feng Clan, Leng Clan and Taiyi Clan stay, and the rest leave." Rong Mo then announced the disbandment, leaving only the close and slightly close clan forces.

"Yes, young master." People from all parties did not dare to feel jealous or jealous, they just went back to their respective forces honestly, and when they were far away, they dared to look back at Wanyu City.

Wanyu is unified.

As Xumi's orthodox Rong's lineage, finally with absolute power! Standing on the top of the various forces again, but they can no longer give birth to the slightest disobedience.

Wanyu's god, his surname is Rong!

With this in mind...

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