Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1660 Wang, he's back early! 2 more

"Let's go, report to the Hui clan." The leaders of all parties wanted to report what happened here to the patriarch and elders of the clan as soon as possible.

As everyone knows, there is no need for them to report, and soon the heads of each family will have to swear allegiance to Rong Mo on behalf of their respective families.

Because Rong Mo and Ye Qianli, after talking with the Feng, Leng, and Taiyi clansmen, their next destination is the exit of the Demon Realm.

However, what Rong Mo and Ye Qianli said shocked the Dragon Emperor a little. It obviously didn't know that the invasion situation of the pure blood big monster clan was already so serious.

Although Leng Qingshan was uncertain, he also promised, "Don't worry, young master Rong, after returning next time, he will definitely explain this matter to the Patriarch and call all the children of the family back to the clan and wait for dispatch."

"I will report the matter immediately to Lord Feng, and Lord Phoenix will report to the ancestors of Phoenix and Wutong." Fengjun Shen also solemnly promised.

"Thank you." Rong Mo knew very well that once the big pure-blooded demon clan really invaded, it would take twenty super clans to defend against it, so he cut Patriarch Ji with an iron fist, achieving a warning effect.

Ye Qianli had the same idea as him, that's why the moment she appeared, she directly sacrificed the "Jian Shi" divine pattern, showing a powerful ability to slaughter clans.

In this troubled time, there is only absolute power! Only then can the twenty super clans who are not in harmony have to work together to be dispatched by their husband and wife.

But even if there was no incident of the pure-blooded monster clan, Ye Qianli, who learned of Taiyichen's death, would eventually slaughter everyone who was abused by Ji Laogou and Ji's assistants!

"Goddess, Lao Chen..." Tai Yihong wanted to ask whether Tai Yichen had any hope of surviving, but felt that he was thinking too much.

According to the news he heard, Taiyichen was able to explode so quickly at that time, it must be the bloodline and spirit that were activated together to form the bloodline and spirit to explode so fast! So powerful.

As a result of such a self-destruction, there is only one end, the death of the soul, let alone surviving, even if you want to reincarnate, there is no chance.

"I failed to catch a trace of Elder Chen's remnant soul." Ye Qianli also shook her head sadly. After she learned of Taiyichen's death, she had already lost her sense of consciousness and searched here, trying to find Taiyichen's body. Remnant soul, what a pity...


She found nothing.

It was as if Tai Yichen had never appeared before, and had not left a trace of aura in this world, so that even if she had the art of healing and mystery, she would not be able to create something out of nothing.

"There is no aura of Elder Chen in Jigou's body." Rong Mo was also very regretful, he originally wanted to recover some of Taiyichen's remnant souls through the reverse return technique.


He also found nothing.

But the matter is over now, so he didn't ban Ancestor Ji again, and the latter's screams were heard again and again, shrill and tragic.

"Should I send someone to watch it?" Tai Yihong asked immediately, he didn't want the old dog to be rescued.

Rong Mo said indifferently, "No need, no one can save him."

"Excellent!" Tai Yihong then looked at the distressed Patriarch Ji with hatred, seeing his limbs bleeding continuously, he relieved his hatred even more! The rest of the Taiyi tribe felt the same way.

But at this moment——


The Tiandao hunting ground that had almost dissipated, suddenly flashed a figure, and the old hunter who had appeared before appeared again.

Ye Qianli was a little surprised, but saw that the old hunter was looking straight at the Dragon Emperor. The two sides looked at each other in silence for a long time, and the old hunter was the first to say, "He's back?"

"I'm back early." Dragon Emperor replied.

The old hunter smiled slightly, and disappeared completely with the disappearance of the Tiandao hunting ground, as if he appeared just to ask such a question.

But who is the "he" in the mouth of the old hunter?

Ye Qianli naturally couldn't figure it out, but Rong Mo vaguely knew that the old hunter was asking about his father.

Feng Jun Shen and Leng Qingshan looked at each other in shock, and they both saw such shock in each other's eyes.

After a while, the two said goodbye respectfully, "Young Master Rong, Goddess Ye, Senior Dragon Emperor, then I will take my leave first."

"Be careful on the road, but anyone who finds the realm of nothingness, you don't need to ask questions, just kill Wushe." Ye Qianli emphasized again.

"Goddess Ye, don't worry." Feng Jun Shen and Leng Qingshan were shocked, and they both responded with a little fear, because they really planned to arrest a few people from the void realm and ask them carefully.

Although they all knew that Rong Mo and Ye Qianli didn't need to deceive them with such a big matter, their instinct still made them want to learn more about things by themselves.

But Ye Qianli said cautiously, "The Nihility Realm has strange methods. At this time, Wanyu can't tolerate any more mistakes. I hope Shen Wang and Shan Wang can understand."

"Okay!" Feng Jun Shen and Leng Qingshan solemnly agreed.

Taiyihong and the others were temporarily stayed in Wanyu City so that they could join Bai Fengchun and the others.

Thinking of Bai Fengchun, Ye Qianli said to Leng Qingshan, "Leng Shisan will come here soon, if the king of the mountain is not in a hurry, he can wait."

"Oh?" Leng Qingshan was a little surprised, and after pondering, he decided to stay and wait.

Rong Mo, Ye Qianli, and Long Di didn't delay any longer, and went straight to the exit of the Demon Realm.

With the Dragon Emperor here, the Dragon Emperor can take them with him without the need for Rong Mo to move his feet. They are in the shape of a dragon! Go through the exit of Yaoyu, and wait for Bai Fengchun and others to arrive at Wanyu City.

The Dragon Emperor had brought Rong Mo and his wife to appear at the exit of the Demon Realm, and he was very angry with Xiao Yi'er who was "left behind" again.

At the same time, it also frightened all the domain kings at the exit of Yaoyu!

"Dragon Emperor!?" The king looked up at the giant dragon in the sky in amazement. He felt the might of the sky was so overwhelming that he only took one look, and then lowered his head.

We can wait for the Dragon Emperor to descend at close range! None of the people present could hold on, they all knelt down and bowed, "Greetings to the Dragon Emperor!"

Even Zhu Yuanming and Dao Chi knelt down instinctively, and they didn't feel the slightest sense of humiliation, they just took it for granted.

Such a Dragon Emperor...

He is the real Dragon Emperor!

All the kings understood with a burst of heartstrings how short their previous cognition was.


Wait for the kings to shake their minds! After seeing the Dragon Emperor before, Leng Qingshan and others' feelings, one by one, Rong Mo took Ye Qianli and stepped out of the Dragon Emperor.

At the same moment, Ji Pengfei, the head of the Ji family, immediately felt the unparalleled pressure, which made him tremble in a sweat.

"Patriarch Ji." Rong Mo's cold voice resounded above Ji Pengfei's head at this moment, like thunder! The explosion made Ji Pengfei tremble and almost lost his knees.

Rong Mo's cold voice pressed on, "I want you to swear an oath on behalf of the Ji family. From now on, you will be loyal to this young master for generations. If you break this oath, the Ji family will not survive."

As soon as this sound came out...

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