Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1662 The Lord of Heaven Knowing God 1 More

"Ah!" Xiao Yi'er has already jumped from his little grandfather's arms into Rong Mo's arms, holding his father's neck tightly with both hands, and a pair of short legs are also tightly hugging his father's body.

But after this little trick is done, the little guy knows he's been tricked! Then he beat his father's shoulder furiously, and kept hitting his father's chest with his head.

Very angry!

So angry!

"Okay, okay, Yi'er is not angry anymore." Did Ye Qianli feel sorry for her highness, or helped coax her son, and even clenched his son's little fist with one hand.

"Hmph!" Xiao Yi'er Youyou was unwilling! He hit his father with his head a few more times before he said angrily, "Father, if you lose me next time, I won't support you!"

"Pfft!" Liao Zongming burst out laughing uncontrollably.

Ye Qianli also patted her son's bald head amusedly, "Yi'er is right, when your father gets old, you will leave him too."

"Hmph!" Xiao Yi'er thought deeply.

"Hahaha..." Ye Wuji couldn't hold back his laughter, but he didn't know who instilled in this little guy the idea of ​​being filial and raising his parents, but he remembered it clearly.

Rong Mo pinched the boy's chubby face, and said angrily, "Is your father going to grow old?"

"Of course!" Xiao Yi'er thought for a while and said, "Like that ugly old monster!" He was obviously talking about Patriarch Ji.

Just thinking about it, Rong Mo knew who he was talking about, and his face darkened. He slapped the little ass with such force that the little guy immediately bit his shoulder in revenge in pain.

"Spit out." Rong Mo continued to clap the little butt under his palm, and he could feel the force of the bite on his shoulder obviously increased a bit.

This little leopard...

"Be good." Rong Mo had to say in a soft voice.

Xiao Yi'er just said "hum" twice, Rong Mo frowned and touched his soft back before explaining, "Before I throw you next time, I will tell you."

"What did you say?!" Xiao Yi'er stared at his father with pale brows, and even said that he would abandon him!

Rong Mo raised his eyebrows and said bluntly, "You are so old, do you still cling to your parents?"

"Yes!" Xiao Yi'er roared.

Seeing that the two of them were about to start a fight again, Ye Qianli quickly hugged her son, and then scolded a certain child's father, "Your Highness, don't say a few words."

Rong Mo glanced at his daughter-in-law, and then he didn't hate the little leopard in his arms, so he wanted to let this little thing out, but the little one was not happy.

"No! I want Daddy to hug me." Xiao Yi'er said, this is punishment!

Seeing that he was obsessed with his father, Ye Qianli had no choice but to let the father and father continue to be angry with each other.

Rong Mo couldn't get rid of this little one, so he could only hug him and continue talking to Dao Chi, "Please, senior, introduce the temple master."

Dao Chi also wanted to ask Rong Mo some more things, so he naturally agreed, but he still said clearly, "I can only bring Rong Shaozhu into Zhitian Temple. As for whether the temple master sees you, I can't interfere."

"Thank you." Rong Mo was not worried that he would be rejected.

Dao Chi also knows that most of the temple masters will meet this young master, so he leads everyone to go to Zhitian Temple.

Because they didn't rush this way, everyone sat on Bai Fengchun's magic weapon and rushed to Zhitian Temple at a leisurely pace.

But Xiao Yi'er felt that his father was partial to him and said, "It's not grandpa and grandma!"

"After seeing the temple master, go when you're done with your work." Rong Mo explained with rare patience.

"How long?" Xiao Yi'er asked.

"What are you in a hurry for?" Rong Mo asked back.

"You lied to me!" Xiao Yier plausibly said.

"Soldiers never tire of cheating." Rong Mo was even more eloquent.

Xiao Yi'er: "..." |

This father is too bad! Children lie too.


Children's talk all the way, but also comfortable.

After half a day, the group of people saw it head-on, a Lingtian Grand View standing in the void without any foundation.

Zhitian Temple is located between the East Three Thousand Regions and the Central Region. It does not belong to any region. It has always been isolated from the world and rarely appears in the eyes of the world.

There are not many disciples of Zhitianguan, and the younger generation only have Wudao, Erdao and Ye Wuji, and their uncles and uncles will not accept disciples.

"Zhitian Guan deserves its reputation." Ye Qianli could tell at a glance that the surroundings of Zhitian Guan were surrounded by mysterious auras, both offensive and defensive, and ordinary strength, which could not shake this Lingtian Grand View.

"That old man is used to bluffing." The high priest said indifferently.

Dao Chi couldn't help asking in surprise, "The high priest has seen the temple master?"

Ye Qianli was also a little surprised, but the high priest said, "He went to look for me."

"The temple master is looking for you in person?" Dao Chi was really surprised, you know their temple master never visits the temple.

"A hundred years ago, he told me that the Goddess is coming to Wanyu." The high priest, the little old man, had nothing to hide. "I scoffed at it, but I still made arrangements secretly."

"A hundred years ago?" Ye Qianli was speechless. Neither the little "Ye Qianli" nor she had appeared at that time.

Just as Ye Qianli was thinking this way, a faint laugh came from the Zhitian Temple in the distance, "High Priest Taiyi, please come and be safe."

"It's the temple master!" Dao Chi immediately said from the sidelines, and together with Ye Wuji and Wu Dao, they paid homage to their temple master.

Who knows that the master of Tianguan has already stepped forward, and greeted Ye Qianli and the others, "I don't know that the young master, Goddess Ye, and senior Dragon Emperor have come from afar, so it's a shame to welcome them from afar."

"I'm the one who waits to come here without being invited, and I hope the Lord will not rush." ​​Ye Qianli responded with a smile, and also saw clearly that the person who came was a middle-aged Taoist priest with a simple appearance. On the contrary, he has the demeanor of an ordinary down-and-out Taoist priest, which is too ordinary.

"Hahaha..." The laughter of the master of Zhitianguan was less alienated and indifferent, and more genuinely smiling, "Goddess Ye is serious, everyone please."

"Please." Only then did Rong Mo speak.

A group of people were immediately welcomed into the main hall of Zhitianguan. After sitting down, Zhitianguan asked bluntly, "I don't know if the young master will come, but is there something wrong?"

Rong Mo didn't say much, he just passed on the image of the domain split phenomenon he saw in the past, and showed it to Zhitian Guan, who looked solemn.

After a while, the seemingly unattractive Guanzhu asked solemnly, "I wonder if the young master has any orders?"

"Please watch the Lord pay close attention to the demon realm when I return to Mount Sumeru, and deploy all the clans to fight against the pure-blooded demon clan at any time." Rong Mo said bluntly.

The Master of Zhitian Temple looked at Rong Mo silently, seemingly struggling, but finally responded, "Don't worry, young master, I will do my best."

"Guan,..." Dao Chi subconsciously wanted to stop him, but was signaled by Zhitian Guan Guanzhu to keep silent.

And at this moment——


Outside the main hall, there was an urgent report, "My Lord, there is a difference in the world of nothingness."

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