Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1663: God Pattern Controlling Puppet Art! 2 more

When everyone in the hall heard the words, they all looked at the Master Daozhi with a slightly stagnant breath, and the latter had also ordered the reporter to enter the hall, and took the summoner to take a closer look.

After reading the message, the audience knew that the master said directly, "It's the news that people from the nihility realm were beheaded one by one. I think it's the killing order issued by the young master Rong?"

"Not bad." Rong Mo agreed.

Only then did everyone know that it wasn't a moth coming out of the realm of nothingness, so feel relieved.

I know that Guanzhu obviously also knows that there is a very ambiguous relationship between the void world and the pure-blooded monster clan, so he didn't ask too much, and asked, "When is Young Master Rong going to leave?"

Rong Mo made a quick estimate and said, "Two or three days soon."

"Hmph!" Xiao Yi'er snorted imperceptibly, obviously still resenting being cheated.

Knowing that the Guanzhu's eyes were attracted by the little guy, there was a gentle smile on his brows, "The old Taoist has never seen such a cute child."

Xiao Yi'er was praised so much that she sat up straight, her eyes shifted slightly to the Taoist master, and she forced a smile, as if she was admiring the other party's vision.

Knowing that the smile on the master's face became stronger, Ye Wuji smiled and said, "Master also thinks this grandson is cute, so you can give him some delicious food."

"Old monkey spirit!" Knowing that the master gave this cheap old apprentice an angry look, his unassuming slender eyes were full of gentleness.

"Master, give it quickly!" Ye Wuji said shamelessly.

Xiao Yi'er also looked curiously at Guanzhu, knowing that the latter had no choice but to give away one of his treasures, but it was a big transparent fruit.

Xiao Yi'er's eyes lit up, "Thank you!"

"No..." Before he knew the word "polite", he saw that the young man had already taken the fruit from his hand and swallowed it in one gulp.

I know that my expression froze for a moment, not because I was afraid that the little guy would spoil it, but...Actually, I was a little bit reluctant! After all, this fruit...

But the magic box couldn't help but barrage and say, "Boundary Yuan Fruit! This thing is born in ten thousand domains. It absorbs the breath of the boundary domain and exists. The energy is pure and thick. If the domain king swallows it, it will have a significant improvement in cultivation." Effect.

The peak half-step domain king swallows it, as long as he understands it properly, he can generally use this fruit energy to advance to become a domain king, which is a priceless treasure in the world. "

"It's a heavy gift." Ye Qianli was surprised.

Ye Wuji, on the other hand, was satisfied to be good to Xiao Yi'er, coaxing the little one to give him a hug.

Knowing that Guanzhu didn't look at the old rascal, he talked with Rong Mo about the follow-up, and when he finished talking about the business, Rong Mo said goodbye without any intention of staying any longer.

I don't know if he didn't stay, even Ye Wuji was driven away, let him stay with his family for a few days, wait for Rong Mo to go to Mount Sumeru, and then return to visit.

However, as soon as Rong Mo and the others walked away, Dao Chi couldn't help asking, "Monastery Master, you can't leave the temple easily, how can you answer Young Master Rong's request?"

"If the pure-blooded demon clan really commits another crime with the whole family, do you think that I know the sky, but I can take care of myself alone?" Daozhi Guan asked indifferently, with worried eyes.

"The capable people and strangers in Mount Sumeru will never continue to be superior." Dao Chi said.

I know that the master is silent, his eyes are more worried, the simple and unremarkable Taoist robe is slightly blown in the breeze, causing circles of wind ripples, after a long while...

Only then did Guanzhu murmur, "The wind doesn't stop."

Because of his sound, the entire Zhitian Temple seemed to be blown by the wind, and there was a slight "humming" sound, which made Ye Qianli, who heard the movement in the distance, look back and see Zhitian Temple It seemed to shake slightly in the wind.

After a while, Bai Fengchun asked, "Master, where are we going next?"

"Southern Three Thousand Regions, Wangqing Villa." Ye Qianli wanted to see the army of monsters and puppets, and was about to release a batch.

The two or three days that Rong Mo left was originally reserved for Ye Qianli, after all, he had nothing to deal with and could go to Mount Sumeru at any time.

Although the Dragon Emperor was in a hurry, he also knew that he was not in a hurry. At this moment, Rong Xi couldn't hold back and asked the Dragon Emperor, "My parents, the second child, and the third child, are you okay?"

"Four young masters don't need to worry, they are all fine." Dragon Emperor reassured.

Rong Xi could hear the implication of these words, but he also knew that it would be useless to ask more questions, so he could only suppress his anxiety and sit beside his elder brother.

"It'll be fine." Rong Mo also comforted him.

Rong Xi had already half leaned against him, breathing evenly and fell asleep.

Rong Mo: "..."

"Xiaoxi is exhausted." Ye Qianli patted his uncle's head lovingly. It was hard for the child to go through such a toss up and down.

Rong Mo didn't push him away because he thought that his silly brother was really tossed so hard that he almost died several times. He only hugged the soft leopard beside him, and looked at Wan Yu silently.

And beside Rong Mo's lap, there was the little leopard who had already fallen asleep hugging his thigh, and the little white cat who was lying in the little leopard's arms.


Wangqing Villa.

The stooped gatekeeper stood guard in front of the gate as usual, completely unaware of any aura, and saw Ye Qianli and his party descending from the sky.

"!" The gatekeeper's old eyes lit up.

Ye Qianli has already stepped forward to pay homage, "See you, senior."

"You're welcome, you're welcome." While the gatekeeper was speaking, he looked at Ye Qianli carefully, and then sighed with both regret and emotion, "But in a few years, Goddess Ye is no longer what she used to be."

"Senior laughed at me, please take me to the villa." Ye Qianli was referring to the real Wangqing Villa.

The gatekeeper knew that with Ye Qianli's current strength, it would be a breeze for her to pass him into the manor, but it was really rare for her to come to the front door to meet him in person in a manner that followed the rules.

"Goddess Ye and all of you, please follow me." The gatekeeper did not neglect, as before, he brought everyone to the entrance of the villa, and helped entertain Liao Zongming and others who did not enter the villa.

Ye Qianli and Rong Mo, who was holding Yi'er, soon arrived. Before the ancestral hall, they saw the ancient Candle Dragon again. When the latter saw Ye Qianli's family, he was stunned. stunned.

After all, it has only been a few years since Ye Qianli came last time. To Zhulong, it was just a short rest with his eyes closed, but for this short rest, to him in the past, he was just a weakling. Little girl, today...

It actually made it feel a hint of danger! ?

Even this slightest danger is not fatal to Zhulong, but it is enough to make him terrified! It can no longer remain calm and waveless.

"You have such good luck." Zhulong said in a daze, and suddenly remembered that when it made fun of the Judgment Holy Beast in the past, the latter gave it an evaluation - stupid.

It snorted then, and now...

These two words are so true! It was hit on the face, making it feel hot for the first time in its life, and it was a little helpless.


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