Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1664 Back to Mount Sumeru

"Senior Zhulong." Ye Qianli met with Zhulong with the same attitude as before, making him feel more ashamed, and couldn't help thinking that only a person with such a heart can obtain Such an amazing achievement.

Thinking of this, Zhulong calmed down his uneasiness a little, and only asked, "Are you going to open another door?"

"That's right, this junior wants to give it a try." Another purpose of Ye Qianli's return to Wangqing Villa was indeed the ancient door that she had never touched before.

Although she didn't check it carefully at that time, she knew with a feeling that she couldn't open that door. Now that her cultivation base has greatly improved, she wants to try it.

"Go." Candle Dragon naturally wouldn't block it, and it also wanted to know if Ye Qianli could open the door on the right.

After Ye Qianli got the words, she walked towards the door on the right side of the ancestral hall, lightly covering it with one hand, and could feel the mysterious rune lines behind the door, moving slightly.

"I'm afraid it still needs to be opened with the divine pattern." The magic box reminded.

Ye Qianli also had the same idea, so she entered the door with ever-changing divine patterns of character creation, but this ancient door is not like the previous one. Make a disturbance?

"What's wrong?" The magic box also noticed something was wrong and asked.

Ye Qianli pondered for a while, and then tried to enter several character-making divine patterns in a row, trying to test to see if it was because the divine patterns she entered were not enough.

After all, when you opened the ancient door on the left, you needed to accumulate the power of a lot of character-making gods to finally open it, and this one may be the same.

However, after Ye Qianli entered dozens of character-making divine patterns, the ancient gate was still calm, only the runes behind the gate were still moving leisurely.

In this situation, Ye Qianli realized that her method must be wrong.

"Can't you open it?" Rong Mo also came forward to ask with Yi'er in his arms. Ever since the reunion, the little one has been dependent on his father, and wants to be hugged by his father no matter what, as if he is afraid of being caught. Abandoned again, refused to leave by himself.

Although Rong Mo was a little annoyed, he was his own son after all, so he could only hug him.

As for Ye Qianli who was asked, she shook her head in a daze, "I tried Master Cangwang's unique technique, and the ancient door didn't budge."

"Shenwen used to create characters?" Rong Mo asked again.

"Yeah." Ye Qianli nodded.

Rong Mo took a closer look at the ancient gate, and found that his spiritual consciousness was completely shielded by the ancient gate, and he couldn't detect the slightest clue inside.

"Ask Grandpa Longdi to come and see." Xiao Yi'er said wittily from the side.

Zhulong was slightly stunned, but he didn't know that the Dragon Emperor had also come! But it has no way of knowing, it can be seen that the opponent's strength is far above it, otherwise it would not have found nothing.

"No, I'll try again." Ye Qianli didn't want to ask others to help, she knew that this was the arrangement left by Master Cangwang to test future generations.

She has admiration for Cang Wang, a master she has never met, and she is naturally willing to follow his wishes and unravel the arrangements he left behind step by step.

Only in this way can she be worthy of the secret knowledge and gift she left for him.

"Alright." Rong Mo also agreed with Ye Qianli's thoughts, so he wanted to put down the little leopard in his arms and look around by himself, but he was the only one with this thought, and a certain little leopard immediately glared at him, his hands still tightly clenched hugged his neck.

This kid...

Rong Mo rubbed the center of his brows, he could only hang on to the little oil bottle, waiting patiently for his wife.

"Hmph!" Xiao Yi'er snorted, with an air of "as expected, he's going to lose me again".

Rong Mo pinched his fat face, and asked Zhulong a few words, wanting to see what the old dragon guarding Cangwang's ancestral hall thinks.

Zhulong thought about it for a while, but he really remembered something and said, "Everyone in the world knows how to create characters and divine patterns, and Cang Wang is the best at it, but his real strength is not only in creating characters, but..."

"Controlling puppet?" Ye Qianli suddenly answered, remembering the copy of "God Puppet Art" she got.

"That's right." Zhulong nodded, "Since the little madam knows, she should have been inherited, why don't you give it a try."

"Thank you, senior!" Ye Qianli happily took out "God Puppet Art", and found that she could indeed see the runes on it clearly, no longer like before, she could only see the flowers in the fog, hazy, and couldn't see at all. real.

Coupled with the fact that her current attainment of the god pattern is much higher than before, now it seems that she can read it smoothly, laughing so much that this "God Puppet Art" is divided into three realms.

The first realm, formed by ten divine patterns, can control monsters and monsters in the king realm of the ordinary realm;

In the second realm, with the formation of a hundred gods, you can control any monsters and monsters in the king realm;

The third realm, with the formation of thousands of gods, can control monsters, monsters, and pure-blood monsters of any realm.

"Pure-blood monster!" Ye Qianli's heart was shocked. She never expected that in the third realm of "God Puppet Art", she could control such a foreign race as a pure-blood monster.

However, this reminded her of the scene she saw in the Feng Clan back then. The big monsters punished by King Cang were not pure-blooded big monsters, but demonized natives of Wanyu.

It seems that the inside story of Yao Luan back then was more complicated, and when she saw Yao Kui again, she had to ask carefully. Right now, she still wants to open the door.

"Could it be that I have to complete the first stage of "God Puppet Art" and use the top ten divine lines as a formation to enter at the same time to open the ancient gate?" Ye Qianli thought so, and then devoted herself to practice. The divine pattern engraved on "God Puppet Art".

Because of her good foundation and high comprehension, in just half a day, she mastered all ten complicated divine patterns, and only missed entering the ancient gate together.

Ye Qianli wanted to use the Gumen to test his hand, so he went straight to the Gumen! Arranged according to the formation, and played the god of controlling puppet, and this time...


Gumen really fluctuated.


The magic box was quite excited.

But the ancient gate didn't show any signs of opening except for a slight tremor. Ye Qianli, who was looking forward to watching, thought rather annoyed, "Could it be that I have to finish learning "God Puppet Art" before I can open it?"

Then this door won't be able to open for a while...

Ye Qianli felt a little pity, but she didn't hold on any longer. Instead, she stood up, turned to look at Jing Jing's father and two who were waiting for her, and said, "This door won't be opened yet, let's go over there and have a look."

"What?" the two of them asked in unison.

Ye Qianli looked at this beautiful man who looked exactly the same, and couldn't help laughing, "I won't be able to open it for a while, let's talk about it when we come back from Mount Sumeru."

"Are you going to Mount Sumeru?" Candle Dragon couldn't help asking, his eyes filled with anticipation.

"I have this plan." Ye Qianli knew that her Royal Highness actually wanted to go back quickly, so she had the nerve to delay, and she felt a little ashamed for spending half a day.

When Zhulong heard the words, his eyes became more and more earnest, but...


The quiet fluctuations of the ancient gate, however, brushed against Ye Qianli's heart like a calcium carbide, making her suddenly realize it in a flash of sparks! Maybe the divine pattern that opened the door was Zhu Shi! ?

ps: The last two days of this month! Clear the monthly ticket, get two red envelopes with one ticket! ! ! The monthly pass will become invalid after one month, so don’t waste it, remember to vote!

Another: Babies are very good at voting. When I woke up yesterday, I got a few thousand more votes. It’s very fierce. Come again! Hahaha~

Close up, open Mount Sumeru!

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