Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1673 It's all the work of the veteran

Ye Qianli was startled, and hurriedly withdrew her hand! But how could she draw it back? Naturally, she was forced to be a "coolie". She was so anxious that she could only use her cultivation base. Regardless of the possibility of being eavesdropped, Chuan Nian urged, "Hurry up!"

"I've been holding it in for a few years, can you hurry up?" Rong Mo asked back, but also transmitted his voice to her sea of ​​consciousness.

Ye Qianli: "..."

She was so ashamed and angry, if the time came and the couple didn't go out, wouldn't this place have three hundred taels of silver? Who doesn't know what they are doing! ?

"Your Highness..." Ye Qianli wanted to cry.

Rong Mo hugged her, only stroking her back and coaxing, "It's okay, I'm here."

Ye Qianli wanted to kick this man away just because he was here! People will definitely know, what are they doing, otherwise why don't they go out?

However, a certain little one at this meeting was still moving in his father's arms, as if showing signs of waking up, Ye Qianli wanted to cry even more now, okay!

"Are you there?" Xiao Yi'er really asked with a small head.

"Not yet." Rong Mo said solemnly, "Go back to sleep." But his subordinates were doing dirty things.

"I'm not sleepy anymore." Xiao Yi'er yawned a little, then looked at his mother lying on the stomach and asked his father, "Is mother asleep?"

"Well, she's asleep." Rong Mo still answered seriously.

Xiao Yi'er looked at it, but found that his mother's hand seemed to be moving, he wanted to grab it, but his father held it down and said, "What are you doing?"

"Mother's hands are moving! She's not asleep, she's teasing me, I want to go down." Xiao Yi'er struggled hard, going to play with his mother.

"Nonsense!" Rong Mo pushed him back and said, "Your mother is asleep, you read it wrong, don't disturb her."

"I didn't." Xiao Yi'er protested, he was clearly not mistaken.

But Rong Mo still held him tightly, and asked solemnly, "If your mother is not asleep, why didn't she respond when she heard you talking?"

"I..." Xiao Yi'er was speechless, "Could it be that mother is really asleep?"


"You lied to me!" Xiao Yi'er protested, "Mother! You answered me, but my father lied to me again. You didn't sleep, did you?"

Ye Qianli: "..." She fell asleep.

"Look, your mother is really asleep." After saying this, Rong Mo blocked his disobedient son and told him to shut up, "Stop disturbing your mother, wake her up, and beat you."

"Hmph!" Xiao Yi'er snorted, but he didn't get out again, so he didn't see that his father's face was already suspiciously red, and sweat was overflowing.

After a while...

"It's here." With another reminder from Tian Sikou, Rong Mo finally finished her work, and Ye Qianli felt that she was like a fish that had been on the shore for a long time, almost gasping for breath, dying of anxiety!

Fortunately, her Royal Highness was quite fast, but they dealt with the follow-up very quickly. They didn't delay too long, and they got out from under the dragon scales.

"Li'er, we're here." Rong Mo pretended to call out.

Ye Qianli glared at him secretly, but could only pretend to wake up faintly, "Are you there?"

"Mom! Did you really sleep just now?" Xiao Yi'er immediately got out and asked, "Is it because my father doesn't let you talk?"

Ye Qianli only felt that her face was hot, and she couldn't face her son at all! Especially such a smart son.

"Little bastard, what are you talking about?" Rong Mo immediately pulled his son out and asked, with a serious and serious expression, no one else could see anything unusual.

Only Rong Xi carefully noticed that the faces of his eldest brother and sister-in-law seemed to be a little red, especially their ears were very red! As if doing something bad?

"Meow!" Xiaobaimiao looked excitedly at a mountain in the distance, thinking that he would finally see Xiao Xixi! It hasn't seen her for a long time, meow.

But then I thought of a certain meow that Xiao Xixi was in retreat, and it immediately froze, "Meow..." I don't know when Xiao Xixi will be able to leave the seclusion.

"It won't be too long." Rong Xi comforted what Zhimiao thought.

Xiaobaimiao nestled happily in Rongxi's arms, thinking that Xiaosisi was the best, with gentle movements and a very gentle tone meow.

Seeing that one person and one meow were fine, Rong Mo withdrew his advances, and solemnly led his wife by his side, as if he had never done the absurd thing just now.

Although Ye Qianli was still very ashamed and annoyed, she diverted her attention to the distant mountain because of Xiaobaimiao's gaze.

"Ah!?" Xiao Yi'er stared at the mountain in front of him in surprise, and then said to his father, "I dreamed about it."

Without waiting for Rong Mo to answer, Dragon Emperor asked curiously first, "Little master has dreamed of Mount Sumeru?"

"Yes, but not the same."

"Why is it different?"

"It's half dark." Xiao Yi'er remembered it very clearly, because he had dreamed about it twice, and every time this mountain gave him a bad feeling.

The Dragon Emperor's bright dragon eyes lit up a little because of his words, "When did you dream about it?"

"It's been a long time!" Xiao Yi'er said in a general way.

The Dragon Emperor didn't ask any more questions, but he felt that it should be when it just returned to Mount Sumeru. Although Mount Sumeru didn't collapse at that time, it was on the verge of collapse because the master used a secret technique that almost killed him. Mount Sumeru was at its most critical moment.

Because the little master inherited the master's Shiyuan divine body, he has a closer connection with Mount Sumeru, but this may also be because he inherited the master's predictive ability.

No matter which point it is, it made the Dragon Emperor very gratified, and made him love the house as much as he wanted, and liked the little master in front of him even more, almost overshadowing the little master.

But Tian Sikou's voice, at this moment, asked from the side, "Dragon Emperor, young master, what do you think of the previous incident of nothingness?"

The Dragon Emperor and Rong Mo looked at each other, and the Dragon Emperor responded, "To be honest, my previous injury was caused by the wind of nothingness."

"What?!" Tian Sikou turned pale with shock.

The Dragon Emperor continued, "I was ordered to fetch the young master back, but I was ambushed on the way, the situation at that time was more critical than before.

Because the area where the young master left was collapsing, I didn't perceive the movement beforehand. When I found out, I was surrounded by cracks filled with nothingness. "

Tian Sikou's complexion suddenly became extremely ugly, Dragon Emperor, Rong Mo, and Ye Qianli were all watching him carefully, not missing any of his expressions, so as to use it to find out the clues and make trouble step by step.


Tian Sikou's expression was impeccable! It was deduced that, as the person who controlled the power of the nihilistic wind, but was "stolen" of power, he should have been shocked, unbelievable, and terrified, but he didn't have any guilt.

Not only that……

Tian Sikou's face was still ugly, and he asked with difficulty: "You two are suspicious, everything is done by the old minister?" Although the question was used in interrogative sentences, the tone was very certain.

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