Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1674 Seizing power! 1 more

The Dragon Emperor looked at Tian Si Kou with heavy eyes, and said softly, "Tian Si Kou doesn't need to worry too much, who did it will eventually come to light."

Tian Sikou's complexion was even worse, even though the Dragon Emperor didn't say it, it just doubted him, but it didn't say no doubts, with his current status, if he couldn't get certain reassurance, he would be suspected.

But the wind of nothingness is indeed owned by Tiansi Kou, who is in charge of punishment. This power is used to ambush the Dragon Emperor and murder the king's heir. As the controller, he is suspected, of course!

So Tian Sikou can't, and can't justify, but——

"Dragon Emperor, it is absolutely impossible for my father to do such a stupid thing! Think about it, since the wind of nothingness is the power my father controls, how could my father do such a stupid thing of guarding and stealing himself? This is not exposed as soon as it is used. What?" Liang Zhaoli immediately defended her father.

Liang Zhaoyuan also said earnestly, "My sister is right, please ask the Dragon Emperor to investigate! Catch the real rebellion and prove my father's innocence."

"Please Dragon Emperor clearly observe!"

"I implore the Dragon Emperor to investigate clearly!" A group of Tiansi guards also knelt down to beg, obviously convinced that their leader was definitely not such a vicious villain who guarded himself.

This made Ye Qianli think deeply to analyze that Tian Sikou is either used to pretending, or he really has a good character, otherwise the eyes of these people would not be so sincere.

If it is the former, it means that Tian Sikou is meticulous and meticulous in planning, and will not neglect any details. Only such a person can plan chaos under the eyes of King Xumi and protect himself.

In this way, Ye Qianli feels that Tian Sikou is really very likely to be a traitor. Of course, this may also be due to more subjective factors, but she believes that the Dragon Emperor will not aimlessly.

Rong Mo's thoughts also coincided with Ye Qianli's, so before the Dragon Emperor could open his mouth, he said first, "Since the two Masters Liang and all the Tiansi guards are so convinced of Tiansi Kou, there is evidence to prove it." Help Tian Sikou prove himself?"

"I..." Liang Zhaoyuan was speechless.

Tiansi's guards also looked at each other and shook their heads. Naturally, they had no proof, but they believed that he was not that kind of person relying on their sincere convincing to Tiansikou.

Seeing this, Rong Mo took advantage of the situation and said, "Since you have no evidence, you cannot prove that Tian Sikou must not be suspected. If this case is not investigated for a day, the suspicion on Tian Sikou will naturally be unavoidable."

As soon as this statement came out...

Ye Qianli's eyelids twitched slightly!

Liang Zhaoli, who was already somewhat resentful, couldn't help but retorted, "Young master, you don't know how much my father has paid for Mount Sumeru, how can he be so cold in his heart?"

"Li Li!" Tian Sikou shouted with a sudden change of expression.

Liang Zhaoli couldn't bear it and said, "Why is my father scolding me? Could it be that my daughter is wrong! How much you have paid for Mount Sumeru, no one in Mount Sumeru knows? He is a yellow-mouthed child, and as soon as he came..."

"Li Li!" This time, not only Tian Sikou's complexion was even uglier, but even Liang Zhaoyuan's complexion was also green. It is disrespectful to use "yellow mouth child" to evaluate the successor appointed by King Xumi!

"I..." Liang Zhaoli seemed to know that she was in a hurry and said something she shouldn't have said, but before Tian Sikou reprimanded her, she knelt down and said, "Young master, it was Liang Zhaoli who offended you by being disrespectful, my lord." Willing to take the punishment."

Rong Mo didn't look at her, but only looked at Tian Sikou and said, "What does Tian Sikou think?"

Tian Sikou immediately knelt down and said, "It's okay for the old minister to teach the daughter, please punish the young master!"

"That's all?" Rong Mo asked back.

When Liang Zhaoli heard this, she couldn't bear it anymore, but before she had time to speak this time, Tian Sikou preempted her and said, "Don't care about other things, the old minister is the leader of the void wind, but he is forced to use the void wind." If you don't know about the wind, you will be responsible for neglecting the wind."

"Now that you know this, you hand over the magic weapon that contains the wind of nothingness." Rong Mo said bluntly.

The expression of the Dragon Emperor changed slightly, and Tian Sikou's old face sank even more! Liang Zhaoli exploded immediately, "Young master! You want to strip my father's power?!"

"Not bad." After Rong Mo said, he had already stretched out his hand.

"You..." Liang Zhaoli's face was livid with anger, but Ye Qianli said from the side, "Master Xiaoliang, does it mean that my husband, as the successor of Mount Sumeru, is not qualified to take back the wind of nothingness?"

"I..." Liang Zhaoli almost blurted out, indeed not!

But Tian Sikou had already taken the lead to speak again, "Young Madam, be careful, the dog girl has no such intentions, and the old minister will hand over the law enforcement bag of nothingness."

"Father!" Liang Zhaoli had tears in his eyes, feeling extremely aggrieved.

Even Liang Zhaoyuan, who was relatively calm, couldn't help but yelled, "Father, think twice."

However, Tian Si Kou really handed over the empty law enforcement bag to Rong Mo, "This thing was originally given by the king, and the duties and authority of Tian Si Kou were also bestowed by the king. , the young master naturally has the right to take back what belongs to the young master."

"Father! This is..." You deserve it! Naturally, Tian Sikou didn't let Liang Zhaoli say the last few words of these words, and he bowed down in the air, "Please take back the void law enforcement bag, young master."

Rong Mo took the Void Law Enforcement Pouch without changing his expression, and Ye Qianli could see it clearly. The Void Law Enforcement Pouch was only the size of a palm, and it was pure black. .

Even with Ye Qianli's eyesight, she couldn't tell clearly what kind of rules these runes were laid out, which shows that their complexity is much higher than that of any magic weapon of any level.

However, the magic weapon that can carry the wind of nothingness is naturally impossible to be an ordinary container. Such an existence is definitely a super item that cannot be copied.

"Father." Xiao Yi'er, a child who knows things, immediately looked at the little black bag with salivation, as if he really wanted to swallow it in one gulp, so his voice when he called Daddy was much softer, as if he was acting like a spoiled child. .

Rong Mo glanced at his son, and under the latter's salivating, flattering eyes, he pocketed the Void Law Enforcement Bag, how could it be possible for this kid to eat it up.

"Father!" Xiao Yi'er was dissatisfied immediately.

However, Tian Si Kou said in a difficult way, "The old minister, please take off the position of Tian Si Kou, young master."

"Father?!" Liang Zhaoyuan stared in shock.

Rong Mo said, "Could it be that Tian Sikou is dissatisfied with my young master for taking back your void law enforcement bag?"

"Young master! Don't bully me too much!" Liang Zhaoli's eyes were red with anger, and the breath in his body was quite unstable! It seemed to explode on the spot.

"The old minister dare not, it's just that the old minister has committed the crime of negligence, so he is really not suitable for the post of Tian Si Kou again." Tian Si Kou bowed down with a gloomy gaze.

But Rong Mo lifted him up with his own hands and said, "Tian Sikou's words are wrong. Since you are a veteran of Mount Sumeru, you should think of making up for your mistakes, not avoiding yourself in frustration."

As soon as this statement came out...

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