Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1675 Unworthy of inheriting Mount Sumeru! 2 more

"The young master taught you the lesson." Tian Sikou could only respond, and didn't say anything about not letting Tian Sikou, but the whole person seemed rather gloomy.

But Rong Mo didn't seem to notice, just asked the Dragon Emperor to continue to lead the way, and occasionally chatted with Tian Sikou, as if nothing happened to snatching the empty law enforcement bag.

Although Tian Sikou responded somewhat reluctantly, he was not disrespectful, and his two sons and daughters, apart from Liang Zhaoyuan who would occasionally respond one or two, Liang Zhaoli was directly at the end of the team, and obviously did not want to see Rong Mo, let alone have any contact with him.

During this period, the Dragon Emperor also reported, "Young Master, the rules of the mist around Mount Sumeru are changeable, and you can only enter the mountain after one or two false surveys. I will go and have a look at the old dragon first, and you and Tian Sikou will take a short break here. waiting."

"Go." Rong Mo naturally agreed.

Tiansi Kou ordered Tiansi guard Ling Tian to set up camp, and he also took advantage of the situation and said, "The gas mist rules are not easy to survey. It will take at least three to five hours for the Dragon Emperor to go here. The young master may as well recharge his batteries. After entering the mountain, he may There are a lot of things that require you to be busy, which is very troublesome."

"Thank you, Tian Sikou, for your advice, I'll take care of you." Rong Mo responded obediently.

Tian Sikou bid farewell to Rong Mo, turned around and walked towards his tent, walking in a leisurely manner, but as soon as he entered the tent, his face darkened.

And Liang Zhaoli, who saw that he had paid back the bill, just opened the curtain and followed in. Seeing his father's gloomy face, he felt stabbed in his heart and said, "Father, why do you have to put up with that kid!"

"Li Li!" Liang Zhaoyuan, who followed closely after hearing this, quickly opened the curtain and looked towards the camp where Rong Mo's family was not far away.

Liang Zhaoli said indifferently, "I'm not stupid! They couldn't hear it. I set up a shield. With their strength, it's impossible for them to eavesdrop without the presence of the Dragon Emperor."

"What if? Why are you so restless today, wanting to assassinate the young master repeatedly? If you hadn't had such a bad attitude, the young master might not have accepted father's empty law enforcement bag." Liang Zhaoyuan couldn't help admonishing with.

Liang Zhaoli snorted, "Brother, you are so naive. He made it clear that he wanted to take my father's nihilistic law enforcement bag. No matter what my attitude is, he will take it."

"You..." Liang Zhaoyuan wanted to refute.

Tian Sikou sighed and said, "Yuan'er, Li Li is right."

Liang Zhaoyuan was speechless for a moment, and Liang Zhaoli stopped talking. Both brothers and sisters felt as if their hearts were blocked by a stone, and they panicked! They have never been so depressed.

As the highest authority of Mount Sumeru, Tiansi has always been the supreme authority in charge of life and death. Tian Sikou's own cultivation level is also the existence in the entire Mount Sumeru, second only to the Dragon Emperor, except King Sumeru.

The sons and daughters of Tian Si Kou are also capable people with good fighting strength, otherwise they would not be able to become the Si Kong Si Kong of Tian Si in Mount Sumeru where the bond relationship does not work.

It can be said that the Liang family can be regarded as a high-ranking and powerful family in Mount Sumeru. They have always been revered, and they have never been so wronged.


It was the eldest son of King Xumi, the next successor of Mount Sumeru, who made them so aggrieved, and they seemed to have to bear it, after all, they were the heirs of their king.


"I can't stand such grievances! Even the king didn't deprive your father of your nihilistic law enforcement bag. Why should he? The king is not the only son, he is so arrogant and incompetent, he is not worthy to be the successor of Mount Sumeru!"

"Li Li! Be careful!" Liang Zhaoyuan shouted immediately.

Tian Sikou also reprimanded in a deep voice, "Li Li, if you say such a treasonous thing, you just tell your father and your brother and let it go. If you dare to talk nonsense outside, your father will personally judge you."

Liang Zhaoli said with red glasses, "But what I said is the truth! I didn't know it before, but since I can remember, my father has worked so hard for Mount Xumi. Why has he ever sought personal gain?

During those years when the king was not around, you were the one who supported Mount Sumeru so that the Dragon Emperor could concentrate on looking for the king without any worries. Since the accident occurred on Mount Sumeru, you have been contributing to Mount Sumeru. If you hadn’t tried your best to protect the king, how could the king have Peace of mind to stabilize Mount Sumeru?

For this matter, you haven't recovered yet, but the void law enforcement bag has been taken away. If the rebels take the opportunity to assassinate you, you don't even have the ability to protect yourself! "

Liang Zhaoli was moved by these words, tears fell down, Liang Zhaoyuan's eyes were also red, Tian Sikou also sighed for a long time, his eyes were obscure and inexplicable.

After a while...

Liang Zhaoyuan asked hoarsely, "Father, what should we do next?"

"I didn't believe there was an inner ghost in Mount Sumeru, but the scene outside the boundary really proved that there really is." Tian Sikou said in a serious tone. "In all fairness, the young master seized the power of being a father, in fact, it is not protecting him as a father."

"Protection?" Liang Zhaoli sneered again and again.

Tian Sikou said, "If I no longer have the void law enforcement bag, but the void wind appears again, doesn't it prove that there is no problem with being a father?"

"Oh, father, you are too naive. If he wants you to die, he will naturally say that you have your own tricks. You have stolen the void wind in your hands, and you can manipulate the void wind without using the law enforcement bag." Liang Zhaoli sarcastically said .

Liang Zhaoyuan also agreed, "Father, what my sister said this time is really good. After all, there are really people who can manipulate the Nihility Gangfeng without using the Nihility Law Enforcement Bag."

"I don't know who this is, since he has such a great ability." Tian Sikou fell into deep thought, but he didn't have a clue, but someone outside moved the barrier.

"Who is it!?" Liang Zhaoyuan immediately went out to check.

"Sikong Liang, my subordinates have an urgent report!" A Tiansi guard reported with a panicked expression.

Liang Zhaoyuan's eyebrows twitched slightly, and he called people into the tent.

"What's the matter?" Liang Zhaoli asked directly.

The guard took a deep breath, and then suppressed his fear a little bit and said, "Just now, there was a secret report from Tiansi Mi, and everyone in the mountain said that the Dragon Emperor and the young master have confirmed that you, Tian Sikou, are rebellious. Disi Kou is still leading an army to guard the mountain gate, waiting to capture you!"

"What!" Liang Zhaoyuan's face changed greatly, "Why did this matter get back?"

But Liang Zhaoli stood up and said gloomyly, "Is there even a question? It must be the kid who ordered the Dragon Emperor to send a message first to build momentum. When his father enters the mountain, he will take down his father in front of everyone! Just stepping on his father, after a while The young master's addiction is so vicious."

Although Liang Zhaoyuan felt something was wrong, he had to admit that if he was the young master, with his father's fame and status, it would be really good to use his father as a stepping stone.

With the lessons learned by my father, even if the overlords of Mount Sumeru feel dissatisfied, they dare not disobey the young master Rong! It's really a good way to stand up.


"Father! You don't deserve to be humiliated like this. If you want me to say, since he thinks you are a rebel, let's just take advantage of the Dragon Emperor's absence and kill that kid directly. It's really a rebellion!" Liang Zhaoli's eyes showed a fierce look.

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