Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1678: The handsome king-level prince blows Sumeru! 2 more


Really kneeling.

That's not even counting...


The sound of the burly Sikou kneeling on the ground also reverberated loudly, causing the soldiers of the Eighteenth Banners to feel a little unsteady under their feet, and their hearts trembled accordingly.

Just at that moment, even though none of them were targeted, they could all vaguely sense, young master! With absolute strength, he suppressed the local Sikou.

But this...

How can this be! ?

Di Si Kou is one of the three divisions, the strongest group of existences on Mount Sumeru.

And what about the young master?

It's not that they look down on the young master, but that the young master at this moment, to them, is just a little brat! He is only half a hundred years old, which is really too young.

Furthermore! The young master's divine body is not Shiyuan's divine body.



Even though Di Sikou yelled unwillingly and tried to stand up again, he failed. In other words, under the premise that Di Sikou did not underestimate the enemy and was determined to stand up, the young master could still crush him.


Is the young master so strong! ?

It seems that the young master who is only in the domain king realm is already so strong! ?


Not to mention that the officers and soldiers of the Eighteen Banners were stunned, even Tian Sikou never imagined that this young master, who was indifferent and inexperienced, actually possessed such a powerful force.

This is just the power of the divine body! It has already made Di Sikou unable to eat and walked away.

Tian Sikou looked at the eyes of the young man in front of him, and couldn't help but become a bit dark and profound.



The suppressed Disi Kou burst out his battle body unwillingly, his whole body exploded with explosive fighting breath, and his whole body also directly exploded! His original body shape - giant ancient god body.


A circle of uproar and madness, at this moment, clamor spread all over the area around the mountain gate, and the Si Kou of the ancient gods directly rose to the height of one-third of Mount Sumeru.

As for Mount Sumeru, it is the highest in the world! The greatest mountain, in Ye Qianli's view, a star, a large area, is not even one percent of Mount Sumeru.

But Di Sikou, his body is so huge! On the contrary, even the magic box sighed, "As expected of the ancient protoss who were born by absorbing stars and practiced by devouring stars, they are really awesome."

That is such the ancient god king Di Sikou! He has already propped himself up on one knee and is about to stand up, if he is really asked to stand up, it will be nothing.

Everyone present will still admire Rong Mo, the young master, because he is still very young! But Di Sikou has been forced by him, and he needs to erupt into the body of the ancient god king to stand up. No matter what, he is a young master.


"Let you kneel." Rong Mo's clear and dictatorial voice was undeniably suppressed, and there were four colors of rainbow light, like a splash of color, sweeping down on the head of Di Sikou.


The four-element mythical beast bursting out from the four-color rainbow roared! Such as Tianming, such as Tianxiao, such as Tiannu, such as Tianhou, rolling endlessly, dictatorship.

Black Azure Dragon!

Add wings to the white tiger!

Scarlet Blood Suzaku!

Alienated Xuanwu!

At this moment, the four-element mythical beast, which incorporates the brand-new energy in the Tiandao hunting ground, makes its shocking debut in a stunning and colorful form.

King of Azure Dragons!

King of White Tigers!

King of Suzaku!

King of Xuanwu!

As the top representatives of the power of the four elephants, they have absorbed the power of all the four elephant beasts in the ten thousand domains. From the moment they completely evolved, there is no power of the four elephant beasts in the world, and there is no other four elephant beasts. .

The four phenomena in the myriad domains have all been unified into one.

Such power! Already above the domain king.

Such power! Suppressing Di Sikou in an all-round way is enough to make him kneel back with a "boom" on his raised knee.

Such power! Let all the soldiers kneel down with a "plop".

"Meet the young master!"

The sound of the 18 flags surrendering and worshiping reverberated throughout Mount Sumeru! Let the gods in the mountain come from their homes one after another! In the courtyard, in the restaurant, in the flower building, in the shop, in the palace,... came out.

They all knew that Di Si Kou brought the soldiers of the Eighteen Banners to the mountain gate to welcome the young master, but they didn't pay much attention to it at first.

Compared with their king, this young master who had never met before could not make them as excited as they were when they knew the king was back! Come out spontaneously.

but now……

They all thought, young master! I am afraid it is also worthy of their expectation and welcome,

After all, although they didn't follow them out of the mountain, they knew that the so-called greeting by Di Sikou with the army was not a friendly greeting, but a greeting with a hint of arrogance.

The gods felt that for the young young master, since he wanted to inherit Mount Sumeru, he would naturally have to be responsible and capable, so if he couldn't accept Di Sikou's dismount, then he might not be suitable to be the young master.


The young master is kneeling down, Si Kou, that rough guy!

The young master overwhelmed the 18 branches of the Eighteen Banners, the Xumi strong army with illustrious military exploits!

"Little Lord……"

At this moment, the gods felt in a trance that it was not the young lord who came, but their king, which made them all come out again. In Mount Sumeru, all gods were empty.

Outside Mount Sumeru, ten thousand generals surrendered.

"Are you convinced or not?" Rong Mo's cold and superior voice was as cold as ice! Shen pierced into the sea of ​​consciousness of Disi Kou, making his huge body tremble slightly.

"Disi Kou, you are an imposing person who is billions of years old, so you are ashamed to provoke the young master?" Dragon Emperor said even more bluntly and contemptuously.

Di Sikou's face was livid, and huge beads of cold sweat appeared on his forehead, but he still insisted, "I don't accept it, even if the young master is strong, he can't just call Tian Sikou and other ministers who have contributed to Mount Sumeru as soon as he comes back. , If you say you're guilty, you're guilty."

"You..." The Dragon Emperor was about to be enraged by this bratty brat, and became angry.

At this moment, the Tian Si Kou stood up and said, "Where did the Tian Si Kou hear the nonsense that the old man was convicted by the young master?"

"Couldn't it be?" Di Sikou was astonished, "Didn't you wear secret letters without me?"

"Rough guy! When did this old man know you so well? Even if this old man really needs help, wouldn't it be better to ask Xuan Sikou?" Tian Sikou said angrily.

"I was cheated?" Di Sikou looked bewildered.

Tian Sikou asked back, "If the old man is really convicted, shouldn't what you see now be me who is bound?"

Di Sikou was taken aback for a moment, but shook his head and said, "No! Your empty law enforcement bag has been confiscated by the young master, isn't it?"

"I..." Tian Sikou wanted to explain.

Di Sikou interrupted, "Unless you take out the void law enforcement bag, I won't believe it! Don't be intimidated by the young master, even if he is powerful, I wait for the old minister, how can I just say that I can be dismissed and convicted?" Removing those who have been convicted? How cold our hearts are!"

When the Eighteen Banners officers and soldiers heard the words, their complexions changed slightly, and they had different thoughts deep in their hearts, right! The young master's strength is enough, but is his character enough?


Before everyone could think about it, Tian Sikou stood up, and then——

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