Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1679 It's time for reunion! 3 more

Tian Sikou, who wanted to be clear, found that there seemed to be something more in his hand, which was still familiar to him, and this thing was naturally the nothingness law enforcement bag.

Tian Sikou's heart buzzed, he didn't know when the young master transferred the void law enforcement bag back to him, but he didn't have time to think about it, so he directly sacrificed the law enforcement bag, "Di Sikou! If you want to see it, you can see clearly gone."

Di Sikou's huge eyes widened, and he saw it carefully! Tian Sikou really took out the void law enforcement bag, which made him say in a daze, "Who sent me the false news?"

"Hmph!" Tian Sikou took back the void law enforcement bag, and scolded coldly, "No matter what false news, even if the young master really took my void law enforcement bag, so what?

you! Me, you wait! We, everyone, are the king's servants. Everything we have is bestowed by the king. Since the king has temporarily handed over Mount Sumeru to the young master, we can only obey the young master's orders! You should also obey orders, this is your duty. "

Such sonorous and passionate remarks not only made Di Si Kou's face hot, but also made the soldiers of the Eighteen Banners bow their heads in shame. After all, what Tian Si Kou said was right, everything they had was bestowed by the king. .

Tian Sikou finished clicking, then retreated behind Rong Mo, and the Dragon Emperor said again, "It's making trouble, Di Sikou, ask yourself, what should you do?"

"Old minister..." Di Si Kou pursed his huge lips, and finally lowered his huge head, and said: "But the young master and the Dragon Emperor will punish him."

"Young Master." The Dragon Emperor did not look at Rong Mo without acting on his behalf.

Rong Mo glanced indifferently at the local chieftain, "The crimes of the local chieftain are, first, committing the crimes of the subordinates, with no dignity; second, ignorance and ignorance, listening to the wind and rain; third, instigating troubles and gathering people to make chaos."

As soon as the three charges came out, Di Sikou immediately wiped off his face in shame, and Pian Rong Moji continued, "Tian Sikou, you are in charge of the punishment. Excuse me, how should the three crimes be punished?"

"Disrespecting the king's order is a death penalty; holding an important position but being ignorant is a death penalty; gathering people to create chaos is a death penalty." Tian Sikou also stated sternly and selflessly.

"Young master, spare me!" Di Sikou hurriedly kowtowed, "The old minister deserves to die, but please give the young master a chance to atone for his crimes, so that the old minister will not die."

The Dragon Emperor also said meaningfully from the side, "Young master, although the crime of Di Sikou deserves death, but he has made great achievements in the past, and now he can still use one or two of them, so spare his old life."

Rong Mo didn't intend to kill Di Sikou at all, so he also took advantage of the situation and said, "For the sake of Uncle Dragon Emperor's pleading for you, capital crimes can be avoided, but living crimes cannot be escaped."

"Thank you, young master!" Di Sikou quickly thanked.

Rong Mo said flatly, "Three capital crimes are commuted into three vain winds and will be executed by Tian Sikou himself, while officers and soldiers of the Eighteen Banners will observe the punishment."

"Ah?" Di Sikou's complexion changed, and he hurriedly said, "Young master! Young master, I am afraid that the old minister will not be able to withstand the three winds of nothingness."

"That has to be sustained." Rong Mo said coldly.

Di Sikou could only thank you with difficulty, "Thank you, young master."

The officers and soldiers of the Eighteen Banners trembled on behalf of the local commanders. Everyone knew that the ruling of the nihilistic wind was the most terrifying.

But Rong Mo didn't commute his sentence. The Dragon Emperor thought that the vitality of Di Sikou, a rough guy, was much stronger than others, but he could barely bear the judgment of the three emptiness winds, so he didn't say anything.

The Di Sikou could only wait bitterly to be tortured, and the law enforcer, Tian Sikou, also shook his head and sacrificed the void law enforcement bag, and shot the first nihilistic wind at the Di Sikou.


The wind of nothingness burst out of the air, and it tore off the Sikou with precision. On the spot, the Sikou with rough skin and thick flesh was torn until the whole body sprayed out billowing blood mist.

"Hiss!" Di Sikou also gasped in pain, feeling as if his body was about to be split in half! All the meridians and bones were severely injured, but he still couldn't resist! I can only carry it.

This wave of severe pain caused Si Kou to be in pain for a quarter of an hour, before he slowed down and shouted, "Come again!"

Tian Sikou glanced at him, and another wind of nothingness burst out of the nothingness law enforcement bag! He slashed head-on into the body of Di Sikou, who was covered in blood.



"Crack! Crack,..." The sounds of bursting meridians and fractures of bones came out one after another from the incomparable body of Di Si Kou Nuda, rhythmically and sourly.

The soldiers of the Eighteen Banners all showed expressions of fear, thinking that Di Sikou might not be able to withstand the third wind of nothingness, if it were them! I'm afraid they will be turned into scum when the first one does not need to be judged by Gangfeng.


"Continue." At this moment, Rong Mo didn't give Di Sikou any time to breathe, and let Tian Sikou continue to carry out the execution. Tian Sikou was also taken aback when he heard it, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

"My young master asks you to continue." Rong Mo explained clearly word by word.

Tian Sikou's complexion changed slightly, and Dragon Emperor Rui's bright eyes also flickered slightly.

But Di Sikou roared in pain, "Come on! I can handle it!"

Tian Sikou bit the root, but still hesitated.

Seeing this, Liang Zhaoli even opened his mouth to say something, but was stopped by Liang Zhaoyuan, who was deeply impressed by Rong Mo's strength! Subconsciously felt that the young master must have a plan in mind to do so.

But Liang Zhaoli thought that Young Master Dog wanted to use her father's hand to kill Di Sikou! A good trick to play.

But no matter what the brothers and sisters thought, Tian Sikou finally obeyed! The third blast of nothingness was sacrificed, and as soon as this blast of nothingness hit Si Kou, the latter's body burst out with a "bang", and a large cloud of blood mist burst out.


The aura of Di Sikou's cultivation is also at this moment! All scattered out in a disorderly manner, which completely changed the expressions of the Eighteen Banners officers and soldiers watching the execution.

"Aw!..." Di Sikou also screamed in pain, and fell to the ground with a bang, unable to kneel steadily. The terrifying wind of nothingness destroyed his strength, but it just happened, destroying his limbs and bones! The internal organs, even the dantian and roots.

"Di Si Kou!" Tian Si Kou looked at the tragic Di Si Kou with an ugly expression, not knowing whether it was right or wrong for him to do so and fall to the ground.

"Aww,..." Di Sikou wailed in pain for nearly an hour, his cultivation level scattered for several waves, and his flesh and blood spattered around the mountain gate.

However, he really survived! Even though he was very weak, he did not die, and was thrown onto the dragon's back by the Dragon Emperor himself, causing him to cry out in pain, "Dragon Emperor, can you be gentle?"

"You are so beautiful." Dragon Emperor said inhumanely.

The soldiers of the Eighteen Banners breathed a sigh of relief, but they looked at Rong Mo with brighter eyes, knowing that he was right! Di Sikou must be able to bear it, and naturally admire him more and more.

But at this moment! now--


Inside Mount Sumeru, there is a black shadow! Light-like stabs towards Rong Mo.

ps: Mo Mo is the heir, and the gods in Mount Sumeru will naturally be critical of him, but except for a certain traitor, the gods have no ill will towards Mo Mo!

For now, do the babies see who the traitor is?

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