Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1682 Xuan Sikou lost his horse? 3 more

"Damn it, the rich second generation really is cool!" The magic box felt that it was a little envious and jealous, and it really deserved to be a background figure who won at the starting line.

But the magic box doesn't know Rong Mo's experience back then, if it knew, it would think, forget it! It's better to be a surprise soldier who eats and drinks.

While the magic box was slandering, Rong Mo had already written down the ministers of the nine departments, starting from Shen Tianyun, to the new minister of the demon department, Yao Singer, the minister of military Yan Chengli, the minister of medicine, Yao Yuan, and the minister of industry. Cai Siheng, Minister of the Ministry of Officials Zhao Cheng.

Except for Qi Fengyue, the ministers of the other eight departments are all men, who are either handsome, mighty, or burly, and their bodies are difficult to distinguish.

At least Ye Qianli couldn't tell what kind of beast this charming and enchanting woman from the Ministry of Beasts was? With the surname Qi, are there any famous strong beasts?

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that the existence of entering Mount Sumeru will basically be wiped out of the 'past', it is difficult to have a specific description to pass on to the world, unless it is 'sacrificed', it will be 'released'." Demon Box Ti said.

"Why?" Ye Qianli was puzzled at first, and then thought of asking a little bit, "Is it to prevent the details from being found out?" Similar to the secrecy army.

"You are smart." The magic box rarely praised Ye Qianli and said, "It is indeed out of this consideration, otherwise, although Xumi's power is strong, it will not have unexpected effects."

While Ye Qianli was communicating with the magic box, the Dragon Emperor suggested, "Young Master, while everyone is here, would you go to the hall of the Third Division and Nine Divisions to sit for a while?"

"En." Rong Mo nodded, but asked, "Did Xuan Sikou come?"

"Yes, maybe I'm retreating." Although Dragon Emperor replied, he was a little puzzled. After all, today is a big day, and the leaders of the three divisions, nine divisions and eighteen banners should appear.

Even if it is like Di Sikou, it doesn’t matter if it’s here to show off, like Eighteen Banners, it doesn’t matter if it’s here to join in the fun, or like Jiubu, it’s okay to wait and see first, as long as it shows up.

Appearance, at least represents an attitude.

For those like Xuan Sikou who didn't come directly, she was the only one who returned to me.

Even if you are in seclusion, it is impossible not to know such a big thing, unless you have thoughts in your heart.

The Dragon Emperor silently glanced at Rong Mo, from which the latter understood what he needed to know, so he went to the Third Division and Nine Divisions without asking any further questions.

The Rong Lin brothers naturally followed suit, but they didn't pay much attention to the people like the Third Division and Nine Divisions, and they were all playing with themselves.

It was the first time for Rong Mo to go to the Three Divisions and Nine Divisions, and he only wanted to understand the authority of the Three Divisions, Nine Divisions and Eighteen Banners. He didn't plan to interfere in anything, and just listened to their respective explanations of their authority.

Generally speaking, the three divisions are the general leaders of power, and their powers are similar to the prime ministers in the dynasty. Tian Sikou is in charge of punishment and people's livelihood; Di Sikou is in charge of military power and military affairs;

Each of the nine ministries is unified by the three divisions, and each of the Eighteen Banners performs its duties, and is directly under the command of the district commander, but the dispatching power of the general army is directly under the King Xumi.

In front of everyone, the Dragon Emperor handed over the military talisman representing the transfer of the military power of Mount Xumi to Rong Mo, which was also formal and solemn! Conveyed the king's intention of King Xumi.

"The commanders of the Eighteen Banners, come forward and report." Rong Mo wanted to recognize the people, so he asked them to come forward one by one to protect their names.

The one who came out first was a middle-aged man wearing yellow fine armor, "Swipe down the Zhenghuang Banner, Commander Huang Chiyan, and pay homage to the young master."

"Jin Sheng, the commander of the Golden Banner, pays homage to the young master."

"My subordinate Zhenghongqi's coach Miao Yu, pay my respects to the young master."

"Shui Qingqing, the commander of Zhengheiqi, pays homage to the young master."

"Subordinate Zhengqing Banner coach Lan Qi, pay my respects to the young master."


The Eighteen Banners are mainly based on five lines, and are derived from five branches of inlaid yellow, inlaid gold, inlaid red, inlaid black, and inlaid blue; supplemented by the positive gray flag of the wind system, the dark night flag of the dark system, and the thunder system The thunderbolt flag of the light system, the white flag of the light system, the Chengbai flag of the spirit system, five rare attribute armies;,

In addition, there are also the distinctive Zhenglan Banner of the Cheqijun, the Wudu Banner of the Wudu Army, and the Cangwang Banner of the Shenwen Army, a total of 18 banners.

After Ye Qianli wrote down their names one by one, she had to sigh with emotion. Fortunately, she had a good memory, otherwise she would definitely be confused. Anyway, Rong Ze felt that he was stupid and couldn't tell the difference. He thought that Xiao Yi'er must have Like him, it turned out not to be.

Xiao Yier remembers every one accurately! So Si Xiaoqing made a bet with Rong Ze's blood loss as a result, but he couldn't remember which of these people was right.

It's not that he has a bad memory, but that he underestimates the enemy! I don't want to remember, but Rong Xi knows that Xiao Yi'er is a genius, and he is a bit more diligent than him, so who is Rong Ze to blame?

"How could this be..." Rong Ze originally thought that he would be the second best! Unexpectedly, both Rong Xi and Xiao Yi'er were out of order, and performed supernormally. He lost three treasures!

"Second brother, I like the dress that my mother made for you, you can bring it to me when you go back." The little three Ronglin said purposefully.

"Don't go too far!" Rong Ze wanted to cry, his father was too hateful, he only allowed his mother to make him a dress! He wore it for his birthday!

"I wear it for a day!"

"No! Another one!"


Xiao Yi'er saw them arguing for a while, so he ran to his mother and said, "Mom, why don't you make clothes for me?"

Ye Qianli: "..." She won't!

Rong Mo, who was busy with his busy schedule, also quietly glanced at his wife, conveying the sad meaning of "why I didn't have one" with his eyes.

Ye Qianli: "..." She is real! Won't!

"Okay, let's all go away." Longdi saw that the cutscene was over, and the younger ones couldn't sit still anymore, so he asked the people from the three divisions, nine divisions and eighteen banners to disperse first.

When these people dispersed, Rong Mo asked the Dragon Emperor without hiding his voice, "Uncle Dragon Emperor, where is Xuan Sikou's residence?"

"Young master go in person?" Dragon Emperor asked with some surprise.

Tian Sikou, who had just left and stood up, and Di Sikou, who was in pain all over his body, paused when they heard the conversation between the two. "Eavesdrop" on something.

"Yes." Rong Mo also agreed.

The Dragon Emperor thought for a while and said, "Alright, I'll take you there."

Having said that, the Dragon Emperor took Rong Mo and others with him, and headed towards the Xuanling Mansion where Xuan Sikou was located, and left in a flash! Tian Sikou and other members of the Three Divisions, Nine Divisions and Eighteen Banners all looked at each other subconsciously.

A while later, Rong Mo was sent to Xuanling Mansion, but the steward who came out of Xuanling Mansion did not welcome him in, but said in a secretive way, "Please come back, young master, the hexagram that Xuan Sikou predicted , now is not the time to pay respects to the young master."

"But this young master thinks it's the right time." Rong Mo said calmly, but without doubt, obviously determined to see this Xuan Si Kou.


Tian Sikou's old eyes, who were secretly watching, flashed!

ps: Oops, I’m really tired at the end of writing, I can’t wait to wake up, it’s over... Please hug, please leave a message, please encourage~

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