Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1683: Those who follow suit prosper! Rebels die 1 more

Many members of the three divisions and nine divisions who were silently watching here were also slightly shocked by Rong Mo's strong response. They never expected that this young master would act like this.

Even the steward of the Xuanling Mansion who sent the message was so embarrassed that he didn't know how to answer the words. Everyone knew that Xuan Sikou was in charge of Fengshui and was good at divination. Since she said that today is not the right time to meet with her, she thought it was really not the right time.

After all, Xuan Sikou has never been wrong since he took the position of Xuan Sikou. Furthermore, if it wasn't inappropriate to meet, Xuan Sikou would not be absent from today's gathering of the Three Divisions, Nine Departments and Eighteen Banners.

"I don't know why the young master insists on seeing Xuan Sikou." Shen Tianyun from the Ministry of God was very puzzled. In his opinion, the young master's trip to Xuanling Mansion was completely unnecessary.

However, if the young master insists on going, there is nothing wrong with it. After all, as the new young master, it is good to come to the door to sympathize with the veteran.

But judging from the current situation, the young master didn't just go for a formality, but insisted on meeting people, which made many people a little confused.

On the other hand, Liang Zhaoli, who was unwilling to stay away from Shen Tianyun, let out a cold snort that seemed to see through, with a bit of sarcasm on his face, "Young master, of course, those who follow others will prosper, and those who oppose others will perish."

"Li Li!" Liang Zhaoyuan scolded, his face was very ugly, he clearly warned his sister countless times, but her sister was always messing around.

But Liang Zhaoli just couldn't swallow the anger in her heart, especially after she felt Rong Mo's expression of obedience to him at the moment, she ignored her brother's scolding, and said bluntly: "Am I wrong? Brother, look, the three of you Which Si Kou can get it!"

"What does Sikong Xiaoliang mean?" Shen Tianyun asked back with a seemingly puzzled face, but his heart skipped a beat, secretly thinking that Tian Sikou was really convicted?

However, Liang Zhaoli didn't have time to answer, and was swept away by Tian Sikou's eyes. Tian Sikou himself stood up and said, "Talk slowly, old man, take a step first."

After saying this, before Shen Tianyun and others could respond, Tian Sikou had already called a pair of sons and daughters, "Yuan'er, Li Li, follow me back home."

"Yes, father." Liang Zhaoyuan got up immediately.

Although Liang Zhaoli was unwilling to do so and still wanted to tease her, she did not dare to disobey her father's orders, so she stood up and bid farewell to her colleagues, and returned home with her father and brother.

As soon as Tian Sikou's family left, the injured Di Sikou didn't stop, but he didn't say anything, and walked back to his mansion carelessly.

However, Di Sikou's gait was unsteady, and his breath was quite turbid and heavy, which showed that his injuries were very serious! There is basically no relief, and I am afraid it will take a long time to recuperate.

"Minister Shen, what do you think?" Qi Fengyue, the head of the animal department, clung to Shen Tianyun's side, and asked from the bottom of his heart. The fragrance in his mouth could be heard clearly, and Shen Tianyun was so ashamed that he hurriedly avoided, "How do I know?"

"Hehehe..." Qi Fengyue smiled coquettishly, "Minister Shen is naturally the most assertive, how could he not know?"

"I won't tell you." Shen Tianyun couldn't stand up to the temptress, so he stood up and said goodbye, "God is leaving, everyone sit down."

"Huh?" Qi Fengyue stretched out his legs unyieldingly, and stopped Shen Tianyun from saying, "Why is it so old that you can't help being teased, so you're leaving?"

"Pfft!" All the gods and ministers in the hall who hadn't dispersed couldn't help laughing, everyone knew that Qi Fengyue had pursued Shen Tianyun for many years.

However, Shen Tianyun, this old iron tree, doesn't bloom, and often wants to hide from Qi Fengyue and hide far away! There is no other way today, so we "get together".

"Qi Fengyue!" Shen Tianyun gritted his teeth and roared, the roots of his ears turned red! I can't wait to throw this witch in front of me out.

However, Qi Fengyue put his legs back and said, "Okay, okay, I know you are thin-skinned, so fuck you, I will come to your house to find you at night, so prudish."

"!" Shen Tianyun was furious, he deeply felt that Qi Fengyue shouldn't be the head of the Beast Department, he should be the head of the Monster Department.

Seeing Xuanyuan Cheng, the Minister of the Ministry of Human Resources who has a good relationship with him, he couldn't help laughing, "Hahaha, old god, it's rare for Fengyue to take a fancy to you so much, so don't hold on to it, we haven't had any happy events for a long time. Now, you can treat us to a wedding wine."

The gods saw that Young Master Mo over there had been welcomed into the Xuanling Mansion, and they couldn't see anything anymore, so they all turned to tease Shen Tianyun, the old iron tree, "Yes, yes, God! When will the minister treat us to a wedding wine?"

Shen Tianyun was about to be vomited blood by these shameless colleagues, he and Qi Fengyue were fine! What the hell wedding wine?

"Yunlang, you've given everyone a good idea." Qi Fengyue still wanted to add fuel and firewood alluringly, cooking until Shen Tianyun's whole body turned red, and he almost ran away in despair.

"Hehehe..." Qi Fengyue stood up and said, "Thank you colleagues for making the matchup, I will continue to work hard, and I will let you all come to drink the wedding wine later."

"It's a good relationship! I'll wait for it!" All the gods and ministers joked kindly with smiles on their faces, but they lost their previous restraint and returned to their usual demeanor, looking a lot more relaxed.

But everyone knew that this was nothing more than a relaxed face. No one had forgotten Liang Zhaoli's last words before leaving, and the more they thought about it, the more frightened they became.

You know, Di Sikou didn't go crazy for no reason. It was indeed spread all over the city.


"If this is the young master's deliberate action, the Di Sikou will be wronged." Many gods thought to themselves, but they also thought that if the Di Sikou did not respect the young master, they would not take the opportunity to make trouble. After all, he was punished unjustly.

But in this way, it is enough to show that the young master's city mansion is very deep! The mind is like a demon.

With this in mind...

The scattered gods and ministers all looked at Xuanling Mansion with complicated eyes. Although they hoped that Sumi's successor would be strong, they did not want to step on the strength of the old minister.

But they didn't know that Rong Mo did all this not to declare his young master's royal power, but to catch the traitor who was hiding deep.

Only the Dragon Emperor can vaguely know, so it has always supported Rong Mo, its little master.

at the same time.

In the living room of Xuanling Mansion.

"Young Master." The ethereal female voice that belonged exclusively to Xuan Sikou has already called out. The maturity, revealing the vicissitudes of time, is like an aged daughter's red. Once opened, it is intoxicating.

Hearing Ye Qianli instinctively looked towards the source of the voice, and saw a mature woman in a plain gauze robe with a graceful figure and a face like a peach.

"This is Xuan Si Kou?" Ye Qianli looked at the beautiful woman in plain clothes and full of black hair who was only held by a wooden hairpin, and could not help passing the message to the magic box in surprise.

... Before the magic box in a daze gave a reply, Ye Qianli met a pair of beautiful eyes that were soaked in time and dust, and had seen the vicissitudes of life.

The key is--

When those eyes saw Rong Mo.

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