Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1692 Banquet refers to Tian Sikou! 4 more

After the loyal servant whispered something in Liang Zhaoyuan's ear, Liang Zhaoyuan's expression changed on the spot! Seeing that Liang Zhaoli's expression sank, "Brother, what happened?"

Liang Zhaoyuan calmed down, naturally he couldn't tell the matter clearly to his younger sister who had been blowing up lately, so he said in a deep voice, "Something happened to the banquet, I'm going to Xumi Hall, Lili, you go on your own. "

"Okay, brother, be careful." Although Liang Zhaoli became a little irritable because of Tian Sikou's incident, she also knew that this banquet was of great importance, and Liang Zhaoyuan, as the main person in charge, could not make any mistakes.

Liang Zhaoyuan endured the shock, and hurriedly led people out of the mansion, but what Liang Zhaoli didn't know was that her elder brother was very quick after leaving the mansion! Going back to the mansion blindly.

Liang Zhaoli was still waiting for Tian Sikou to go to the banquet together, but was told to let her go first.

Liang Zhaoli didn't think too much about it, after all, in order to avoid the Liang family from being too popular, Tian Sikou actually seldom travels with their brothers and sisters, which is common.


at the same time.

"What's the matter with my father and mother?" Xiao Yi'er was staring at the room where his parents were, and asked Long Di worriedly, "Could it be that my father didn't lie to me, he was not good before, and so was my mother?"

"Cough!" As an existence who knows everything, the Dragon Emperor is of course not good at teaching children badly, so he said seriously, "Young Master and Young Madam have been busy these years non-stop, and finally took a break, probably overslept .”

"If you're going to sleep, why don't you take me with you?" Xiao Yi'er was upset!

Dragon Emperor: "..."|I can't answer these words.

Fortunately, the door that Xiao Yi'er had been staring at had been opened suddenly, and the couple in the room came out, avoiding the embarrassment of Dragon Emperor.

"Father! Mother!" Xiao Yi'er was the first to rush forward, crashing into his father's arms. Although it was a real collision, the force was much weaker than before.

After all, Xiao Yi'er is a conscientious baby. I'm afraid that his father is not very good, and if he bumps into him, he won't be able to watch the show today.

But as soon as the little guy pounced on him, he found that both his father and his mother looked very good, all flushed! It's like eating a good tonic.

"Father?" Xiao Yi'er looked at his father suspiciously, and suddenly asked with a small face, "What did you eat behind my back?"

Rong Mo almost wanted to say, "I'll eat your mother."

Fortunately, when the words reached his lips, he swallowed them back, and only asked indifferently, "What nonsense are you talking about, you treat everyone like you, you only know how to eat."

"Don't lie to me! Your face is full of greasy food, don't think I can't see it." Xiao Yi'er caught the "evidence" and said back.

Rong Mo: "..." Is it so obvious?

Ye Qianli: "..."!

Seeing that his father had nothing to say, Xiao Yi'er immediately believed in his own judgment even more, "Okay! Daddy, you really stole food behind my back and made me worry for a whole day. hurry up to coax me! Otherwise, I will get angry !"

"Pfft!" The three of Rong Xi who followed couldn't hold back, they all burst out laughing, why is my nephew so cute? So cute isn't it!

Rong Mo was also amused by this young man's words, "How do you want me to coax you?"

"I haven't figured it out yet." Xiao Yi'er didn't expect that the father was so talkative all of a sudden, but he didn't know how to be coaxed, so he turned his head and said, "Think about it yourself! Anyway, coax me quickly."

Rong Mo: "..." |

"Hurry up!" Xiao Yi'er urged.

Rong Mo lifted him onto his shoulders, and because he was in a good mood, he rarely coaxed him patiently, "I'll take you to catch the thief later."

Xiao Yi'er thought for a while, "Then I'll forgive you first, and if I can't make me happy for a while, I'll punish you."

"See if you can do it." Rong Mo really wanted to spank this little ass.

"That's right, it doesn't matter who my father is." Xiao Yi'er said.

Rong Mo couldn't beat him anymore, this flattery was too good.

"Pfft!" Ye Qianli couldn't help laughing, these two are really her cuties!


Looking at this happy family from the side, the Dragon Emperor warmed his old heart, thinking that when the master and the princess are out of the customs, it must be more complete.

By that time, the smoky atmosphere of Mount Sumeru should be cleared away, and there is no more perfect place in the world than Mount Sumeru.

Thinking this way, the Dragon Emperor looked forward to punishing the traitor in public! So that this small family, and the future family, will be harmonious and beautiful.

As for the pure-blooded monster clan, to be honest, the Dragon Emperor hasn't paid much attention to it. From its point of view, as long as the internal thieves are wiped out, the monolithic Wanyu cannot be broken by any external force.

This is actually Rong Mo's idea, although he is not as confident in Wan Yu as Dragon Emperor, but it is more appropriate to eliminate the internal thieves and unify the outside world.

And when Rong Mo, with his wife and son and younger brother, walked into the open-air banquet hall outside the Sumeru Hall, the hall was almost full of seats and it was quite lively.

"Young Master, Young Madam, come to—" the ritual officer of Tiansi also sang after seeing Rong Mo and his party, "Dragon Emperor, Ze Shao, Lin Shao, Xi Shao, to—"

Everyone in the hall got up one after another, ready to greet Rong Mo and his party, but they heard a childish voice, very unconvinced, saying, "What about me?"

Tiansi's etiquette officer was startled, and he didn't remember what the little cutie in front of him meant. The Dragon Emperor was the first to comprehend it himself and preached, "Little young master, to--"

Only then did Xiao Yi'er narrow his eyes in satisfaction, and looked forward proudly, ready to enter the arena with his parents! see...

The courtesy officer suddenly understood and apologized, "Your official is short-sighted. I was fascinated by the little young master's demeanor. I forgot to announce your name. Please forgive me, little young master."

"It doesn't matter." Xiao Yi'er responded lightly, full of style, really has the demeanor of a young master! Seeing it, Rong Mo twitched the corners of his mouth.

All the gods and ministers in the hall couldn't help laughing! He took the lead to pay respects to this little young master, "Honor, please pay respects to the little young master, young master and young lady."

Xiao Yi'er didn't speak this time, just looked at the gods coldly, but Rong Mo spared everyone's courtesy, and then led the little one and his beloved wife to the main seat.

Only then did the gods salute Dragon Emperor, Rong Xi and the others, with deep smiles on their faces because of the episode brought by Xiao Yi'er, it was a good start.

It’s just that the gods sat down one by one, and before they had time to take a sip of water, they laughed and laughed at Xiao Yier, and heard the report that a court official had rushed in from outside, “Sign up to the young master! Someone from Liang’s mansion came to report, Tian Si Kou was attacked, he cannot afford to be seriously injured, and may have to delay the banquet."

"What!" There was an explosion in the hall! No one expected that such a big banquet would suddenly explode with such news, and they didn't react to it.

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