Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1693: The Godly Turn of a Good Show! 5 more

Even Rong Mo and Dragon Emperor didn't expect that Tian Sikou would "suffer" like this, they subconsciously looked at each other, and they both saw surprise in each other's eyes.

But Rong Mo only glanced at the Dragon Emperor, and at the moment when others didn't notice, he said, "Since you are seriously injured, how can you still come to the banquet? Uncle Dragon Emperor, please come over to visit Tian Sikou on my behalf."

"Don't worry, young master." The Dragon Emperor got the entrustment, and naturally he would not neglect, so he was ready to go to the Liang Mansion.

But the Tiansi official who came to report said, "Liang's family member said, Tiansikou knows that the young master and the Dragon Emperor must be worried about him, and I said in advance, please make sure that the big banquet is the most important thing, he can't come in time, it is already very serious." I'm ashamed, how can I bother my lord?

Tian Sikou also said that he would come to the banquet after he healed for a while. He only said that although his injury was dangerous, it was not serious, and he asked the young master and the Dragon Emperor not to worry too much. "

These words are sincere, and it also shows that Tian Sikou is currently recovering from his wounds, so that the Dragon Emperor really can't go to the Liang Mansion. After all, with his honor, if he really goes to the Liang Mansion, everyone in the mansion will stick to him , but it is not suitable for Tian Sikou to heal his wounds.

In this way...

Xuan Si Kou said softly, "Since Tian Si Kou said so, the young master doesn't need to let the Dragon Emperor make this trip, let him rest well."

"Forget it." Rong Mo didn't insist at this moment, he just told the ceremonial officer to return to the family of the Liang family, let them serve Tian Si Kou well, and also avoid Tian Si Kou from coming to the banquet.

Only then did Liang Zhaoyuan stand up and plead guilty, "Young master, the rest of the banquet has been properly arranged, and I would like to invite you back home first."

"Young master, so is my subject." Liang Zhaoli also stood up eagerly, she could not bear it for a long time, but his elder brother kept pressing her down.

"Let's all go." Naturally, Rong Mo would not be embarrassed.

The brothers and sisters left in a hurry, but the atmosphere in the hall lost the relaxation and broadness just now because of the incident of Tian Sikou's attack, and all the gods were thoughtful.

Rong Mo didn't seem to notice anything, and asked Xuan Sikou who sat down the nearest, "How is Xuan Sikou?"

This question made Xuan Sikou's eyebrows jump slightly, but his voice responded calmly, "Thanks to the care of the young master, I will be fine."

"Xuan Sikou is also unwell?" Shen Tianyun asked in surprise.

Qi Fengyue gave him a sad look, which made his body stiff, and he felt uncomfortable all over. After all, the other side's glance seemed to be looking at an adulterer who had an affair...

Bah bah bah!

What the hell!

Shen Tianyun felt that sooner or later he would be driven crazy by Qi Fengyue, a temptress.

But Xuan Sikou who was asked didn't answer right away. She glanced at the nonchalant Rong Mo before replying in a low voice, "That's right, my Sikou's cultivation has regressed recently, and the young master learned about it, so he went to visit me in person."

"Xuan Sikou take care." Shen Tianyun didn't expect that Xuan Sikou really had a problem, he just felt that the situation was weird, and something big seemed to happen.

The keen Xuanyuan Cheng frowned as if feeling something, and subconsciously looked towards the vacant seat of Di Sikou, and Di Sikou hadn't come yet.

Tian Si Kou was attacked, Xuan Si Kou's cultivation was regressed, Di Si Kou was punished by the wind of nothingness,...

No matter how he looked at it, Xuanyuan Cheng felt that something big was going to happen! This made him a little uneasy. After all, Mount Sumeru had just passed one difficulty, and the king was still in seclusion, but he couldn't stand another difficulty.

But he looked at the expressions of the Dragon Emperor and the young master, they seemed to be very normal, and he was a little relieved. Although he didn't know the young master well, he knew that the Dragon Emperor couldn't care less about Mount Sumeru.

However, just when Xuanyuan Cheng and some keen minds subconsciously noticed that Di Sikou hadn't come, the ceremony officer outside the hall was already singing and proclaiming, "Di Sikou, arrive—"

"Tsk!" Yan Chengli of the Ministry of War suddenly sighed meaningfully. It is well known that he has a quarrel with the local commander, so it's okay for him to "tsk".

It only made everyone immediately meaningful, paying attention to Di Sikou, who came later than the young master! I thought to myself, isn't this rough guy still scared of being beaten?

For such a big banquet, according to the rules, everyone must arrive earlier than the young master, even if Tian Sikou is "attacked" and cannot come suddenly, they have to report quickly.

Si Kou unexpectedly came late, and he still has a criminal record, which inevitably makes people think that he is still not convinced and wants to fight with the young master.

But as soon as Di Sikou entered the hall, he was respectful and contrary to what everyone thought! Chao Rongmo bowed down and said, "The old minister came late to the banquet when he met the young master. It was because of the sudden onset of pain that he had to suppress it for a while. Please be careful with the young master."

"Di Si Kou is serious, take your seat first." Rong Mo said with a pleasant face.

Di Sikou just got up and sat down beside Xuan Sikou. The seats of the three divisions were all under Rong Mo, and they were arranged in order of heaven, Xuan and earth.

All the gods could see that even though Di Sikou looked fine on the surface, his footsteps were a bit vain. It can be seen that the wind of nothingness that day severely punished him, which caused great damage to him. It took him a day to recover. How many.

But Di Sikou deserved this penalty! Who told him to be so rampant and so rude to the young master.

How embarrassing would it be if the young master couldn't take advantage of his majesty at that time? So his injury was all self-inflicted, and the gods did not sympathize with him.


"Di Si Kou, you have never been reckless, why were you so impulsive yesterday?" Yan Chengli, as an old enemy with Di Si Kou, naturally did not miss the opportunity to make trouble.

Unexpectedly, the local Sikou responded, "Isn't this the news that Minister Yan sent me, saying all kinds of things about the young master, and telling me to be a fool?"

Yan Chengli was taken aback for a moment, and then hurriedly said, "Old man, don't you want to spout blood. When did I send you a message? Besides, I am your enemy. If I wear the message, you will be teased? Then I will scold you every day. You go to die, why don't you go?"

"Of course you didn't pass it on to me openly, but you just placed a nail in my place, and you talked so much that I heard it." Di Sikou retorted.

"You! You're insane!" Yan Chengli had never done such a thing before, and only felt that Di Sikou was simply unreasonable.

Di Sikou got up and knelt in front of Rong Mo, "Young master, the old minister is not just talking nonsense, the old minister has already caught the nail in the house, please young master to be the master for the old minister!"

Having said that, I don't know if it's because I'm too excited! Di Sikou's burly body also burst out with blood mist, and his breath was not stable.

"Di Si Kou sit down and say, don't get excited." Rong Mo comforted him gently, and gave Di Si Kou a elixir, telling him to heal his wounds first.

Di Sikou swallowed the elixir without hesitation, waited for a while, and then said slowly, "Young master, this old minister is straightforward and never bothers to play tricks.

This time, the old minister really listened to people's swaying, so he did the stupid thing. Of course, the old minister was really stupid, so he understood the way, the young master took the punishment well! Tell the old minister to clear his mind. "

Si Kou said these words with incomparable sincerity, but——

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