Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1716 Father-in-law really came out! 【Ask for a ticket】

Rong Mo frowned in displeasure, but they had just walked out of the Tiansi Mansion when they caught up with Xuan Chaozi who came out from the nearby Xuanling Mansion. Young Madam, Xuan Sikou is awake!"

"Wake up?" Ye Qianli was quite happy, but she didn't expect that people would wake up so quickly.

As for Xuan Sikou's proposal to return to the mansion, Xuan Chaozi himself proposed it, because there is a Xuanling Pond suitable for Xuan Sikou's cultivation in the Xuanling Mansion, so Rong Mo did not reject it.

However, he woke up after only half a day since he came back, which was somewhat beyond Rong Mo's expectation. He saw that Xuan Sikou's state at that time was much worse than his little leopard.

"Yes! Si Kou is sending his subordinates to report to you two at Sumeru Hall." Xuan Chaozi was still a little excited, and spoke very fast, obviously choking with excitement, which showed that Xuan Si Kou was recovering very well.

With this incident, Rong Mo didn't go back to the palace directly, but took Ye Qianli across the mansion to explore, and Yao Yuan followed up excitedly. He also wanted to see with his own eyes, exactly where Xuan Sikou had recovered. One step away.

Xingba has important tasks to deal with, so it is no problem to return to Tiansi.


As for Ye Qianli, who entered Xuanling Mansion for the second time, she felt a little subtle. When she came last time, Xuan Sikou was one of the suspected internal thieves, but now she has seen the blue sky through the clouds and mists.

Xuan Chaozi was also much more enthusiastic than before, and he did not forget to introduce the layout of Xuanling Mansion to Rong Mo and his wife along the way.

Although Ye Qianli didn't pay much attention to it last time, she didn't notice anything unusual with her spiritual sense, which shows that this Qimen Dunjia Formation is very sophisticated.

"Xuan Sikou is a famous Xuannv, and she wrote the Book of Changes, as you can imagine." The magic box couldn't understand Ye Qianli's fuss, and complained that she didn't know much!

"She wrote the Book of Changes?! Then she is not Zhu Yunwen's ancestor!?" Ye Qianli was stunned.

The magic box complained weakly, "Of course not. After the Book of Changes was completed, it gradually developed its own spiritual wisdom. I heard that Xuan Sikou didn't want to restrain it, so he scattered her in Wanyu and let it grow by itself."

"Well, then Xuan Sikou is still very good!" Ye Qianli was amazed.

"In terms of profound arts, she is the second, and no one dares to be the first." The magic box remembered that the owner who created it said so, and it didn't know much about it.

"How do you know Xuan Sikou so well?"

"Maybe my master likes her."

"Ah?" Ye Qianli was shocked.

"She's pretty too! She's also smart, unlike you, who has no beauty at all." The magic box really complained about Ye Qianli's stupidity all the time.

"You may not have been intimate with Xiaobai for too long." Ye Qianli said quietly.

Magic Box: "..."! It went to the ancient battlefield.

But before leaving, the magic box still reminded, "You can release Fatty and Nian Beast, Mount Sumeru will be of great benefit to them."

But at this meeting, Xuan Chaozi had already said at the front, "Young Master, please, Young Madam."

When Ye Qianli raised her eyes, she realized that she was in the backyard. After Xuan Chaozi brought the couple and Yaoyuan in, he went to help Xuan Sikou who was leaning on him.

"I have met the young master, young lady." Xuan Sikou wanted to salute, but was stopped by Ye Qianli.

"Let's lean on it." Rong Mo also said.

Xuan Sikou didn't insist on sitting on the bed, "I'm sorry, I didn't expect that the young master and young lady came so quickly."

"It's okay, what does Xuan Sikou think?" Ye Qianli asked directly.

"Although I'm a little weak, I feel better." Xuan Sikou responded with a light smile, there was a natural joy in his brows, making her more tender and tender.

"Let me take a look again." Ye Qianli still said.

Xuan Sikou did not refuse, and Ye Qianli was able to diagnose him. Not only was Xuan Sikou no longer entangled by the sorcerer's aura, but even the inner demons had weakened a lot, and seemed to have dissipated.

"Congratulations Xuan Sikou." Ye Qianli smiled and congratulated.

Xuan Sikou smiled, and his watery eyes sparkled, "People like me say they have seen through life and death, but they really have to experience life and death again to understand. Thank you, young lady."

"It's you who can think about it." Ye Qianli does not want this credit, after all, there is no way for her to cure her inner demons.

Xuan Sikou was still grateful to the little girl in front of him, and couldn't help but look again. The young master not far away seemed to see a king in a daze.

So many years.

so many years...

Xuan Sikou felt that she liked someone for so long, although she couldn't be serious about it! Cut off this liking, but she has been able to face it calmly.


"If I take good care of it and keep an eye on Little Fourth Young Master, maybe there will be another chance?" Xuan Sikou suddenly smiled, and with this smile, the entanglement in her heart disappeared.

"Xuan Si Koo Mo was joking." Rong Mo said a little uncomfortable, his silly brother! Still so small.

"Hahaha..." Xuan Sikou said jokingly, "Of course I don't dare to really have such a heart, for fear of being laughed at by my colleagues."

Ye Qianli forced a smile, although she also thought Xuan Sikou was beautiful, but! That can't be Huo Huo Xiaoxi, he is so tender.

But Xuan Sikou's behavior reassured Ye Qianli and Rong Mo a lot. After all, inner demons are always a hidden danger, so when they left Xuanling Mansion, they were in a good mood.

After Yao Yuan came out, he couldn't help but asked, "Young Madam, can you use pills to restrain this witchcraft spirit?"

"Difficult." Ye Qianli shook her head, and said disapprovingly, "It will change according to the individual, and finally reach a state of integration with the controlled one."

Yaoyuan sighed immediately, but he didn't give up, and went back to stare at the twenty or so problematic people rather "interestedly".

Rong Mo carried Ye Qianli back to the Sumeru Hall, wanting to let her continue to sleep, but it was only then that he carried her back to the dormitory and placed her on the bed, when he saw the short table beside the bed, put more a book?

Rong Mo frowned slightly, picked up the book, and he could feel it! In this book, there is a hint of his father's breath! ?

"What's wrong?" Ye Qianli saw that something was wrong with the person in front of her, and sat up too.

"This book wasn't here before, it should have just been put in, and it has my father's breath on it." Rong Mo stated, but his tone was obviously a little hurried, because he was excited!

"Could it be that father has left the customs?" Ye Qianli stood up in surprise, and read the book again, only to find that there was nothing written in it.

Rong Mo restrained his emotions and opened the map, and saw an old map with a symbol of a mountain on it, but he didn't know what mountain it was.

"Could it be a holy mountain?" Ye Qianli thought thoughtfully.

Rong Mo couldn't restrain himself anymore, he hurried out of the hall, and shouted urgently, "Daddy?"

ps: Ang! Here is still the keeper of manuscripts, ask for a monthly ticket to take care of the keeper who is wilting day by day, 嘤嘤/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~

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