Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1717 Daddy Huang's Greeting Ceremony! 1 more

This "Daddy" was like the one he used to call when he was young, with innate kindness. He already liked this unscrupulous father very much.

Even though he often quarrels with his father, he still likes and admires him so much. At this moment, he desperately wanted to see the father in his memory, this urgency even surpassed that when he just woke up in the tomb of God.

After all, he knew clearly at that time that his father was not around, so even if he wanted to see someone again, he knew that it was impossible to see him, so he could bear it instead.

But now?


Rong Mo looked up at the sky, at the top of Mount Sumeru, which exuded a faint radiance. He wanted to see his father, but he still didn't see it.

On the contrary, the Dragon Emperor had approached and returned because of his quiet movement, "Young Master, what's the matter?" It could sense that the Young Master's emotions were bursting.

But at this meeting, Rong Mo obviously couldn't calm down and explain to the Dragon Emperor, and Ye Qianli, who was by his side, helped explain, "When His Highness and I returned to the bedroom, we saw this book."

As Ye Qianli said, she pointed to the book in Rong Mo's hand, but she didn't go to take it. The Dragon Emperor looked along and found that there was the owner's aura on the book! ?

No wonder the young master's mood is so restless! It turned out to be this book, but...

"Master has not left the customs." Dragon Emperor said affirmatively.

Rong Mo already understood at this meeting that the person must not have come out, otherwise he shouldn't have called like this all the time, and the person hasn't appeared yet, he just had a little expectation in his heart.

The Dragon Emperor could see his expectation, but it didn't want him to misunderstand, so it still explained, "The subordinate has never left, if the master comes out, how can the subordinate not know?"

"Then how do you explain this book?" Ye Qianli could already guess that this book should have been left by her father-in-law, otherwise her Highness wouldn't be so excited.

"Perhaps it was left behind by the previous movement." The Dragon Emperor thought it should be so, and it also thought at that time that the master was about to leave the customs, but it didn't.

Now that I think about it, the movement must have been caused by keeping this book, if so...

"The master must know that you are back, the young master. This bedroom was originally reserved for you by the princess, the master knows about it." Dragon Emperor said seriously.

Rong Mo calmed down after this meeting, and held the book in front of him again, carefully looked at the map on it, and could tell that the mountain-shaped terrain outlined by the map had a somewhat similar feel to Mount Sumeru, but it was far from it. Far away, it can be seen that it may really be a holy mountain.

Judging from the information obtained, the holy mountain in the Tianyao domain is the same as Mount Sumeru in the Ten Thousand Territories, both of which are symbols of power. The difference is that there are King Sumeru and the gods on Mount Sumeru, but the Holy Mountain does not seem to be.

"This is..." The Dragon Emperor could tell that the book in Rong Mo's hand might be the map of the Holy Mountain in the Sky Demon Territory, but he didn't understand, how could the master have the map of the Holy Mountain?

"Master has never been to the Sky Demon Realm, how could there be such a picture?" Dragon Emperor was puzzled.

Rong Mo was slightly startled, "Hasn't he been there?"

"No." Dragon Emperor was sure.

Ye Qianli thought about it and said, "Could it be the information from the interrogation of the pure-blooded demon or the king demon?"

"Is there such a possibility, I'll take it and let the detained pure-blood king demon identify it?" Dragon Emperor suggested.

"No hurry, I'll take another look." Rong Mo rubbed the pages of the book, and then opened it, and he could see the detailed map of the interior of the mountain, first at the foot of the mountain, then at the middle of the mountain, and then at the top of the mountain.

Although the map is not detailed, it has a general direction, and it can be regarded as a very complete map of the holy mountain, which made Rong Mo come up with some subtle ideas.

In fact, when he left that hole, he had already thought about going to explore the Sky Demon Territory, but he hadn't started to implement it yet, and what he lacked was a map.

According to his original intention, he wanted to instruct Xing Ba to put the focus of the trial of the pure-blooded king demon on the map, but before he had time to order, he had a ready-made map in his hand.

"You can ask Xingba to interrogate the pure-blood king demon first, let him draw a picture, and then make a comparison." Rong Mo reminded, thinking that this would be safer.

"Okay, my subordinates will go." The Dragon Emperor turned and left.

Ye Qianli just hugged her Highness's narrow waist, didn't speak, just leaned against him, snuggled up to him, and looked at the map of the holy mountain together with him quietly.

Rong Mo raised his hand and hugged such a soft and caring little leopard tightly, knowing that she understood the ups and downs in his heart, he couldn't help but hug him tighter, tighter...

After a long time.

Ye Qianli called softly, "Your Highness."

"Yeah." Rong Mo let go of his hands slightly and looked down at the person leaning on his shoulder.

Ye Qianli raised her hand, touched her fingertips lightly, and gently traced the outline of the familiar eyebrows and eyes, the more she traced, the more delicate she felt.


"Your Highness is so pretty." Ye Qianli praised her already out of her mouth.

Rong Mo...

He knew that she wanted to comfort him, but he didn't expect that she would touch him and say something like this, which made him smile, "So pretty?"

"It's very beautiful." Ye Qianli said sincerely, "There is nothing more beautiful than Your Highness."

Rong Mo chuckled, picked up the dazed little leopard, and walked back into the bedroom. The emotion in his heart that had nowhere to say, nowhere to pour out, was smoothed out, and there was nothing wrong with it .

little leopard...

His little leopard.

so silly.


As for Ye Qianli, who had been comforted over and over again for being "stupid", when she lay back on the bed, she remembered something and asked seriously, "Your Highness, are you going there?"

"What do you think?" Rong Mo asked back.

"Yes!" Ye Qianli thought of the hole guarded by the local chief, and said with more certainty, "When you left that hole, didn't you plan it like this?"

"Yeah." Having been guessed, Rong Mo didn't hide it, "They keep coming, I should go and see them too."

"Me?" Ye Qianli caught the word, "Aren't you taking me?"

"I..." Rong Mo really didn't plan to take anyone there, he wanted to go and see first.

Ye Qianli immediately interrupted him and said, "You must take me!"

"If you go, won't Yi'er also follow?" Rong Mo asked back.

"Then take it with you, it's not impossible to take it with you." Ye Qianli was not worried that her son would follow, anyway, she could hide him in her pocket.

Rong Mo was about to go back to her, but Dragon Emperor's voice came from the window, "Young Madam, absolutely not!"

"Uncle Dragon Emperor?" Ye Qianli looked towards the window in surprise.

The Dragon Emperor said with some embarrassment, "This subordinate didn't come to listen to the corner. I just had something to report, and I happened to hear it."

"What's the matter?" Rong Mo walked to the window and asked.

"Xingba said that he had reviewed the map, but the pure-blooded king demon said that there is no map in the Heavenly Demon Territory, especially the holy mountain, which cannot be drawn, nor can it be drawn." Dragon Emperor replied.

"Oh?" Rong Mo was puzzled.

"It is said that the Heavenly Demon Territory is a special place. It may not be true, and the perception may be wrong, so it is impossible to draw a map." The Dragon Emperor said, and could not help but said, "Young master, please don't go!"

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