Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 804 One person, the abyss! 2 more

Ye Wuji quickly raised his head, waved his hands resolutely not to let the tears flow, and signaled Rong Mo to take the little one away quickly, really! I'm going to cry when I see it.

But what—

"Grandpa, wait a little longer." Ye Qianli's voice sounded at this moment, firm and resolute, hearing Ye Wuji's old tears, she couldn't help but "squeak" down.

The big and the small are all like this...

He's an old man, it doesn't matter whether he is alive or dead, he has no regrets, now that people are here, in this place where people cannibalize, he really wants to tell them all to leave! all go.

But Ye Wuji knew very clearly that none of these children would leave, no matter what he said, they would never leave! Ye Wuji spent half his life as a soldier, his son is useless! The grandchildren are too good.

so good...

Ye Wuji was so outstanding that tears streamed down his face, but he still wanted to say, "Rong Mo, grandpa wants you to promise, no matter what! You must protect her mother and child."

There is so much meaning in this sentence! But Ye Wuji knew that his grandson-in-law, who had twice as many eyes as others, would definitely understand.

He doesn't care what these children are going to do, and he doesn't know what they are doing. He only asks that Rong Mo can protect his little granddaughter and little great-grandson at any time.

"Not one of them will be missing." Rong Mo replied, and there are quite a few of them here, including Ye Wuji naturally! And if he said this, Ye Laoliu, who hadn't moved much, stared at him sharply!

And the "Ye Lao Liu" of the Ye family who is only willing to sit in a prison, how strong is his cultivation! Many bigwigs present knew it, and since he appeared on the stage, he was actually on full alert, and the bigwigs could also feel it.

Many bosses can also sense the unknown power that has been gathering in the sky! So they all knew in their hearts that when Rong Mo got up, he was doing it all by himself! He is confronting the entire Abyss Ye.

otherwise! Ye Wufang will not let people withdraw.

otherwise! Ye Lao Liu will not suddenly appear.

otherwise! Abyss Yeh will not "do anything" at all.

Because Ye Wufang and many superpowers of the Abyss Ye family know this young brother named Rong Mo! He can use some kind of terrible power.

That power once called down from heaven! Abyss City is afraid that it will face some degree of catastrophe. This premonition is shared by many Abyss Ye family powerhouses, so they all tacitly stay still.

And Rong Mo obviously maintained a tacit agreement on whether to summon this power, as if, as he said, he wanted to watch his wife win Ye Wuji and be released, not to rob the prisoner.


The scene is still very "harmonious" at the moment!

"Go." Ye Wujiji, who has enough experience but not enough cultivation realm, can instinctively understand what the general situation is now, so he let Rong Mo go first.

Only then did Rong Mo hold the little one in his arms and walk back, but when he turned around, the little one grabbed his shoulder and waved at Ye Wuji, his eyes were still red, it might have been in his father's arms just now I cried quietly.

Seeing Ye Wuji repeatedly said sadly, "Be good, be good..."

When Rong Mo walked back to the Daozong audience, Ye Lao Liu disappeared, obviously appearing for Rong Mo! As soon as Ye Laoliu disappeared, Ye Rongqing and the other four continued to detain Ye Wuji, and walked towards the abyss Ye's viewing seats in the arena.

at the same time!

"Cough, cough..."

Rong Mo, who was sitting back on the Daozong seat, coughed loudly, and the handkerchief he held in his hands was soon stained red with blood, which made many strong men of the Abyss Ye family heave a sigh of relief.

No wonder he didn't work hard! It turned out to be weak...

Fortunately, he is weak, otherwise! OK……

And when the strong man in Abyss City was feeling sad, a certain little one that was being held by Rong Mo, his eyes were all red, and he burst into tears.

Seeing Dao Yuan beside him felt extremely distressed, Dao Sheng hurriedly asked the alchemist of Dao Zong to see Rong Mo, but he was refused.

Even Ye Qianli, who was about to come over on the field, had already been suppressed by Rong Mo's invisible mental power, and he even waved at her to show that he was fine.

"Cough..." Rong Mo did not cough for a long time, he had already stopped, his breathing was normal, but he kept looking at Ye Qianli on the field, not allowing her to come over.

Because at this time, it was time to prepare a cup of tea, Ziyuan Tianzun had announced the start of the competition, and according to the rules of the sparring match, being late or leaving the match would be considered abandonment.

However, this rule is usually violated by no one, so Ziyuan Tianzun did not specifically explain it before, but all participating parties are well aware of this rule.

That's why Rong Mo didn't let Ye Qianli play, and Ye Qianli knew what he meant, but seeing him coughing up blood, it was really hard for her to restrain herself, especially as she could clearly see that their little leopard was still there Cry, she really wants to go...

"Sit down, if you retire, he might really try his best." The blind old man persuaded softly, which made Ye Qianli, who actually knew it in her heart, lower her head.

But two lines of tears fell from her eyes uncontrollably, but she calmed down quickly. She knew that Dao Yun had the intention of disturbing her mind by asking her to get her grandfather out.

Tao rhyme...

This is a person who will not let go of any opportunity to attack her opponent. In order to help Ye Tianjiao, she will do anything! Ye Qianli understood.

So in the future, she will not only surpass Ye Tianjiao in the attainment of divine patterns, but also beware of Dao Yun, but she also knows! With Rong Mo's "strike" just now, Abyss City did not dare to "make mistakes".

Rong Mo...

Her beautiful prince, rather than saying that he is a "long son who commits murder", it is better to say that he is Xiang Tianxia! Show "Tianwei" to Abyss City to protect her.

Just like how he opened the "back door" for her unexpectedly when he went to the genius school back then, he has always been her strongest backing, always has been.

Your Highness...

And when Ye Qianli kept calming down, Hong Tianbing also asked in a deep voice, "Are you ready?" He knew the "origin" between Ye Qianli and Abyss City, and Taoist saints had told him, but he Some did not expect that Dao Yun would be so despicable.

"Okay." Ye Qianli raised her eyes and said, her eyes were so clear that Hong Tianbing also nodded and said, "Then let's start."

"Okay." Ye Qianli nodded, she knew that there were many strong men in Abyss City, and she knew that the person standing beside her grandfather's prison car just now should be the sixth son of the Ye family, the super strong man who had awakened the talent of the Dark Lord of the Abyss.

She knew that she must work harder to show that she and Rong Mo's rescue plan, only if she wins this one, can the secret rescue be more successful.

so! She will do everything.

Moreover, if he can succeed on the bright side and everything goes well, Rong Mo doesn't need to make another move, otherwise he might vomit blood, or even more than just vomit blood.

With this in mind...

Ye Qianli's heart became calmer, and Hong Tianbing had already started refining the weapon. She and the blind old man watched carefully first to understand the weapon Hong Tianbing forged, and when he needed it! Immediately assist him in engraving the divine pattern.

Spiritual artifacts are difficult to refine! but--


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