Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 805: Train Your Children Well! The strongest military doctor 3 more

As Hong Tianbing began to light fire to forge divine weapons, Ye Qianli's mind had slowly merged into his fire and his forging.

But for a moment, Hong Tianbing, who hadn't fully entered the state yet, was startled by his little assistant, because he could sense that her consciousness had been fully integrated into his fire and equipment.

Status goes so fast! so focused...


Hong Tianbing immediately calmed down, and entered the forging state with more concentration. After all, his little assistants are so good, and he, the main forge, of course cannot lose the chain.

As for Blind Old Man, he looked at it unhurriedly. He was the last person to integrate into this weapon refining, but compared with the rest of the field, he was still the fastest one.

This made Ziyuan Tianzun outside the field immediately nodded and said, "Thirty breaths, everyone in this group has entered the state, and the fastest little girl, she only took three breaths to integrate into the art of refining." Fire and materials."

"The mood swings were so big before, and the xinxing was rare." A craftsman who sat with Ziyuan Tianzun also praised him.

But some people also said, "Ye Tianjiao is also good. Although she was a little slow to integrate, the group of Abyss City started to refine weapons as soon as they were unblocked. There was no delay, and they have already entered the state. .”

It can be said that when Ye Qianli's group was fully committed, Ye Tianjiao's group was also fully committed. This made many discerning bosses know that these two groups have established certain advantages.

However, after them, the competitors from Demon Sect and Buddha Sect also entered the state one after another, and the Three Sects and One City once again demonstrated their absolute advantage.

After that, the five powers are evenly divided, so you can tell at a glance that this match will definitely be fierce, and the first four powers and the last five powers will compete fiercely for the "first".

Four big trends, who is stronger!

Five strong, who can lead the coquettish?


The people outside the arena will be watching quietly now. After all, there is usually not much to watch in the early stage of refining weapons. The main event will start after the prototype of the weapon is formed!

So at this meeting, Dao Yuan was already distracted and said to Rong Mo, "Why don't you heal your wound first? Let's all watch, it will be fine, just give me the little one."

Hearing this, Dao Sheng also looked at Rong Mo with concern. He was also worried that this little brother would not be able to hold on. Just now, the whole city seemed to be calm, but in fact it was not so easy.

It's just that as soon as Dao Yuan's words came out, the red-eyed little one in Rong Mo's arms, he immediately grabbed his father, but he didn't move.

In fact, the little guy's movements have not changed since the time when Rong Mo vomited blood, as if he was afraid that his father's injuries would be aggravated if he moved around.

Rong Mo could sense it, so he stroked the little leopard's taut soft back, and said to him in a clear voice, "Father is fine, don't be nervous."

Hearing this, Xiao Rongyi looked up at him, his big eyes were as red as rabbit eyes, with tears in them, very pitiful, obviously he felt sorry for his father.

Rong Mo touched his little bald head and asked, "Will you move around in the future?"

Xiao Rongyi immediately shook his head.

"Are you still screaming?" Rong Mo asked again.

Xiao Rongyi continued to shake his head.

"Then let Uncle Daoyuan hug you, or lie down on your side." Rong Mo said, deeply thinking that this little old man can no longer cling to him!

However, a certain kid looked away after hearing this, with a look of "what did you say? The baby didn't hear it", and Rong Mo's eyes darkened when he saw it.

This little one! Smarter than he was when he was a child, he is indeed a brat who spent three years in his mother's womb. He may have spent too little time in his mother's womb.

"Pfft..." Dao Yuan laughed when he saw the rascally little guy, this little guy must have become a genius, and he "flyed" so fast before, he didn't even feel it! This little one went to the prison van, it's just...

But this time, Xiao Rongyi was already lying on his father's body, staring at Ye Qianli in the field with wide eyes, and he was very focused, which was even more likable.

Seeing that Daoyuan couldn't bear it, he wanted to touch his little bald head, but he was hit for no doubt, so he stopped his hand with a smile, and looked back on the field.

At this moment, the sparring competition is still "easy", all the contestants are engrossed in refining or following up the process of refining.

The same goes for Ye Qianli and her magic box. The latter dare not make any movement at this moment, because it can sense that Ye Qianli's state is different.

Her instant comprehension in cultivation was brought into play by her in this field at this moment, which let the magic box know! As long as she's not disturbed, she'll probably create the uncanny again.

She is always like this, she can easily enter a subtle state that others may not be able to enter in their entire lives, but she can always be calmer than others! Peace of mind.

"Second idiot's ability is really the best cultivation skill." Magic Box can only say so, but Magic Box doesn't know that although Ye Qianli's ability is due to her natural talent, it is more due to her experience as the strongest military doctor. .

In the area baptized by war, she doesn't have much time to slowly enter the state, she must be the fastest! Complete every "life and death" operation perfectly.

The previous experience allowed her to acquire today's "talent", making her more and more perfect, and allowing her to keep calm as quickly as possible no matter what the situation is! Enter the "combat" state.


"No! This old man's heat is a bit off!" When the magic box noticed that Hong Tianbing made a small mistake in the process of refining the embryo.


Ye Qianli had already activated her Nine Heavens Profound Fire talent at the same moment, and replenished it in an instant, Hong Tianbing's firepower was insufficient.

The key is! Her shots were fast and decisive, not only did she not have any extra stagnation, but her movements were not too big, and the breath of firepower was basically integrated into Hong Tianbing's fire source.

Hong Tianbing was not disturbed the whole time! He didn't even know that he made such a small mistake, because Ye Qianli "made it up" for him.

Such a subtle scene suddenly made Ziyuan Tianzun's eyes brighten up, so he was staring at Ye Qianli with all his attention. He never thought that such a young girl could be so sophisticated! The perfect remedy.

You know, Hong Tianbing's slight mistake is actually not a big deal! Many people in the venue didn't see that there was a problem, and naturally they didn't notice Ye Qianli's "remediation".

But since Ziyuan Tianzun is so respected, he naturally has excellent eyesight! So he saw it and was amazed. It was just a small detail, but Ziyuan Tianzun immediately added points to Ye Qianli.

Because of this, he kept looking at Ye Qianli, which made Dao Yun realize that his attitude towards Ye Qianli had changed! Even though she didn't know the reason for this, she felt that it was not good.

So Dao Yun cast a glance at Ye Hong who was not far away, and the latter immediately nodded understandingly, got up and walked towards Ye Wuji's prison car.

Such a small action made Ye Wufang frown, but he didn't say anything, he just looked at the young guy who was hugging him again, his eyes were deep.

And at the same time! Ye Hong has come to Ye Wuji.

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