Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 806 Taiyi series! Unpredictable 4 more

Ye Wuji didn't speak, but he already guessed what the comer was going to do, and he already guessed it! These people pulled him out again for a "walk". What was their intention?

It's not to disturb his little granddaughter's mentality, it's despicable and shameless! Dirty and obscene, I'm talking about the tricks of these people, but no matter what! Forget about him making a sound.

With such a mentality, Ye Wuji stared at Ye Hong fearlessly, but the latter sneered and said, "If you are sensible, you can scream and beg for mercy yourself, the old man will be more lenient."

"Bah!" Ye Wuji spat at Ye Hong, and he sarcastically said with sharp eyes, "You old man is worse than your dead daughter, if I say anything on your hands! I will call you grandfather."

"Grandson! You will get your wish." Ye Hong replied with a gloomy face, his eyes were full of sternness, but he wiped the spittle off his face with a handkerchief.

Then, he suddenly broke! A chain that bound Ye Wuji, with the power of a chaotic formation, immediately crazily destroyed Ye Wuji's body!

In an instant—


Ye Wuji's body swelled in a circle, it was because of the raging power of many formations pouring into his body at once! It directly exploded his viscera and meridians.

But because these days, the Abyss Ye family has raised him as a "medicine", which has long strengthened his muscles and bones, and strengthened his internal organs, so he can only feel pain! Excruciating pain! But it will not be exploded, let alone die.

But all his meridians! The viscera are on the verge of bursting, the feeling of swelling to the extreme and slowly cracking, as if countless knives have been gouged deep inside the body! It is definitely not something that ordinary people can bear.

But Ye Wuji is not an ordinary person, so he endured it with his eyes wide open, without saying a word! Even though his head was covered with profuse sweat, even though his seven orifices were already bleeding slowly, he just didn't snort!

Such a scene...

It hasn't caught Ye Qianli's attention yet, but it has caught Xiao Rongyi's attention. He and his father Rong Mo are looking at Ye Wuji and Ye Hong.

This made Ye Wufang and countless abyss experts tense up, they were all waiting! When Rong Mo exerted his force again, they all guessed whether he could exert force frequently, if not, then...

Ye Wufang's eyes were dark, and what he indulged Dao Yun to do was obviously to force Rong Mo to exert his strength again. But Rong Mo didn't move, even the little Rong Yi in his arms didn't say a word, but——


Dao Sheng was applauding, and he also looked at Ye Wufang and Dao Yun sarcastically, as did Dao Yuan! This has caused many people to turn their attention from the field to the field.

Tianzun Ziyuan also noticed immediately that the small actions of Abyss City made him frowned slightly in displeasure, but he didn't say anything, and hoped that Ye Qianli in the field would not be affected.

But there are many people talking about it outside! Especially Ye Hong, he was staring at Ye Qianli in the arena at this moment and yelled——

"Ye Qianli! You killed my daughter and slaughtered my one-year-old grandson in Abyss City, and you still want to make a name for yourself here? Let me tell you, there is no way!

Don't you really want to save your grandpa? Then you should look over here, look at me, Ye Hong! An old father, an old grandfather, how could he abuse you! grandfather. "

Say that! Ye Hong had already drawn his sword, and pierced Ye Wuji's back from Ye Wuji's shoulder blade, very skillfully, he missed the vital point, but pierced Ye Wuji's back through the skin and flesh.

The pain of peeling begins here! But Ye Wuji still didn't say a word, even though his eyes were red with pain, his iron bones made him bear everything.

This made Ye Hong's eyes even more serious! But he could feel that there was an invisible murderous intent locked on him, but he was not afraid at all!

He didn't believe that someone could pass through the abyss, Ye's many strong men, and really kill him! Therefore, he had directly peeled off the skin of Ye Wuji's back in an instant.


The prison car was drenched red.


Xiao Rongyi has already tore his father's clothes, his big eyes with lavender light are full of fury! The color of cruelty.

But he didn't bark! He just kept, kept staring at Ye Hong! As for Ye Hong, he could never have imagined that the first murderous intent he felt actually came from Xiao Rongyi.

Because at this moment, Rong Mo had already covered the little guy's eyes, and if there was any murderous intent, he would let him out, locking onto Ye Hong! This made Ye Wufang's eyes darken.

Dao Yun is forcing Ye Qianli!

Ye Wufang is forcing Rong Mo!

Different routes lead to the same goal, but there is also a tacit understanding.

for a while...

"Damn! It's so despicable, if this continues, the second idiot will definitely be affected, and the prince of the second idiot's family is not suitable to take action at this time." The magic box felt a little "heart".

But wait!


The magic box ran into Ye Qianli's sea of ​​consciousness suddenly, and found Taiyi God Flower and Taiyi True Water without disturbing Ye Qianli, "Hey, Xiaohua! Xiaohua, Xiaoshui! Xiaoshui... ..."

But at the same time!

Ye Hong had dried out a piece of bloody human skin, and shouted at Ye Qianli again, "Tsk tsk, Ye Qianli! Why can't you continue the game?

Just take a look, this is the skin that the old man took from your adoptive grandfather. It's not broken at all. Don't you take a look at the whole back of the skin? "

To match his words, the prison car was turned around, Ye Wuji's bloody back! It is presented in front of many people like this, and it can be seen...

"Hiss..." Many people who have never seen such a bloody scene couldn't help gasping, the key is...

"What is that?" Dao Yuan couldn't help asking, because he found that there seemed to be something inside the old man's body? But what is that! ?

"Gu worms?" Dao Sheng's face was a bit ugly, he had better eyesight than Dao Yuan, he could see that those ghost things were all drilled in the old man's veins, as if they were devouring and gnawing on something.

This made Dao Sheng feel his scalp go numb! What's more, among the others, only the members of the Demon Sect looked normal, so the people outside the arena subconsciously began to complain, "Pervert! I didn't expect that Abyss City's methods are so despicable."

"You can't blame this Ye Hong either. His daughter and grandson were all killed by this person's granddaughter. What if you? Can you treat such an enemy kindly?"

"Then this method is too perverted! Damn, what the hell are those strips? They can still move! My God, that old man is also a bull, and he can still keep silent..."

The discussion is getting louder! But this was the effect Ye Hong wanted, but it was a pity that the dead old man didn't cooperate, Ye Qianli seemed to be still concentrating on refining the weapon, and didn't notice it at all.

That being the case...

Ye Hong poked the sword into the prison car again, and this time!

His sword landed on Ye Wuji's arm, and he roared at the same time, "Ye Qianli, if you don't look over here, I will slowly chop your grandfather's limbs into pieces!"

As soon as this statement comes out!


The audience was in an uproar! But at this moment!

The moment Ye Hong finished yelling——


Ye Hong fell to the ground suddenly, suddenly...


PS: If you think Prince Mei is handsome, please vote wildly——If you think Little Leopard is cute, please vote wildly——

Want to know who are the handsome guys in the book? "Crazy Doctor and Waste Material Concubine" handsome guy list is being serialized on the "Lianjue" work account. Babies who haven't followed it yet pay attention to it. There are a lot of benefits~

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