Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 823 Triple slap in the face! Ancient Abyss 4 more

So as soon as Ye Qianli said this, Dao Yun sneered confidently, "You can try."

In Dao Yun's view, since the dead old man was sent to the abyss by her, there is no possibility of being rescued, that place! Even she can't come in and out freely, because her surname is not Ye.

But just after she finished speaking, Ye Wufang's voice suddenly sounded from behind everyone, "Since Miss Qianli is of the blood of the abyss, she can go there herself."

It's not over yet...

Ye Wufang not only agreed to let Ye Qianli go, but when he approached everyone, he suddenly said, "Because of the special situation today, you can also go together."


"Husband?" Dao Yun was obviously a little confused, and her face was naturally aching with burning pain. After all, she was so determined that Ye Qianli and others could not go to the forbidden area of ​​the abyss, so she was confident.

But in the blink of an eye, she was slapped in the face again! ?

First Zi Tianzun, then Ye Wuhei, and now Ye Wufang, three face-slaps in a row... Both of them completely disregarded the dignity of her mistress of the abyss! ?

Forget about others, Ye Wufang! He is her Dao Yun's husband, and what she does, no matter from which aspect, is beneficial to Ye Fu.


What is she planning so hard for? Is it just to let them, one by one, humiliate her in front of everyone like this?

The key is that Ye Wufang hasn't looked at Dao Yun yet, he only looked at Ye Qianli's family and the powerful men and said, "Everyone, come with the Patriarch."

And those who came with him were Ye Lao Liu who was not at the banquet hall before, Feng Yuan Tianzun who disappeared in the midfield, and many elders of the Ye clan.

It can be seen that they were supposed to be planning to have a banquet together, but they came together because they heard about the incident here.

Except for Ye Wufang himself, the rest! Including Ye Laoliu and the elders of the various clans, they all obviously looked stunned at this moment, it can be seen that no one expected that Ye Wufang would make such a decision! ?


"Brother, is this wrong?" Ye Wuhao also asked bluntly.

Hearing that, Dao Yun quickly calmed down and said, "What fourth uncle said is right, I'm afraid my husband's move is inappropriate."

"Patriarch..." Some clan elders also wanted to dissuade,

But Ye Wufang said, "Nowadays, someone has defiled my abyss, the Ye family guards and steals, no matter what the truth is, it is natural to investigate thoroughly.

Although my Abyss Ye family is not a famous and decent family, but I have never committed any treachery. Since Ye Qianli won the bet contract, she is willing to gamble and admit defeat. "

As soon as this statement came out...

Before the pale-faced Dao Yun could say anything, Ziyuan Tianzun put on his hat and said, "Patriarch Ye is faithful, let me have the honor to see the forbidden land of the abyss."

"Patriarch Ye is faithful,..." All the bosses also praised one after another, and they were naturally very happy to see the mysterious abyss forbidden land of Ye Mansion.

Then, under the guidance of Ye Wufang, this group of bigwigs with different ideas and Ye Qianli's family headed towards the forbidden area of ​​the abyss unimpeded.

But it is not easy to go to this forbidden place. The light teleportation array has turned a few times, and there are many places! Obviously, the blood of Abyss Ye's direct line is needed to get through the mechanism.

Just this layout...

It also made De Yunzhong sigh. "It's no wonder Patriarch Ye has nothing to worry about. With the organs, formations, and exclusive teleportation formations along the way, there is absolutely no one in the world, and he has no power to force his way."

"That's right, my Buddhist Sutra Pavilion is not so well-planned." The old living Buddha also rubbed the beads and said, his compassionate eyes were full of kindness.

But it's not true and kind, so Ye Qianli has reservations. After all, because of the divine envoy, she doesn't have a good impression of the monk at all, and the little leopard in her arms obviously doesn't like the monk either, he can't even care He glared at the living Buddha with traces.

But the Living Buddha was so perceptive, he immediately turned his head to look at the little guy, that's not enough! The merciful Living Buddha also said kindly, "Miss Qianli, you little boy has a predestined relationship with my Buddhism."

Before Ye Qianli could say anything, the little guy in her arms was staring at the living Buddha angrily, with a lavender gleam looming in his eyes.

But Rong Mo had already put his hand on the little guy's bald head, and replied indifferently, "He will grow his hair in a few years." The implication is that if you are not bald, you are destined for your Buddhist sect.

This made many bigwigs smile, the old living Buddha didn't say anything more, just smiled and nodded to Xiao Rongyi, and continued to read scriptures with lowered eyes.

"Huh!" The little guy snorted coldly, then reached out to touch his little bald head, with a dignified face, such a small appearance...

"Pfft ha ha ha ha..." Hong Xiaodao said that he couldn't help laughing, and he even reached out to touch the little bald head, almost laughing.

But as soon as he stretched out his hand, he was "slapped" flying, and Xiao Rongyi even gave him a glare! But he is too cute, staring is not lethal, Hong Xiaodao still smiles.

The little one was so angry that his hands were clenched into fists, so Rong Mo slapped the red knife on the back of the head, hitting the latter so hard that he couldn't laugh, and the little one looked slightly relaxed.

Seeing that Ye Qianli only thought it was a little funny to kiss her, she had a bald head, but her smile was obviously far-fetched, because she was more worried about the old man.


Although Dao Yun didn't say anything particularly clear, Ye Qianli was not stupid, she could infer that her grandfather who had entered the forbidden area of ​​the abyss must be in danger.

If she guesses right! Her grandfather should have been brought in for the awakening of the so-called Ye Tianjiao, such speculation made her very anxious.

Fortunately, Ye Wufang still acted quickly, and within the time of a cup of tea, he led everyone through the last teleportation array and arrived at an open place.


In an instant, the big brothers from all directions were shocked by the ancient rhyme and ancient breath, because it was too strong! It's so pure, it makes people feel like returning to ancient times.

The key is! Many bigwigs have a feeling of being suppressed by power, this...

This made the new suzerain of the Demon Sect say in a deep voice, "Patriarch Ye, it seems that this place is close to the abyss forbidden area of ​​your clan, and the demon skills of this suzerain have been suppressed."

"That's right, a thousand miles ahead is the root of my Abyss Ye's origin and strength, and there is an ancient abyss that my Abyss Ye has never explored and understood even after tens of millions of years of exploration.

It has a domineering suppression of any alien force, but you don't have to worry, when you leave this place, this suppression will no longer exist. "Ye Wufang said eloquently.

Hearing the big bosses from all sides complaining in their hearts, I just feel that this is Ye Wufang's downfall at all! Otherwise, why didn't you mention this to them earlier so that they could be mentally prepared?


"Miss Qianli, how do you feel?" Ye Lao Liu stared at Ye Qianli who looked normal and asked, because he was absolutely sure this time! Ye Qianli has abyssal blood in her body.

But specifically how...

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