Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 824 Forbidden Land Layout! Find grandpa 5 more votes

Only Ye Qianli knew it, but she didn't respond to Ye Lao Liu, she just raised her eyes and looked forward, and in her sea of ​​consciousness, the magic box had already barked and said, "Second idiot, it's really an ancient abyss! "

"Wow! Wow!..." A certain little leopard even waved its hands, eager to fly! If his father hadn't been holding him down, he would have flown down.

And the little guy's little action naturally made everyone look at him and Ye Qianli, but what no one noticed was that when Feng Yuan Tianzun also "looked" at the couple, he still Chao Rongmo nodded slightly.

This little action is so small! The point is that everyone is watching Ye Qianli's family, so no one has noticed Feng Yuan Tianzun's little move.

What's more, Ye Qianli has already smashed her baby in her arms, and dashed forward! This made Dao Yun's expression change slightly, but Ye Wufang didn't let anyone stop him, he just followed.

"Let's go, let's have a look..." Seeing this, the big brothers followed suit one after another. After all, they had all come to this place, so there was no reason to retreat, even though the weirdness of this place made them feel a little uncomfortable.


And at the same time.


Ye Qianli, who was at the forefront, was already standing! One is tens of millions of miles long, and the width cannot see the edge! On the edge of the black abyss.

It's really dark...

Looking from top to bottom, this abyss is nothing but black! It's just black, not only without a little bit of light, but also without any breath of life, and it's dead silent.

After following up, Ziyuan Tianzun, who had released endless spiritual power into the abyss, asked in a little astonishment, "No one?"

The big bosses who followed behind were also a little stunned, they thought it was! This is not only the forbidden area of ​​the Abyss Ye family, but also the foundation of the development of the Abyss Ye family, so there must be many people practicing here.


No hair?

What do they come to see?

Is it really to see places of interest?

This is not their purpose.

But the problem is that in this abyss that is tens of millions of miles long and whose width cannot be measured or evaluated, there is no trace of vitality where their spiritual power passes.

But this is absolutely impossible! There must be someone in the abyss, so what's going on?

All the bosses wanted to know, but of course Ye Wufang wouldn't answer the question, he just looked at Ye Qianli and asked, "So, Miss Qianli is sure that the person is here?"

Such a question, before Ye Qianli could answer, a certain little one in her arms nodded affirmatively, and he was still watching her mother waving towards the abyss!

He was sure that the great grandfather was right below.


"Is his judgment really trustworthy?" De Yunzhong asked in doubt.

And De Yunzhong's question is obviously also the question of the big guys. After all, they can't perceive anything, so they don't believe it. Can this kid feel something?


"Yes." Rong Mo responded calmly, and he was still walking towards the edge of the abyss, seeing Ye Wufang immediately stopped him and said, "Young Master Rong, you'd better stand a little farther away."

Ye Wufang didn't care about others, but this Rong Mo! In view of the weirdness of this person, he will not let him get close to the abyss, so as to save any trouble.

But Rong Mo who was stopped didn't force him, he just said in a low voice, "In this abyss, there are ninety-nine eighty-one training rooms, more than half of them are people, about 50,000 people are practicing, the saint five There are 30,000 people on the altar, and the remaining talented people are all elites."

As soon as this statement came out...


The faces of everyone at the scene changed, including Ye Laoliu, Ye Wufang, and a group of Ye clan elders! They all stared at Rong Mo with ugly faces.

Because they didn't expect that Rong Mo could detect it! All the layouts in their abyss forbidden area? But even the saints in their clan can't discern so clearly when they are on the edge of the abyss.

As for the other bosses, their faces were even more ugly!

among other things...

Damn it!

Who will tell them what happened to the Five Saints?

we agreed!

What about the Abyss Ye Mansion where there is only one saint sitting in town all year round?


The five people in this forbidden area, aren't they the saints who sit in Yefu?

Depend on!


All the bosses really want to swear at this moment, because they all know that there are absolutely not so many saints in their forces.

What's more...

Thirty thousand altars!


Can you be a little more perverted?

This is only the altar-level powerhouses who are practicing, not including those who are at the altar-level in Ye Mansion, this is really...

No wonder the Abyss Ye family has been so rampant these years! This confidence is really strong! very full...

for a while...


The big guys are a little uneasy.

What's more, Hong Xiaodao is so funny, he has already said bluntly, "Brother Rong, you tell the truth like this and let us know so much, what if we are silenced?"


"Shut up!"

Ziyuan Tianzun and De Yunzhong scolded the unrestrained red knife together, and Ziyuan Tianzun went on to say, "Since Patriarch Ye asked me to wait, there is nothing inappropriate for outsiders."

"That's right, Patriarch Ye is generous, and I can't compare it to Beast Realm."

"I can't compare it, I can't compare it..." The big guys also expressed their opinions one after another, but they were speaking from their hearts. They were really shocked by the strength of the Abyss Ye family!

Of course, they were also shocked by Rong Mo's abnormality! This little guy is just...

But Ye Qianli didn't care how shocked others were, she looked at Ye Wufang and said bluntly, "I want to go down."

"Don't even think about it!" Dao Yun resolutely said from the sidelines, she never expected the matter to develop to this point, especially Rong Mo's words made her realize it! She really has omissions.

At this moment, Dao Yun can no longer be sure! Ye Qianli would definitely not be able to take that dead old man away, and would not be able to affect her son's talent for awakening the Dark Lord, so she couldn't be so sure.

So she must stop it! She will never allow Ye Qianli to go down the abyss, never!

But Ye Qianli didn't look at Dao Yun at all, she just looked at Ye Wufang and said again, "I want to go down, and if I find my grandfather, I believe I can take him away."

"You..." Dao Yun was about to interrupt, she couldn't keep her calm now, but Ye Laoliu had already stood in front of her, and gave her a cold look, so that she couldn't stop the words in her mouth speak out.

But Ye Wufang, who was being stared at by Ye Qianli, did not bluntly refuse, he only asked, "Are you sure, you want to go down?"

"Yes." Of course Ye Qianli was sure, and the certain little leopard in her arms nodded with absolute certainty.

This made everyone subconsciously stare at Ye Wufang, but he nodded sharply and said, "Well, since Miss Qianli insists...

The Patriarch also bluntly told you that you can go down if you want, but your husband cannot accompany you, and I, Abyss Ye, will not be responsible for your life or death in the abyss. "

ps: Today's 5 update is over, oh~ I'm already on my knees... I'm physically disabled and determined to hold on, dear friends holding tickets, it's time to vote! Otherwise, this seat will cry out with a "wow"~

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