Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 825 Big and small leopards, the game of entering ink 1 more

As soon as he finished speaking, Ziyuan Tianzun objected, "Patriarch Ye's words are inappropriate. If people are really in this abyss, it is enough to show that this was done by your Ye family. How can you Ye family do it?" Not responsible for Miss Qianli's safety?"

"Master's words are very true!" Hong Xiaodao immediately expressed his opinion. He only thought that he was a good cheap master, and he was telling the truth.

But Ye Wufang responded, "Something Zi Tianzun doesn't know is that I am a member of the Abyss Ye family. Anyone who wants to go down to the abyss to practice is conceited in life and death. After all, my Abyss Ye family can't control this abyss. The Lord is alive again."

"Then let Mr. Rong Xiaolang go down with him." Ziyuan Tianzun said, as if he was firmly in Ye Qianli's camp, which also made Ye Wufang's eyes darken slightly.

However, the clan elders of the Abyss Ye Clan have already objected, "This Mr. Rong must not go down into the abyss, not from my Ye clan, not even the mistress of my clan, let alone outsiders? "

"That's right, the Patriarch has been tolerant enough to Miss Qianli, and can't make any more concessions."


But Daosheng said, "I am afraid that the elders of the Ye family have not figured out the situation. Now someone from your Ye family framed and slandered the suzerain to murder Grandpa Qianli. Now that the clues have been traced to this point, I am afraid that you have no right to object."

"That's right! Find someone, find out the truth, and give Daozong an explanation, otherwise this matter will never end!" Dao Yuan also said in a deep voice.

It was only after Daoyuan finished speaking that Daoyun said coldly, "It's really unknown what the truth is now, but Junior Brother Yuan is so sure that people are really in this abyss? Just relying on this baby's gestures, I don't know ridiculous?

According to what my mistress said, this girl Ye Qianli is probably only using this little boy to create so many things for the sake of entering the abyss. Don't go too far, and want to drag your family down. "

But this time, Dao Yun's remarks were echoed by many clan elders, "That's right! What the mistress said is very true."

Hearing Ziyuan Tianzun wanted to say something more, but Rong Mo said first, "It doesn't matter whether my son goes down or not, but my son will definitely go down together."

"That's fine. Since he is Miss Qianli's flesh and blood, he is also destined for the abyss, but you can't." Ye Wufang said calmly.

This made Ye Qianli look at Rong Mo speechlessly, not knowing what he was going to do? It's fine if he doesn't go down, but he actually let her bring the child down? How can this work!

Her son was still so young, and she couldn't push him into the ancient battlefield. What if he was in danger? She is fine! At least there is still a place to hide for a while, but what about Xiao Yi'er? If something really happened, wouldn't it be cold...

So for Rong Mo's arrangement, not to mention Ye Qianli choking silently, even if Ziyuan Tianzun and the big guys are speechless, the Qilin King couldn't help but said, "It's not me, Mr. Rong, this kid can't be you My own, right?"

"Wow!" A certain little one immediately yelled, and the eyes staring at the Qilin King were full of hunting. He wanted to eat this big meat for a long time, but the Qilin King still provoked him.

But Rong Mo had clearly made up his mind, so he ignored the Qilin King, he just stretched out his hand to touch the bald head of this little leopard and told him, "I want to take your mother to find grandpa, you know?"

"Ah!" A certain little one nodded immediately "accepting the order", and eagerly embraced Ye Qianli's neck, urging her to get down quickly.

Ye Qianli was almost drunk, and she wanted to say that her son should stay on it, but the magic box barked, "You idiot! Your son also has the blood of the abyss, and he must be very good. There will only be benefits to taking him down." harm!"

"What if?" It's not that Ye Qianli didn't think about the intention of Rong Mo's arrangement, but she was afraid! Just in case, this is her child, he is still so young.

"Since your beautiful prince dares to let him go down with you, he must be absolutely sure! Hurry up, go down and have a look first." The magic box was a little bit complaining.

But it also understands Ye Qianli's "mother-in-law". After all, to her, Xiao Rongyi is as important as Rong Mo, so it's normal for her to be unsure.

"Go." And Rong Mo seemed to cooperate with the words of the magic box, he nodded firmly towards Ye Qianli, and there was a look in his eyes that made Ye Qianli feel at ease.

With him like this, Ye Qianli nodded with confidence in her heart. She has always believed in Rong Mo, very much! So since he was so sure that it would be fine, she didn't think about it any more.

So Ye Qianli, under the stunned gaze of everyone, stopped talking nonsense and threw her baby in her arms, and jumped directly into the abyss! this...that...

"Fuck! Just jump down like this?" Hong Xiaodao touched his heart in astonishment, and looked down into the abyss in a daze, only to see that Ye Qianli had been quickly submerged in the darkness, leaving no trace.

"..." |

All the bosses at the scene were also full of "...", I just felt that Ye Qianli's dance was too reckless, it felt like she was hugging her son to seek death.

Even Ye Wufang and other Abyss Ye family powerhouses have expressions of embarrassment, after all, even if they want to go to the abyss, that's not the way to do it!

But Ye Wufang obviously wouldn't say this kind of words, but Ye Laoliu said, he looked at Rong Mo and said, "You just let her jump like this? Do you know how deep this abyss is? Even if I, Ye Lao Liu has never jumped down so recklessly in an abyss."

"What?" Hong Xiaodao was really confused!

Ziyuan Tianzun's expression was also very ugly, and the other big bosses all looked very strange. If it wasn't for their status, they would all want to ask Rong Mo, "Brother, are you annoying this little wife? Do you want to hurt her like this... ..."

Ye Lao Liu didn't even dare to dance like that! Ye Qianli is jumping like this, isn't she going to die?

But Rong Mo replied Shi Shiran, "You and her are naturally different."

"..." Ye Lao Liu didn't know what to say, and he couldn't say anything clearly, but he didn't feel that Rong Mo was sending Ye Qianli to die.

But he doesn't understand! Why can Ye Qianli jump down so fearlessly? Even if her abyssal bloodline is extremely strong, and she even awakens the talent of the dark master, she can't be so fearless.

After all, Ye Wufang was right, this abyss! Even for the strong men of their Abyss Ye family, it is dangerous, and they have not explored it at all.

But whether it's Ye Lao Liu or Ye Wufang! They didn't know that Ye Qianli, who jumped into the abyss, could actually be in the abyss, like walking on the ground.

Because she completely controls the power of the abyss! The whole abyss is like a fish in water to her, and the danger she worries about has nothing to do with the abyss itself. What she worries about is the powerful Ye family in the abyss.


"Shua! Shua!..."

Ye Qianli initially maintained the speed of free landing, without the power to stimulate the blood at all! Let yourself fall, keep falling!


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