Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 845 The little reunion, tearing up the family 3 more

"Grandpa!" Ye Qianli rushed over, but a certain little one was faster! He floated in front of the old man in an instant, but he didn't dare to bump into it.

However, Ye Wuji waved his hand to signal one big one and one small one not to worry, and he calmed down before opening his eyes! Those are a pair of clear old eyes that are bright and slightly purple, full of energy! Nothing wrong.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you? Let me see." Ye Qianli stretched out his hand to take the pulse, and the little flower fell down at this moment, "biu" grew from the old man's wrist, and then wrapped around Ye Qianli's fingers, trying to melt back Inside Ye Qianli's body.

But it just showed up, and a certain little one grabbed it with sharp eyesight and quick hands! It was also so startled that Xiao Huahua hurriedly screamed at Ye Qianli, "Miss, help me—"

But Ye Qianli was checking the pulse, but he couldn't "save" it in time, so Xiao Huahua was caught in Xiao Rongyi's hand and looked at it, and when he looked at it, Xiao Huahua bloomed more flowers, wrapping up the little big boss to please her arms, little bald head...


Sirius couldn't hold back his laughter.


Xiao Rongyi tensed her little face, and stuffed Xiao Huahua into her mouth, which made Xiao Huahua scream again, "Miss, help me—the little boss wants to eat me!"

Ye Qianli quickly looked at Xiao'er and said, "Don't eat it, it's mother's talent. If you eat it, what will mother do in the future?"

But Xiao Rongyi held his breath, and then spit out the little flower, and then said "wow" to it a few times, meaning that it is not allowed to grow flowers on his body.

The little flower swayed its petals again and again "nodding". Although it didn't understand, it couldn't be offended! Anyway, just nod.

Only then did Xiao Rongyi touch its small petals in satisfaction, and then returned it to Ye Qianli, and then looked at Ye Wuji, who was also looking at him.

"Wow!" Xiao Rongyi yelled, and stretched out a pair of small hands to the old man, arrogantly asking the old man to hug him instead of him rushing towards him.

"Hahahaha..." Ye Wuji immediately reached out and hugged the little one! He touched his little bald head again, and said with a smile, "You little brat!"

"Wow!" Xiao Rongyi hugged his head and protested, he won't let people touch his head anymore!

But the old man didn't care, touched a few more and didn't say anything, he pinched his tender face and said, "What's the matter? Grandpa touched a few and didn't give it up? You're not a girl, don't be coquettish."

"Wow!" Xiao Rongyi protested angrily with wide eyes.

"Hahaha..." Ye Wuji just laughed, and rubbed him into his arms again, "You have a big temper, your grandpa has suffered so much, and now he is finally safe, you shouldn't give it to your grandpa. Smile?"

"Wow!..." Xiao Rongyi yelled suddenly, the grandpa was dirty and rubbed him! bad……

But his name was Gui Ming, but he didn't struggle. He just had a little bun face, which made Ye Qianli want to laugh, but she asked first, "Did Grandpa feel uncomfortable?"

Although she found out after the examination that the old man's injury was mainly due to the sudden impact of the last impact, it was not particularly serious, but she was a little worried.

"It's okay! What can be the matter? Grandpa is fine. He has never been so good. I feel that he can live another two hundred years. It seems that this kid will have no problem marrying a wife and having children." Ye Wuji didn't think there was anything wrong. Full of power.

So he stood up straight away and said, "Go, go up and tear up those bastards! Grandpa can't wait any longer, his grandma's!"

"Okay, you need to heal your injury first!" Ye Qianli said while pulling him down.

Ye Wuji sat down with some reluctance, but Sirius already said from the side, "Leaving this abyss, I am weak in spirit and body, and at most I can fight the weakest saint, and they have five saints. "

"That's also..." Ye Wuji originally wanted to say, "I'm not afraid of that", but Ye Qianli glared at him, and he didn't say anything. In fact, he also "saw" what kind of form it was.

There are five saints here in our family, and there is a young man who has the combat power of saints, which adds up to six saints, and he can deal with two at most.

The sick son-in-law can deal with one, and the Sirius can deal with one, and it is a bit difficult to deal with the other two. What's more, there are still many strong people below the saints in this family, and the wolves in the abyss can't get out.

In this case……

"Then lure them down?" Ye Wuji felt that if the battlefield was set in the abyss, it would definitely be the best! Sure to win.

Ye Qianli gave him an angry look, "The people in my family are so cunning, they will find a way to run away when they come down and see that you are old, and the body of the saint is so strong! Sirius didn't even tear it Broken guy, I'm afraid you won't be able to tear it up in a while."

As soon as she finished speaking, Sirius Slaughter said unconvincedly, "Master, it must be a subordinate, it's because he doesn't have a physical body, otherwise he must be torn to pieces!"

"That's right, I have a physical body!" Ye Wuji said immediately, but he also knew that it might be more difficult to encircle and suppress these people.

But Ye Qianli said with a clear heart, "Although these people in my family are generally despicable, they are not stupid. Some of them think too highly of themselves, but they can correct their miscalculations in time. If we fight with them, we will end up losing both. maximum."

"Master, take me down to the abyss, and when I return to my physical body, I will surely win this battle!" But Killing Sirius said surprisingly from the sidelines.

"Your body?" Ye Qianli looked at Sirius in disbelief. She always thought that Sirius' body was destroyed, but she didn't expect it to be?

"That's right, the subordinate's body is in the abyss, and I can sense that there seems to be a pure power coming out of the abyss. The master has mobilized it before, so you should be able to sense it." Sirius said.

"Yes." Ye Qianli did feel it, and then a certain little one immediately struggled out of Ye Wuji's arms, and nodded repeatedly, "Ah wow..."

"You feel it too?" Ye Qianli smiled and patted the little guy's head.

"Wow!" Xiao Rongyi nodded, and his stomach made a cooperative "grunt", and he touched his stomach to express that he wanted to eat! hungry hungry~

"Pfft! You greedy little leopard..." Ye Qianli laughed, and at the same time said with a decision, "Then go down to the abyss together, find a body for Sirius, and find food for Xiao Yier."

"Wow!" Xiao Rongyi nodded immediately, and flew over to open the door, Ye Wuji also let him go, and he laughed while watching, "This kid really answered the sentence, he can fly before he can walk. "

But Ye Qianli was not willing to let the hungry child smash her hands, she asked Sirius to help, and then they finally walked out of the practice room satisfactorily.

It's just that as soon as Ye Qianli walked out, she realized that something was wrong! The same goes for Ye Wuji, he stuffed a certain little one into his arms right away!

At the same moment—

"not good!"

ps: Another 52,000 Xiaoxiang coin red envelope was sent out for a limited time, and those who cast monthly tickets can get one round~ , There are coins, there are peripherals, group Hao read yesterday's digression, eh~]

Another: I saw a lot of cuties saying that they are going to go to school. The summer vacation has passed by in a flash. They are all studying hard. I will read the article when I have a break. (づ ̄3 ̄)づ I love you (づ ̄3 ̄) )づCome on~

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