Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 846 Eat them all! The beginning of the declaration of war 1 more

Killing Sirius said in a deep voice, "Almost forgot, there are not only my abyssal dark wolf clan in the abyss, but also the abyssal dark python! Their clan, as well as the python king, may have also recovered."

But in fact, the python king has indeed recovered, it is still looking for the purple black pearl that Xiao Rongyi sensed! Once it swallows this bead, the consequences will be disastrous.

However, Xiao Rongyi felt this, so he struggled, got his head out of his great-grandfather's arms, and pointed to the bottom and called "ah wow wow", Ye Qianli hurriedly covered his little mouth .

"Hush!" Ye Qianli knew her son's loud voice too well, she didn't want the little guy to attract that abyss python king, after all, she heard Sirius' tone, this python king is not easy!

Killing Sirius also explained at this time, "Back then, the Python King was comparable to me in strength, at least in the realm of human saints, but later I got an Abyss Dark Bead gifted by the Dark Lord, and my strength skyrocketed. able to emerge from the abyss."

"Then it's also the Heavenly Venerable Realm of Saints now?" Ye Qianli asked.

"It should be." Sirius is not particularly sure, after all, it has been so long, it is hard to say what has changed, it is now in the form of a soul, everything should be careful.

"Don't be afraid! Grandpa is here, let's go down and have a look first." Ye Wuji patted his chest and said, although he could sense the dangerous aura emanating from the bottom of the abyss, but his strength has just increased, and he is also eager to practice his hands.

Since you can't train members of the Abyss family for the time being, it's good to practice some kind of Abyss Python King! What's more, he saw the little one in his arms, pointing down all the time, obviously eager to get down!

Therefore, Ye Wuji comforted the little bald head in his arms and said, "Grandpa will take you down right away, little Yi'er, don't worry."

"Wow!" The little guy nodded heavily, and kept waving his hands to urge him.

Ye Qianli asked Sirius to instruct its cubs to stare at those in the training room and said, "In the training room, there are also family members who are practicing, we don't have time to talk to them, but we can't let them run away either. "

"Okay, my subordinates understand." After hearing this, Sirius went to tell the wolf cubs, and agreed that as long as someone comes out of the training room! I ate it.

Hearing Ye Wuji couldn't help saying with emotion, "Li'er has grown up."

"Since you are an enemy, you have no mercy." Ye Qianli responded lightly.

Although there may be innocent people and young people who have never done evil among the people cultivating here, but since she and her family are enemies, these will be her enemies, especially those who are strong at the altar level. Can't stay!

Ye Wuji is a veteran in the battlefield, of course he understands this truth better, so he was emotional, and couldn't help but patted his little granddaughter's head, and said, "Let's go, go down and have a look first."



The group of people and beasts sank to the bottom of the abyss at an astonishing speed, and they could hear more and more clearly the sound of "swish, rustle" rising and falling.

"Master, be careful, the abyssal python is extremely poisonous." Killing Sirius reminded, upon hearing this, Ye Wuji stuffed the little Rong Yi in his arms tighter, so as not to be accidentally bitten.

The little guy didn't resist, he just stayed in his grandpa's arms, staring carefully at the dark abyss with his big round eyes.

But in his perception, he can perceive that there are many "dragons" crawling, but none of them are very delicious! More delicious ones are below, below!

But Ye Qianli at this meeting asked with a little perception, "Sirius, is there an underground palace here?"

"Yes, that is the residence of the dark lord back then, and it is also where we are going now." Sirius responded, and at the same time carefully sensed, where is the former enemy?

However, Killing Sirius didn't sense the python king for a long time, so it reminded more vigilantly, "The python king must have woken up and is already hiding somewhere, we have to be careful."

"Okay." Ye Qianli nodded, and she could vaguely feel that there was a great danger in front of them, and she suspected that the python king was right ahead.

Although they were very vigilant, their speed did not slow down, so they quickly arrived at a group of caves.

Ye Qianli felt it carefully, and found that there were not many caves, only a dozen or so, and the largest cave was very deep and wide, and it was inside this cave! Seems like something good?

This made Ye Qianli ask involuntarily, "Sirius, did the Dark Lord leave behind any treasures back then?"

"No." Sirius replied affirmatively, after all, since the dark lord of the abyss had already married and established a business back then, all his possessions were naturally moved to the abyss.

Ye Qianli frowned upon hearing this, and then asked, "Then where is your physical body?"

"Master, come with me." Sirius Wolf responded, and led the way ahead, about to turn to a side cave, but it just turned around, and a certain little one immediately grabbed Ye Wuji's white beard unwillingly.

"Ouch!" Ye Wuji was caught off guard, and was really hurt by this little one, so he naturally paid attention to the little guy in his arms.

"Ah... ah..." As for Xiao Rongyi at this meeting, he called in a low voice, and then waved his little hands in the direction he was going.

"You boy." Ye Wuji looked amused, only thought that his little great-grandson was so big-minded, that he didn't agree to go where the adults were going.

"Yi'er, let's help Uncle Wolf first, and bring you here later, okay?" Ye Qianli discussed with Xiao'er.

It won't work if you don't discuss it. If he gets angry, then he doesn't care about it! I'm afraid there will be trouble soon, I want to scream! I'm going to yell.

But generally speaking, he is reasonable and obedient.


"..." Xiao Rongyi shook his head in refusal, and at the same time he said "ah wow wow..." in a low voice, expressing that he wanted to go in quickly.

Killing Sirius immediately compromised and said, "Master, I'm not in a hurry, just follow my little master's wishes and go to the main cave to have a look."

"Okay." Ye Qianli pinched the child's tender face, this careless little villain.

Xiao Rongyi covered his face and slipped into his great-grandfather's arms, but as soon as the group entered the cave, Ye Wuji pressed him tight! He, who is already the saint Tianzun, can sense it in the dark! There is a dangerous atmosphere in the cave.

Although Ye Qianli has no perception for the time being, both she and the magic box feel a little weird! Because when they were outside, they could feel that there was something pure in energy, but when they came in, it was gone! ?

The key is……

"Miss sister! Miss sister, the surrounding atmosphere is poisonous." The immature voice of Taiyi Shenhua was still reminding urgently at this moment, and at the same time, it had also silently exuded healing air.

Ye Qianli held the hands of Ye Wuji and Xiao Rongyi, letting Taiyi Shenhua heal her, but at this moment...


If there is a snake letter nozzle, spit it at Xiao Rongyi! In an instant—

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