Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 850: Awkward Little Leopard! love mother 2 more


The little colorful snake shrank back in shock, and looked at Ye Qianli in surprise.


And Xiao Rongyi who was beaten was obviously a little confused, he probably didn't expect that his mother who loved him would suddenly beat him, not lightly! He felt a little pain.

The key is……

"Crack! Crack!"

Ye Qianli slapped him twice more, comparing each other vigorously, Ye Wuji opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't say anything, because he knew why his granddaughter hit this little guy.


But after realizing it, Xiao Rongyi yelled aggrievedly! He was still staring at Ye Qianli, apparently questioning her why he hit her, he didn't! high! prosper! Wronged.

"You don't know why mother hit you?" Ye Qianli asked back with a calm face, her eyes were also fixed on the big eyes of the little guy, and she met his eyes.

"Wow!" The little guy yelled, and wanted to get angry. He has always been lawless, and only his father can discipline him.

But he just finished yelling, and when he was about to get angry, Ye Qianli left him, stopped hugging him, turned around and left at the same time! It also threw the little guy who was thrown on the ground into a daze.

But Ye Qianli did not go far, she walked to the place where the python king disappeared, and squatted down to check, and at the same time sent a message to the magic box that turned into the "Purple Mace", "I know how it disappeared Is it?"

"..." The magic box glanced at a certain little snake on the ground in a daze, and said to Ye Qianli's consciousness with a somewhat slow barrage, "I'm not sure, but this little snake should be clear."

Ye Qianli didn't look back at Xiao Rongyi, she stood up and activated the power of the abyss to make it more active, so that the magic box couldn't help but barrage, "What are you doing?"

"..." Ye Qianli ignored it.

Ye Wuji just looked at the small one in front of him, and then at the big one not far away, he only felt that his head was big, so he wanted to hug this small one! But Ye Qianli had already called, "Grandpa, come here."

Ye Wuji...

"Master..." Sirius couldn't bear to look at the little master who was still in a daze, but the scene just now was indeed very dangerous.

It was scared out of its wits, let alone its master! The little master didn't know what was wrong, it seemed that he really made the master very angry.

But the little master is so small, he is really small, not as big as his wolf's paw, is it really good to lose him like this? so poor……

But Ye Qianli didn't call Sirius over, although she was angry, she couldn't ignore her safety, Sirius stayed by the little guy's side and could deal with emergencies.

But she didn't look at the kid, she just exchanged a few words with the old man in a low voice, and then checked to see if there were any traps on the ground, or other abnormalities.

Xiao Rongyi: "..." He looked at his mother for a long time, but he didn't see her coming back, so he knew what was going on, his mother didn't want him anymore.

If you hit him, don't want him anymore, don't care about him, he...

"..." The little guy pursed his mouth in grievance, as if he was about to cry, but he didn't cry, but threw his fists on the ground a few times, which also made the cave "bang bang".

But Ye Qianli still didn't look at him, and let him do whatever he wanted! Ye Wuji looked at him a lot, and felt very distressed, but he also knew that his granddaughter was raising his unusual great-grandson, and it was not suitable for him to "tear down the stage" at this time.

But he whispered to Ye Qianli, "Li'er, it's not good for you, he is still young after all, what can't you tell him slowly? Don't you feel bad?"

Ye Qianli didn't speak, but how could she not feel distressed? She was very distressed, and she also knew that it was wrong for her to raise her child in this way. She should tell him well, after all, he could understand.

But that scene just now really scared her! And it made her think of what happened in Sixiangshenchi, but Rongmo had no choice but what about this small one? Just for a bite to eat, he put himself in such a dangerous situation.

He may be sure, but what if? A thoughtful person like his father has a lot of things that he can't figure out, but he is so young! Just come here arbitrarily, what about the future?

She couldn't watch him forever, but she wanted him to remember him forever! He couldn't easily put himself in danger.


"..." The silent Ye Qianli made up her mind, never look at that little one! If he doesn't compromise, she won't either. His strength is extraordinary, which means that his future path will definitely be even more extraordinary! Also full of thorns.

If he becomes a "desperado" now and doesn't care about himself, it will only get worse in the future! He can be confident, but he can't be conceited, and he must always remember it! What does he mean to her mother.



A certain little one obviously refused to give in. When he found out that his mother didn't even let him beat the ground, he cried out in grief and indignation! There is also a bit of resentment.

But Ye Qianli still didn't look at him, just doing her own thing!


Xiao Rongyi screamed louder, with tears in his big eyes, seeing that Ye Qianli ignored him no matter what, he knocked his head on the floor regardless!


The little guy has a lot of strength, he knocked so hard that the cave was shaken, watching Sirius' heart ache, the key is that he saw the little guy's head was bruised.

"Li'er..." Ye Wuji almost ran over, his voice was earnest, but Ye Qianli didn't care, as if he had a heart of stone.


Xiao Rongyi cried out with a "wow", crying very aggrieved! Very wronged, crying until Ye Qianli couldn't bear it, she looked at him.

"Wow! Wow..."

When Xiao Rongyi saw his mother coming over, he cried even more aggrieved, and beat the ground desperately! I feel that his mother doesn't love him anymore, and doesn't love him anymore.

Ye Qianli stretched out her hand towards him...


The little guy immediately jumped into her arms and cried, hitting her hand while crying! But he didn't have much strength, and wanted to bite her hand, but he didn't want to.

Then he cried "Wow! Wow..." even more aggrieved! He couldn't bear to beat his mother, so she beat him and threw him away, wow...

Ye Qianli: "..."

"Okay, don't cry anymore." Ye Wuji also coaxed helplessly, he just felt that the two of them had lost their temper and made each other petty, it seemed that his granddaughter hadn't grown up yet.

But Xiao Rongyi who was persuaded by him cried even louder! He also fiercely wiped tears on his own face, and also turned his neck to avoid looking at his mother, but his hands were firmly grasping his mother's hand.

"Look at me." Ye Qianli said.

"Hmph!" Xiao Rongyi snorted coldly, wiping away tears.

Ye Qianli straightened his little head so that he could look at her, and then kissed his bluish forehead in distress. The little guy wanted to hide awkwardly, but he didn't hide at all.

"Pfft~" Ye Qianli laughed angrily at him, and pinched his tender face with both hands, "Now, do you know what's wrong with you?"

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